Cell Phone Detector To Prevent Unauthori

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ꢃꢄꢀ Enadlamaw Bogale

Hailu Kurfa Group members
Halefom Kinfe
kibrom Zeray
00ꢀꢁ/0ꢂ AND
GC 402

In this project we have designed a small size cell phone detector circuit .This small size
transmission detector or sniffer can sense the presence of an active cell phone from a dis
3 meters. So it can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confid
rooms, etc. It is also useful for detecting the use of mobile phone for Spying and unauth
This detector is designed video
using transmission. components
some passive The circuit can resistor,
likedetect the capacitor,
incoming and ,transistor
wireoutgoing calls, SMS and vid
& NE555 mono
, two ICs CA3130 op-amptransmission. stable
As the cell vibrator
phone sends LED
, oneor and one
receives pizo buzzer
a message ,short
or call, it sends and receives
telescopic type antenna and dc source of range from 9 up to 12 volt.
signal. This signal is detected by our circuit and will cause the LED to blink and buzzer t
When any one mobile is used in the prohibited place this Device will detect that mobile
through the antenna. The moment the Bug detects RF transmission signal from an activa
mobile phone, it starts sounding a beep alarm and the LED blinks. The alarm continues
signal transmission stops.

Table of Contents
2 back ground and litrature review………………………………………………..6

2.1 berkley varitronics system wolfhound cellphone detector…………………..6

2.2 cellbuster cellphone detector………………………………………………….6

3 system design ………………………………………………………………………7

3.1 block diagram ………………………………………………………………….7 abstruct………………………………………………………………

6 conclusion and recommendation………………………………………………….17
8 reference ..........................................................................................19
5 Circuit simulation and observed results………………………………………….12 introduction……………………………………………………………………
3.2block diagram description……………………………………………………..7
7 Future scopes………………………………………………………………………..18
4 hardwar implementation………………………………………………………….9

4.1 circuit diagram …………………………………………………………………9

4.2 circuit diagram description ……………………………………………………9

4.3 components list………………………………………………………………… 11

LED: light
SMS:Emitter Message Service
FM: Frequency Modulation
OP-AMP: Operational Amplifier
RF: Radio frequency
GSM: Global System of Mobile communication
CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
AM: Amplitude Modulation
JFET: Junction Field Effect Transistor
List of figures

number of issues related to the project.

Fig:1 …………………………………block diagram of cell phone detector

Fig:2 ………………………………...circuit diagram of cell phone detector

Thank you Fig:3 ………………………………...simulated circuit when switch is ON

Fig:4…………………………………simulated circuit when switch is OFF

using this opportunity to express our gratitude to Mr.Maarig Aregawi who
ed us throughout the course of this research project. We are thankful for his
Fig:5………………………………… Network analyzer for impedance matching
guidance, invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project
Fig:6………………………………… Network analyzer fordescriptions
e are sincerely grateful to him for sharing his truthful and illuminating views on a
Fig:7………………………………… Network analyzer for unilateral gain
ꢂ|Page Cellular phone technology is rapidly changing Features like Bluetooth, USB, high resolution
cameras, microphones, Internet, 802.11 wirelesses and memory cards are added every year.[1]
Bluetooth is a secure wireless protocol that operates at 2.4 GHz. The protocol uses a master1.slave
structure and is very similar to having a wireless USB port on your cellular phone. Devices like a
printer, keyboard, mouse, audio device, and storage device can be connected wirelessly. This
feature is mainly used for hands-free devices but can also be used for file transfer of pictures,
music, and other data. Cameras on cellular phones are a very popular feature that was added in
the last 10 years. In recent years, high resolution cameras have become a standard feature. Most
cellular phones will come with at least a 2 mega pixel camera and the more expensive phones
can be as much as 23 mega pixels.[2] Microphones have been featured on cellular phones since
they first came out. In the last 10 years the microphones have become dual purpose; now there
are programs on the phone that record voice to file such as a simple voice recorder or as part of a
video. Almost every available cellular phone today has a connection to the Internet. This allows
ission.[11] The cell phone detector can detect
transfer files outgoing
and and calls, SMS
data wherever they
andare. Cellular phones can send emails, text
transmission even if the mobile phone is kept in the silent
messages, mode.
picture text messages, videotext messages, and upload data to the Internet.[7],[8] All
these features make cellular phones today very versatile. They can connect with almost any
storage medium or computer. In the years to come, cellular phones will continue to gain more
and more features. As increase in the technology in the world the electronic equipment’s like
cellphone are being used in a wrong way, in the examination halls and confidential rooms.[10]
And there was no technology to detect the cell phones there is simply manual checking and there
is still a chance of having the cell phone with the person if he or she is not checked properly. For
example when the class is going on, students intend to use their cell phones and not listening to
what is being taught and students are also carrying their cell phones to the examination halls to
cheat which would help them to get good marks. To minimize these wrong ways of using cell
phones we propose cell phone detector. This small size mobile transmission detector or sniffer
can sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone from a distance of three meter.[11]So it
can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc. It is
also useful for detecting the use of mobile phone for Spying and unauthorized video

