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Employee Relations

These are practices or initiatives for ensuring that employees are happy and productive.

What it does?
It takes care of employee grievances, employee recognition, and boosting the morale of employees.

It helps to make the working environment more healthy, live and at the same time fulfills the managements expectations and maintain the work culture and ethics.

Industrial Relations(IR) and Employee Relations(ER) are related terms. IR is concerned with the relationship between management and workers and the role of regulatory mechanism in resolving any dispute.

Employee Relations is a much broader concept. It involves maintaining a work environment that satisfies the needs of individual employees and management. Improving employee morale, building company culture, conveying expectations.

Parties to IR
Employees Employers

Employee Associations

Employer Employee Relations

Employer Associations


Courts and Tribunals

Healthy and Balanced relationship

To creates healthy and balanced relationship within the organization.

Employees Personal Confidence

To boost the confidence, morale level and encourages employees to give their 100% performance.
To treat all the employees fairly without any discrimination and favoritism. To develop more coordination and better communication to avoid conflicts in the organization.

Fair and Trustworthy Management

Employee Friendly



To make employees more productive, efficient, skilled and proficient in their work. To maintain work culture where employees feel that work place is their Second Home which is stress free, with better infrastructure and other additional facilities like Gym, food courts, music while having coffee in rack room. To maintain health of employees by providing medical facilities, health check ups on regular basis so that they feel that special attention and care is given to them.

Best Place to work

Medical Needs

It maintains harmony at the work place.

Healthy relationship among all the staff, boss and colleagues. It reduces absenteeism. It reduces attrition rates. It can retain more talented employees.

It improves morale level of employees and makes them more responsible.

It increases quality and productivity of work.


Have one to one session in a month where employees can come out with their personal and professional problems.


Employees can be rewarded by giving monetary rewards, gift vouchers.

Employer can keep party and dinner for the staff members once in a month so that it makes the bond more strong. If employees work extra hours overtime should be paid or bonus can be given for hard working.

Team Building Exercise



Knowledge Sharing ( Presentation )

Annual event Promotions

Seminars should be conducted to increase their knowledge and inner potentials.

Annual events should be conducted where employees can participate and show their talents.
Internal job promotion should be encouraged at regular interval, so that employee get opportunity to grow within the organization. Soft skill training should be conducted on regular basis to make employees more confident, skilled and proficient in their work.

Training to communicate well

Internal Factors

Attitude Conflict

Management Employee/Unions

differences of opinion between management and unions. ( How much ? )

Decision Making

The extent to which management wants absolute authority to enforce decisions.

Value of Union
Its Domination Its Present & Future strengths

The extent to which handling of disputes or grievances exist within the company.
The prosperity of the company and the degree to which it is expanding.

External Factors

The militancy of unions.

The effectiveness of union and its officials.

The authority and effectiveness of employers associations.

The extent to which bargaining is carried out.

The employment and pay situation.

The core IR programme is the personal manual. The manual sets out the rules & policies within which managers and employees must operate.

Relationships with employees may be improved though joint consultations. Relationships with unions or staff associations may be developed through collective bargaining and other IR procedures or by improving the operation of existing procedures.

Managers and supervisors need to develop competence in handling IR. Suffice it is to say that a training programme must be conducted after assessing the training need of the managers and supervisors. Negotiation skills must form a part of the training offered to the managers. Training must not be confined to the managers and supervisors alone. Union leaders and employees must also be associated with the programme, as they are as much a party to conflict managers or supervisors.

Discipline and conflict If both employees as well as employers adhere well to well laid out norms, dispute will not occur. Where a conflict occurs, the management must resolve it. There are set of procedures to resolve disputes.

Industrial disputes essentially refer to the difference or conflict between employers and employees.
Disputes arises because of wage demands, union rivalry, political interference, unfair labour practices, labour laws and others.

Whatever may be the cause of industrial disputes, the consequences are harmful to the all stakeholders the management, employees, economy, and the society

Collective Bargaining


Code of Discipline

Disputes settlement


Grievance Procedure

Consultative Machinery


So a well planned Employee Relations is a key to success for healthy environment, balanced relation where employer & employee both are completely satisfied and finally to avoid all the conflicts at work place to get desired results to reach the organizational goals.

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