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• What does software development life cycle (SDLC) mean?

• The software development life cycle (SDLC) is the process of planning, writing, and modifying
software. It encompasses a set of procedures, methods, and techniques used in software
development. Developers use the approach as they design and write modern software for
computers, cloud deployment, mobile phones, video games, and more.
• In IT, the term "life cycle" was first used in the 1950s and 1960s to describe the stages involved in
developing a new computer system, but it is now commonly used to refer to all stages in the
production of any piece of software [1].
• Why is using an SDLC important?
• The SDLC is important because it helps ensure that the right people are involved in the right
activities at the right times. A well-defined SDLC also allows you to measure your progress
relative to your goals and gives you a way to ensure everything is on track. Using a structured
approach to developing software helps ensure that your project will be successful by allowing
you to:
• Understand your requirements and how you want your software to work
• Identify risks at an early stage
• Plan how you will deliver your solution in stages, such as building prototypes or writing
functional specifications
• Be sure that each stage of development fits with what has gone before and what comes next.
• Understanding the different SDLC stages and best practices
• The process of the software development life cycle encompasses all aspects of the
software-making process. It begins with scoping the requirements you need for your
program and ends with you delivering it and managing maintenance protocols. Each stage
in the SDLC has its own set of activities that need to be performed by the team members
involved in the development project. The cycle can vary from company to company and
from project to project, but it generally includes these stages:
• Step 1. Brainstorm, set goals, and identify risks
• The first step in the software development life cycle is brainstorming. It's when you gather
everyone together and start throwing ideas around. At this stage, you come up with your
business goals, requirements, specifications, and any high-level risks that might hinder the
project's success.
• Step 2. Analyze requirements, complete a feasibility study, and create a plan
• Once you've gathered your ideas, it's time to organize them into a cohesive plan and
design. This requires a lot of research and planning to ensure that your final product
meets your expectations (and those of your customers). The big step is creating a detailed
project plan document and work breakdown structure that outline everything from user
experience goals to database structure requirements.
• Step 3. Design the mockups
• Once you've got your design plans in front of you, it's time for wireframing and mockups so that
everyone involved knows exactly how their part will fit into the larger design picture. You have many
tools available that make this process much easier than ever before. This step builds upon the planning
stage, building out the tasks you need to do in the work breakdown schedule.
• Step 4. Write the code
• The development phase is where coding begins to take place and is one of the most time-consuming
phases in the software lifecycle. This phase often requires extensive programming skills and knowledge
of databases and your team will build functionality for your product or service. This includes creating
an interface that users interact with and building the database so users can store information in your
• Step 5. Test the product
• Before releasing it into production, you'll need to test it to ensure it is free of bugs and errors. If you
find problems, you need to fix them before moving forward with deployment. You'll also need to
manage how the system will integrate into existing systems, software, and processes.
• Step 6. Launch the product
• Once you've completed all testing phases, it's time to deploy your new application so customers can
use it. After deployment, the launch may involve marketing your new product or service so people
know about its existence. If the software is in-house, it may mean implementing the change
management process to ensure user training and acceptance.
• Step 7. Set up maintenance and operations
• The final stage of the software development life cycle is maintenance
and operations. This is one of the most critical stages because it's when
your hard work gets put to the test.
• Maintenance is the updating an existing software product to fix bugs
and ensure reliability. It can also include adding new features or
functionality to a current product. Operations refer to the day-to-day
running of a software product or service, such as performing backups
and other administrative tasks.
• Software development process approaches
• You can choose from many software development approach models
available in the market. Each of them has its advantages and
disadvantages. Each is suited to different types of projects, too. Some of
the approaches you might like to learn about are listed below:
import java.util.Arrays;

public class BasicCOCOMO {

private static final double[][] TABLE = {
{2.4, 1.05, 2.5, 0.38},
{3.0, 1.12, 2.5, 0.35},
{3.6, 1.20, 2.5, 0.32}
private static final String[] MODE = {
"Organic", "Semi-Detached", "Embedded"

public static void calculate(int size) {

int model = 0;

// Check the mode according to size

if (size >= 2 && size <= 50) {
model = 0;
} else if (size > 50 && size <= 300) {
model = 1;
} else if (size > 300) {
model = 2;
System.out.println("The mode is " + MODE[model]);

// Calculate Effort
double effort = TABLE[model][0] * Math.pow(size, TABLE[model][1]);

// Calculate Time
double time = TABLE[model][2] * Math.pow(effort, TABLE[model][3]);

// Calculate Persons Required

double staff = effort / time;

// Output the values calculated

System.out.println("Effort = " + Math.round(effort) + " Person-Month");
System.out.println("Development Time = " + Math.round(time) + " Months");
System.out.println("Average Staff Required = " + Math.round(staff) + " Persons");

public static void main(String[] args) {

int size = 4;
// C++ program to implement basic COCOMO

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Function
// For rounding off float to int
int fround(float x)
int a;
x = x + 0.5;
a = x;
return (a);

// Function to calculate parameters of Basic COCOMO

void calculate(float table[][4], int n, char mode[][15],
int size)
float effort, time, staff;

int model;
// Check the mode according to size

if (size >= 2 && size <= 50)

model = 0; // organic

else if (size > 50 && size <= 300)

model = 1; // semi-detached

else if (size > 300)

model = 2; // embedded

cout << "The mode is " << mode[model];

// Calculate Effort
effort = table[model][0] * pow(size, table[model][1]);

// Calculate Time
time = table[model][2] * pow(effort, table[model][3]);

// Calculate Persons Required

staff = effort / time;

// Output the values calculated

cout << "\nEffort = " << effort << " Person-Month";

cout << "\nDevelopment Time = " << time << " Months";

cout << "\nAverage Staff Required = " << fround(staff)

<< " Persons";
int main()
float table[3][4] = { 2.4, 1.05, 2.5, 0.38, 3.0, 1.12,
2.5, 0.35, 3.6, 1.20, 2.5, 0.32 };

char mode[][15]
= { "Organic", "Semi-Detached", "Embedded" };

int size = 4;

calculate(table, 3, mode, size);

return 0;
• The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by software development teams to design, develop and test hig
h-quality software
. It encompasses a set of procedures, methods, and techniques used in software development1. The SDLC consists of several
phases that are followed in order to create software that meets the needs of the customer and is of high quality2.
• The phases of the SDLC include:
• Planning
• Requirements gathering
• Design
• Development
• Testing
• Deployment
• Maintenance
• The project development lifecycle is a process that includes all the steps involved in creating a project from start to finish3. It
includes planning, execution, monitoring, and closure3. The project development lifecycle can be broken down into five
• Initiation
• Planning
• Execution
• Monitoring and Control
• Closure
• An example of how these two processes work together could be creating a new mobile application.
The SDLC would be used to create the application itself while the project development lifecycle would be used to manage the
overall project

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