2.2 Cellbusters Cell Phone Detector

2. Back ground and Literature r

components and passive electronic Berkeley

components Varitronics
there areSystems
many2.1 wolfhound
developments phone detector
Varitronics will detect
Systems PCS, CDMA,
Wolfhound GSM, and
Cellphone Detector
a radius less
to detect forCellbuster's cellular cellular
than orphone bands
to 1.5
detector using
meter. Our
provides RF signatures.
continuous It also
is tomonitoring
fewhasfor capability
thecellular to directionally
phones and has find or locate
Similar projects have been developed based on the existing technology currently available
s and passivea voice
alert components cellular
that tells the user
to tophones
their are nearby
radius off
if. Tare wolfhound
he two
to mostDetects detect
popular Peoples had
the phones
cellular phonebeen
and are in standby
thatdetectors mode,
availablehave developed
on the cell phone
market today detectors
Produced by using
oking to these systems they are more advanced and can support us to detect different
open markettypes
of mostly discrete components, and design approach is microcontroller
digital cellular
ding some electronic phones CDMA,
components. actively
That is we TDMA,
voice, or and
the dataPCS/PCN
Berkeley range types.
by [5]. Systemspassive
Detects and electronic
cell phonesyouup
Mobile tocomponents.
150 feet
Security away
Products. sniffer circuit in[3]is
A These companies example
produce the of this deve
ll phones, but these technologies are in adequate and more expensive for our This
cell phone detectors are very advanced they can detect 3G,4G,GSM,Bluetooth, Zigbe
ing transistor between
cover an area
up to oneandhundred
and up BC548
feet radius
1 mile away wolfhound
from increase
to the
(line-of-sight cell
the phone
Celloutdoors). Detector detecting
detector and
Integrated range
Cellbusterof 1.5m.
. its price respectively.
laser-assisted is
directional antenna
wi-fi etc.[4]
all energy signal.
about: Comparing
$1650.00. [4] to the(green advanced
more 532 microcontroller based
nanometer laser, 50 feet minimum span) and its minimum price is about:
is convenient to our country in terms of coast
$2,160.00.[5] and simplicity.
1 antenna
2 LC tuner circuit
3. System designe
3 current to voltage converter
4 low noise JFET3.2 block diagram description:
Output stage Antenna
5 mono shot circuit (mono stable multivibrator)
3.1. block diagram of cell phone detector
6 output stage
There are six major blocks in this cell phone detector. These are
Fig 1. Block diagram of cell phone detector

a stage. The frequencies send by an active mobile phone need to be

ble to detect it . This function is carried out by the receiving antenna Mono
cepted signal is sent to the second stage. shot circuit
Lc tuner

Current to
Low noiseconverter

Voltage output from stage four will go to stage five ,here Monstable multivibrators generates a
The LC tuner circuit in the second stage creates a field, stores energy a
Finally at stage six or
single output The
output stage
pulse, magnitude
we have
loweither “HIGH”output
two voltage
or “LOW”, form
when and
LEDathird stage will enter
suitable external to forth
, when
trigger stage
signal or and w
energy in the form of minute current to third stage which is current to
signal is detected
T isLED through
applied[6]. the
blinks and low
Thus proper JFET
noiserectangular pulse is generated and this can help the alarming
operational amplifier.
sound to be detected by human ear.

4.1 circuit diagram:

4.2 circuit diagram description:

Fig 2 circuit diagram of cell phone detector
4 Hardware implementation

tector using tuned LC circuits is not suitable for detecting signals in the GHz
ed in mobile phones[3]. The transmission frequency of mobile phones ranges
with a wavelength of 3.3 to 10 cm. So a circuit detecting gigahertz signals is
phone detector.[9] Here the circuit uses a 0.22pF disk capacitor (C3) to
nals from the mobile phone. The lead length of the capacitor is fixed as 18 mm
mm between the leads to get the desired frequency. The disk capacitor along
as a small gigahertz loop antenna to collect the RF signals from the mobile
ꢄꢃ | P a g e

