7cs of Communication Akash Verma

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ASSIGNMENT ON functions of management



M.B.A (Human Resources Administration)

Subject – Managerial communication


The Seven Cs of Communication


Effective communication is important in both personal and
professional settings. It can help to

• Build trust
• Prevent or resolve problems
• Provide clarity and direction
• Create better relationships
• Increase engagement
• Improve productivity
• Promote team building
• Enhance understanding
• Prevent misunderstandings
• Increase work satisfaction and improve morale
• Improve the exchange of ideas, potentially leading to increased creativity and innovation
Clearness - The First C

Clear communication is when a message is conveyed in a

way that the recipient can easily understand. It is important
in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to business
interactions. A customer calls a company's customer service
department to inquire about the status of their order.
Conciseness - The Second C

 Concise communication is the act of conveying complete information about a topic

or idea using as few words as possible. It involves being mindful of word choice
and using the strongest terms to illustrate your point.

 Concise communication is a key component of effective communication. It can

lend credence and courtesy to your messages, and can help you build and maintain
goodwill. It can also have a substantial impact on productivity, success, and even
employee retention
Concreteness - The Third C

 Concrete communication is a type of communication that is specific, definite, and

vivid rather than vague and general. Concrete communication uses specific facts
and figures, and is supported with real-life examples. Concrete communication is
not vague or generic but rather factual and relevant.
 Concrete communication is an important aspect of effective communication. It
strengthens confidence and makes use of words that are clear and that build
reputation. The more direct your speech is, the more effective your delivery.
 Concrete communication is the opposite of abstract language, which refers to
intangible ideas or qualities, such as love, hate, or honor.
Examples of concrete vs. abstract messages.

 Concrete language refers to tangible or perceivable characteristics in the

real world. Such language is often called “specific." Concrete language
can help your reader more precisely understand your writing. Abstract
language refers to intangible ideas, rather than real-world objects.
 For example, intelligence and education are abstract nouns because they're
immaterial concepts (you can't touch education), but place names such as
schools and universities are concrete nouns because they can be perceived
through our senses.
Correctness - The Fourth C

 Correct communication has following features: The message is exact, correct

and well-timed. If the communication is correct, it boosts up the confidence
level. Correct message has greater impact on the audience/readers. It checks for
the precision and accurateness of facts and figures used in the message.
 By delivering messages clearly, there is no room for misunderstanding or
alteration of messages, which decreases the potential for conflict. In situations
where conflict does arise, effective communication is a key factor to ensure that
the situation is resolved in a respectful manner.
The role of grammar and accuracy

 Grammar is important for both written and spoken communication. It helps to ensure
that the speaker's meaning is clear and accurate. Correct grammar can also help to
organize sentences in a logical way, making them easier to understand.
Here are some reasons why grammar is important:
• Clarity and accuracy: Proper grammar ensures that the speaker's meaning is clear and
• Credibility: Good grammar can increase credibility.
• Reading comprehension: Grammar can help with reading comprehension.
• Language proficiency: Grammar can help to foster language proficiency.
• Relationship building: Poor grammar can hinder relationship building.
Consideration - The Fifth C

 Considerate communication is a communication style that focuses on the

needs of the recipient. It involves being positive, caring, understanding, and

 Considerate communication consists of being positive, caring, understanding,

and firm with students. For example, if a student is struggling to follow a
certain classroom rule, you might be tempted to yell at them or say, 'No, that's
not how you line up to leave
Some examples of considerate communication include

• In a classroom, being positive, caring, understanding, and firm with students

• Exchanging information clearly, completely, and kindly
• Emphasizing a "you" approach
• Empathizing with the audience and showing interest in them
• Showing optimism towards your audience
Completeness - The Sixth C

 A complete communication always gives additional information wherever

required. It leaves no questions in the mind of receiver. Complete
communication helps in better decision-making by the
audience/readers/receivers of message as they get all desired and crucial
Complete communication is when the receiver understands the
message that the sender is trying to convey. It involves:

The sender and receiver

• A clear message
• A suitable medium
• Feedback
• Context
• Understanding
• Complete information or facts
• Additional information wherever required
• A call to action
Courtesy - The Seventh C

 The individual while sending the message should be polite, sincere, enthusiastic,
and reflective. Being courteous means that you have taken into consideration the
feeling receiver as well as your own. It also shows that you are positive and your
focus is on the audience.

Courteous communication can help make communications more effective. It can
also serve as the foundation for positive and harmonious relationships in both
personal and professional spheres
Courteous communication involves:

• Being friendly, open, and honest

• Keeping the reader's viewpoint in mind
• Being empathetic to the reader's needs
• Being transparent and happy to answer any questions
• Being positive and focusing on the audience
• Being polite and respectful of the audience
Politeness and respect are essential qualities for
building positive relationships

 Politeness and respect are essential qualities for building positive relationships
and a healthy society.
 Politeness involves treating others with kindness, consideration, and manners,
even in challenging situations. It means being mindful of others’ feelings and
needs and taking care to communicate in a way that is appropriate and
considerate. Politeness can help to reduce conflict, foster understanding, and
promote cooperation.
 Respect, on the other hand, involves acknowledging the inherent worth and
dignity of all individuals and treating them accordingly. It means showing
consideration for others’ thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, even if we don’t agree
with them. Respect also involves listening actively and trying to understand
others’ perspectives.
 When we combine politeness and respect, we create an environment that
is conducive to healthy relationships and positive interactions. We show
others that we value them and that we are willing to treat them with the
consideration and respect that they deserve
 In summary, politeness and respect are essential qualities that help us to
build positive relationships, foster understanding, and promote
cooperation. They are vital for creating a healthy and harmonious society
where individuals feel valued and respected.
7cs in Effective Commiunication

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