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Chapter 3

Program Security
Non-Malicious Program Errors
Viruses & worms
Targeted Malicious Codes
 Trapdoors, Salami attack, Covert channels
Controls Against Program Threats
 Programming & process controls
 OS controls
 Administrative controls

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Program Security
Protection of programs is at the heart of
security in computing. Why?
Program Flaws:
 Definition
 Two types of program flaws:
 Inadvertent human errors
 Malicious, intentionally induced flaws

Why can’t we stop all program flaws?

 Complexity
 Programming and software engineering vs.
V. Sawma, Computer Security and their Data 3
Non-Malicious Program Errors
Occur due to human nature
Unintentional and nonmalicious
Cause program malfunctions
Usually do not lead to security

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Non-malicious program errors
We will consider three classic errors:
 Buffer Overflows
 Incomplete Mediation
 Time-of-Check to Time-of-Use Errors

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Buffer Overflows
The computing equivalent of trying to
pour TWO liters of water into a one-
liter pitch: some water will spill out
and make a mess…

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Buffer Overflows
Buffer  space in which data can be
Buffers reside in memory
Memory is finite
Programmers MUST declare the
buffer’s MAXIMUM size. Otherwise,
buffer overflows will occur…

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Buffer Overflows
 char sample[10];
 sample[10] = ‘A’;
 10 is out-of-bounds  buffer overflow
 Some other’s memory is over-ridden
 Overridden memory may belong to some

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Incomplete Mediation
Directly related to web applications that
use URLs to provide information…
 Proper URL was:
 Change URL to the following:
 Will the new URL work?!
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Time-of-check to Time-of-use
Is caused by the fact that access
control verification procedures may
require some time to be performed.
Malicious users may be able to spoof
the system while the system is
verifying user access control

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Time-of-check to Time-to-use
 User presents a ticket to system as follows:
 User: vsawma, file: public_database.sql, mode: full-control
 System reads the ticket and checks system access
control policy to determine whether vsawma is
allowed to access public_database.sql in full-control
mode or not. Result: user access is allowed.
 While system is checking access, the user will change
the ticket to:
 User: vsawma, file: financial_database.sql, mode: full-control
 System returns back and stamps the ticket providing
access to the database without reading the ticket
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Malicious Code
Malicious code can do much harm
 Impersonates the user
 Inherits permissions of user
Malicious code has been around long
 Before viruses were invented
 Threats and vulnerabilities exist for long
 Can be seen as malicious code

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Types of Malicious Code
 Attach to programs and propagate
Trojan horse
 Unexpected / additional functionality
Logic bomb
 Triggers on met condition
Time bomb
 Triggers on time
Trapdoor (backdoor)
 Unauthorized access to functionality
 Propagates through networks
 Replicate to exhaust resources
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Virus vs. Worm
What’s the difference between a virus and a
 A virus attaches itself to another program; a
worm does not.
 A virus may rely on a variety of transmission
media; a worm transmit itself across the
 Both viruses and worms duplicate themselves
when executed.

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How do viruses work?
A virus is activated by being executed.

A virus attaches to a “good” program, the

carrier, by
 Appending
 Surrounding
 Integrating
 Replacing

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Homes for Viruses
A “good” virus is:
 Hard to detect
 Hard to destroy or deactivate
 Spreads infection widely
 Can re-infect
 Easy to create
 Machine independent
 Operating system independent

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Boot Sector Viruses
The bootstrap load process
The boot sector
Block chaining: Each block of the bootstrap
is chained to the next block.
A virus may attach itself to any block in the
chain, or may replace the boot sector.
Bootstrap Loader System initialization Other

Virus Code System initialization Bootstrap Loader

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Other Homes for Viruses
Memory-Resident Viruses
 Resident codes/routines (TSR)
Application programs
 Example: Word macros
 Example: DLLs
Compilers, loaders, linkers, debuggers,
antivirus software
Anything else not mentioned in the book?
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Virus Signatures

The signature of a virus is composed of

the following characteristics:
– Storage patterns
– Execution patterns (Table 3.2, p.122)
– Transmission patterns

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Virus Signatures (cont’d)
Storage Patterns
 A pattern attached to a file
 Invariant position
 Same relative position vs. conditional jump
 File size
 Changed vs. obliterated
 Virus scanners can scan for:
 Suspicious patterns
 virus signatures
 Modified checksums
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Virus Signatures (cont’d)
Execution Patterns (table 3-2)
 Modify file directory, Write to executable
program file
 Rewrite/append data
 Intercept interrupt, load into nontransient
memory area
 Classify self as “hidden” or “system” file
 Many of these are “normal” behaviors

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Virus Signatures (cont’d)
Polymorphic viruses
 A virus that can change its appearance. For
example: having two different starting words.

Preventing virus infection (pp.124-126)

 Reliable, well-established vendors
 Test new software on isolated computer
 Retain safe bootable diskette
 Retain backup copies of executable files
 Use virus detectors
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Brain Virus
What it does?
 Seeks to pass infection
 Appears to have no effect (test?)
How it spreads?
 Uses sector numbers as signatures
 If disk is not infected, it infects it
What was learned?
 Standard tricks: hiding in boot sector,
intercepting and screening interrupts.
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The Morris Worm
Named after Robert T. Morris Jr.
Nov. 1988
Took advantages of well-known UNIX flaws:
user passwords, finger, sendmail
An irony lead to exhaustion of resources
Positive result: The CERT (Computer
Emergency Response Team) was
established at Carnegie Mellon University.