When the mobile phone signal is detected by C3, the output of IC1 becomes high and low
alternately according to the frequency of the signal but is very weak to drive some electronic
Capacitor C4 along with high-value resistorOp-amp R1 keeps CA3130
ICthe non-inverting used in
(IC1) is input the circuit
stable as a current-to-voltage conv
for easy
component. Thus we need to amplify that signal its Capacitor
energy butC3 its in conjunction
frequency with the lead
is unchanged using inductance acts as a transmission line that intercepts
swing of the output to high state. Resistor R2 connected
C3provides thebetween
discharge inverting
its path and non-inverting
for capacitor C4. inputs. It is a CMOS
lses from the the vibrator
BFR96 transistor. produce
R7& R8 are alarming sound
used to limit the current
signals the through
from BFR96.the
the mobile phone. This capacitor creates a field, stores energy and transfers the
Feedback resistor R3 makes the inverting input protected p-channel
high when MOSFET
the output transistors
becomes in the input to provide very high i
high. Capacitor
alternative high and low output from this transistor drives
stored the
LEDintothe blink
of minutethecurrent to the inputs of IC1. This will upset the balanced
C5 (47pF) is connected across ‘strobe’ (pinlow input
0 and current
‘null’ inputsand very
(pin 1) high
of IC1speed of performance. The output CMOS t
for phase
frequency of the signal and triggers monostable timer input IC1 and
IC2ofthrough capacitor the current
convert C7. CapacitorintoC6the corresponding output voltage.
compensation and gain control to optimize swinging the output
the frequency voltage to within 10 mV of either supply voltage termi
maintains the base bias of transistor BC548 for fast switching action. The low-value timing
components R6 and C9 produce very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance.

LED C5 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 Resistor
ꢄꢄ | P a g eIC CA3130 C6 Capacitor
Capacetors R1
Other component are 4.3 Compenents list:

IC NE555


T2 BC548 2 100
Value (µF) 28 15 12
INCH LONG 4.7 0.01 0.1 0.000047 100
2200 Value(K)
0.1 0.000022 1


T1 BFR96
ꢄꢁ | P a g e

Figure 3. simulated circuit when switch is ON 5. circuit simulation and observed r

Simulation is performed using multism12 and the developed cell phone det
shown in figure 3 and figure 4. As described above this sniffer works if it is
activated by the switch“S1A”this is shown in figure 3.Here in figure 3 the
simulation is running but the switch is open circuited as a result the LED is
blinking and BUZZER is not beeping. But in figure 4 the simulation is runn
and the switch is activated then LED is blinking regularly and the buzzer w
beeping, but it wasn’t regular.
ꢄꢅ | P a g e

Figure 4. simulated circuit when switch is OFF

Impedance matching:. designing the

During Impedance matching
circuit is simulation
forvery important have
wein circuit
useddesign instruments
Somesince signals to test for the
(current) follow the effectiveness,
least path of resistance. and
reliability It performance
will be difficultof
tothe sniffer
deliver in Multism.
a signal These
to a load if theinstruments were:
impedance of the delivering frequency
circuit and that analyzer, spectrum
of the load analyzer
is not match. Using bode plot.
andnetwork analyzer
Mainlyinwe focus on stability
and impedance
Multism, the impedance matching.
of the sniffer circuit was determined. The result is captured in the figure
ꢄꢆ | P a g e

Figure 5 Network analyzer for Match Net. Designer (impedance matching)

conditionally stable”, meaning that any area of the Smith Chart represents a valid passive
rce or load impedance. P1 and
Stability:. P2 represent
Stability circlesthe
input6 and output
is used to analyze
the circleof the sniffer circuit
ectively, the K stability
developed here
at was infinity,
different frequency
In this points. sniffer
case theNone of circuit developed
the smith was hatched.
using In
thethis case the circuit is
mp CA3130 is said to be “unconditionally stable, meaning the amplifier does not oscillate in
presence of any passive load or source impedance.
ꢄꢂ | P a g e

Figure 6. Network analyzer for stability

And next we have the unilateral gain circle, here the transistor used in our design is said to be
unilateral, when there is no “bounce” effect, meaning the signal reflected from the output port to
the input port is zero.
ꢄꢀ | P a g e

Figure7. Network analyzer for unilateral gain

ꢄꢇ | P a g e

6. Conclusion and recommendati

In this project we have designed a mobile detector which can detect both the incoming and
outgoing calls, SMS and video transmission. This mobile transmission detector or sniffer c
sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone from a distance of 3 meters. It gives a
indication of an active mobile phone by blinking the LED according to the receiving freque
and by beeping the BUZZER. The alarm continues until the signal stops. So it can be used
prevent us of mobile phones in protected areas such as in examination halls, confidential ro
airlines, historical places, police stations, hospitals and court of laws etc. It is also useful fo
detecting the use of mobile phone for spying and unauthorized image, audio and video reco
and transmissions.
ꢄꢈ | P a g e
7. Future scope

high sensitive antenna to the weak signals or by having multi stage amplifications
to the weak signal. to increase
TryingThis circuit the
can detecting
be made torange
of different detector
cell phonemodes to few more
of cellular
meters for observing
phone communications wide range of area.
like 3G,4G,GSM,Bluetooth, This
Zigbee, phones be achieved
can CDMA, TDMA,either
GSM,by having
and PCS/PCN by adding local oscillator which can be tuned to different frequency.
ꢄꢉ | P a g e
No. 11/233,168. ꢃ. Reference

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(professional)’,2010.[online].Available: http://www.dpl-surveillance-
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[5] Bvsystems.com, ,‘‘Wolfhound-PRO
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ꢁꢃ | P a g e

[11] Dar, Jawad Ahmad. "Centralized Mobile Detection in Exami

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