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& Relations Skill

Proportional Relationships Numeracy
Lesson Lesson
10 Consolidation

Chicken Nugget PBL

We are learning to utilise different representations.


I can utilise a variety of methods to solve problems.

I can plot relationships on a cartesian plane.
I can compare different relationships on a cartesian plane.
I can use the comparison to evaluate best buys.
Coursework Book
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

PBL Launch:

We are going to work together in groups of three to solve the upcoming

Working in a group means:
• Everyone participates to solve the problem
• Being respectful of your team members
• Listening to your team members ideas
• Communicating with positive language
• Learning from each other
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

Decode the question:

When we see the next slide with the PBL question we are going to:
 Read the question twice
 Decode the question by underlining/highlighting:
- command terms
- key vocabulary terms
 Decode the question by underlining/highlighting in another
- terms you do not understand or need to further clarify.
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

PBL question:

Josh is looking at buying some nuggets. There are 3 local restaurants that he
can purchase them from.
Macca’s is offering per nugget with an additional fixed packaging cost of .
Hungry Jacks offers per nugget. KFC offers a flat rate of for all you can eat
a) Represent all in a way they can be compared?
b) Find all the points where or more restaurants have the same cost?
c) If Josh wants nuggets, which local restaurant offers the cheapest deal.
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

Class Discussion:

What strategies did you use to represent this scenario?

What similarities do you notice between your strategy and another

group’s strategy?

What differences do you notice between your strategy and another

group’s strategy?

Coursework Book
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

What did we learn?

We learned that problems can be represented in different forms

 graphs,
 tables,
 rates, and
 equations.

Which helped us to compare different scenarios.

Joan needs a lift to the train station. She has the choice between

JOOP is per kilometre and OLA is per kilometre and has a booking

a) Which company is cheaper for a trip?

b) How long does she need to travel for the price to be the same?

Coursework Book
Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

How did you go? Rate yourself!

1) I can generalise my ideas and share them with the group.

2) I can make a graph representation.

3) I can make a table representation.

4) I can make a rate representation.

5) I can explain what the intersection points mean.

Goal: We are learning to utilise different representations.

How did you go? Pulse Check!

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