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The Bugbear Worm
As recent as Sept./Oct. 2002
A mass-mailing worm, attempting to send itself
to email addresses found on an infected system
It also spreads through open network shares
and has the ability to send print jobs to printers
found on an infected network.
Once the virus is run, it will attempt to disable
various security products, including many
forms of anti-virus and personal firewall
It will also attempt to install a backdoor trojan
that will allow a hacker access to the infected

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The Bugbear Worm

It makes use of the “

Incorrect MIME Header Can Cause IE to Execut
e E-mail Attachment vulnerability
” in Microsoft Internet Explorer (v 5.01 or 5.5
without SP2). Simply opening or previewing an
infected message in a vulnerable email reader
can result in infection.
More details:

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Code Red Virus
 The original Code Red virus spread to
250,000 computers in only 9 hours.
This happened on July 9th 2001
 Impacts:
 Internet speed slows
 Web page outages
 disruption of applications like e-mail
Code Red Virus
Two variants of Code Red worm
Windows NT or Windows 2000
operating systems were infected
The most expensive virus in the
history of the Internet
Total damage was estimated to be
about $1.2 billion
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How the Code Red Virus spreads
It identifies a target server
It then runs a program that causes a file to
crash on the server
The worm scans for other vulnerable servers
and multiples
It creates additional traffic in the network
other than that coming from outside
Thus the bandwidth is all clogged up results
in slowing down the communication

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W32 Blaster Worm (MS Blaster)

Exploits the RPC vulnerability on the

windows machine
Copies msblast.exe onto the system
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Infects Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Linux, Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 95,
Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT
are not infected

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Nimda virus
Opening or previewing an e-mail, with the infected
file attached, spreads the virus.
User’s using Microsoft Outlook, the virus will send
itself to everyone in that user's Address Book.
The virus can attack "back doors" in web servers,
and possibly even get into webpages.
If a computer user visits one of these infected
webpages, they too will be infected
If one machine on a network is infected, this
computer will look for other systems that it has
access to and infect them also.

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Targeted Malicious Codes
Trapdoors (pp.137-139)
 A trapdoor is a secret, undocumented
entry point into a module.
 A trapdoor is usually placed in a program
during development, and may be used by
a programmer to gain access to the
program when it is placed into production
 Stubs and Drivers
 Debugging code
V. Sawma, Computer Security and their Data 32
Salami attack
 salami: a highly seasoned sausage of pork
and beef either dried or fresh
 Salami attacks occur in programs that
compute amounts of money.
 A small amount of money is shaved from
each computation.
 Example: truncation of fractional cents
during computation of interest (p.140)
 Hard to detect in a large program
 Rounding and truncation
V. Sawma, Computer Security and their Data 33
Covert Channels
Covert channel: a program that leaks
 A type of Trojan horse
 How? In addition to normal, proper
communication channels, a program opens
covert channels to leak information to
unauthorized viewers (Fig. 3-12, p.143)
 packet sniffers, network probes, network
monitors, HTTP monitors, protocol analyzers
 intrusion detection system ?
V. Sawma, Computer Security and their Data 34
Covert Channels (cont’d)
Examples of covert channels:
 Steganography replaces unneeded bits in image and
sound files with secret data. More information:

Types of covert channels: (pp. 144-150)

 Storage channels pass information by the presence or
absence of objects in storage. For example, a covert
channel can signal one bit of information by whether or not
a file is locked. (fig. 3-13 pp. 144)
 Timing channels pass information by the speed at which
things happen. The shared resource is time.
 accept = 1; reject = 0 (See Fig. 3-15, pp.147)
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Tools for identifying potential covert channels

Shared Resource Matrix (pp. 147-148)

 The basis of a covert channel is a shared resource.
 Finding all shared resources and determining which
processes can write to and read from the resources…
 Looking for implied information flows: pp.205-206
 Is any of the implied flows “undesirable”?
Information Flow Analysis based on the syntax
 Types of flows:
 Explicit – B := A;
 Implicit – a. B := A; C:= B;
b. if (D == 1) then B:=A;
More examples: Table 3-5
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Controls Against Program Threats

Programming controls (pp. 151- 170)

 Typical software engineering methods:
 modularity, encapsulation, peer reviews, walk-through
 information hiding, independent testing

 configuration management (check-in, check-out, history
of changes, …)
 formal methods, hazard analysis, good design
 prediction, static analysis, trusted software
 confinement, access log
 etc.

V. Sawma, Computer Security and their Data 37

Controls Against Program Threats

 Modularization is the process of dividing a task into
 Division is done on a logical or functional basis.
 Each module performs a separate, independent part
of the task.

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Controls Against Program Threats

With encapsulation, modules interact only through certain
well-defined interfaces. A module is entered only at
specified entry points, and a module interacts with the
fewest other modules possible.

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Controls Against Program Threats

Information Hiding

The three characteristics of modularity,

encapsulation, and information hiding are
fundamental principles of software engineering.
They are good practices for security because they lead to
modules that can be understood, analyzed, and trusted.

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Controls Against Program Threats

Administrative controls

 1988: Standard 2167A (DoD)
 1990: ISO 9000 – to specify actions to be taken when any
system has quality goals and contraints
 1993: CMM (Capability Maturity Model) – to assess the quality

of a software development company
 1995: SSE CMM (System Security Engineering CMM) – to
assess the quality of security engineering development
practices (See
 SSE CMM model v2, 1999

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Controls Against Program Threats

OS controls
 Chapter 4
 Trusted OS
 Confined programs
 Access logs for auditing

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Viruses, worms, and targeted Malicious Codes

Controls Against Program Threats
 Programming & process controls
 OS controls
 Administrative controls

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