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A sedimentation tank is a tank in which suspendes
solids are allowed to settle out of a liquid under the
influence of gravity
These particles settled at the bottom
They are removed by scrapers
Colour and turbidity will be removed
Slowing down the flow in large tanks so that the
floccules settle ; so sludge forms
Bubbling air into a tank so that the floccules
float(DAF);scum on the surface forms
Tank is shaped so that the velocity reduces as the flow
moves upwards
Sludge Blanket forms where, flow velocity = weight of
the floccules
This sludge blanket acts as a filter that removes
smaller particles
Primary Sedimentation Tank
Sedimentation mechanism is used for;
Grit removal in grit chamber
Particulate matter removal in primary sedimentation tank
Biological flocs removal in secondary sedimentation tank
Sedimentation is also used in solids concentration in sludge
Chemicals are also used to assist in the removal of finely
divided solids and colloidal solids.
Plain sedimentation
Sedimentation with coagulation
Chemical precipitation
Discrete particle settling
Type 1 Settlings (Discrete settling)
Type 2 Settlings (Flocculant settlings)
Type 3 Settlings (Hindered or zone settling)
Type 4 Settling (Compression settling)
Types of Settlings

Type 3 Settling (Hindered or zone

Particle tends to settle as unit with
individual particles remaining in fixed
positions with respect to each other.

Type 4 Settling (Compression settling)

The concentration of particle is so
high that sedimentation can only
occur through compaction of
Type of Settling Tanks
A) Classification based on nature of working
(i) Fill and draw type
(ii) Continuous flow type
B) Classification based on its location
(i) Preliminary settling tank
(ii) Primary settling tank
(iii) Secondary settling tank
C) Classification based on shape
(i) Rectangular settling tank
(ii) Circular settling tank
(iii) Hopper bottom settling tank
Horizontal Flow Settling Tank
Horizontal Flow Settling Tank
The horizontal discharge velocity Vh =(Q/H xB)
Detention time Td =L/ Vd
Vertical falling velocity Vs =(Q/L x B )
Detention time Td =H/VS
Design Consideration
Design Considerations

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