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Joy Sharmila L

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I n tro d u c tio n

Genetically modified plants, also known as

genetically engineered crops, are plants that have
had their DNA altered through genetic engineering

This involves the insertion of specific genes from

one organism into another organism's genome,
resulting in a plant with new traits or
characteristics. For example, scientists can insert
genes that make a plant resistant to pests or
herbicides, which can increase crop yields and
reduce the use of harmful chemicals.
The benefi ts of genetically modifi ed plants

Genetically modified plants have the potential to address

some of the most pressing challenges facing agriculture
today. By introducing desirable traits into crops, such as
increased yield and resistance to pests and diseases,
farmers can produce more food with fewer resources.
This is especially important in regions where arable land
is scarce or climate change is affecting crop productivity.

Another benefit of genetically modified plants is the ability

to improve their nutritional content. For example,
scientists have created rice that contains higher levels of
vitamin A, which could help prevent blindness in children
in developing countries. Similarly, genetically modified
soybeans have been developed to contain healthier oils
that can reduce cholesterol levels in humans.
Genetic engineering techniques

Genetic engineering techniques are used to modify the DNA of crops in order to create
genetically modified varieties with desirable traits.

 One technique is gene editing, which involves making precise changes to specific
genes within a plant's DNA. This technique allows scientists to create crops that are
more resistant to pests and disease, or have improved nutritional content.

 Another technique is transgenic breeding, which involves inserting genes from one
species into another. This can be used to create crops that are more resistant to
herbicides, or have increased yield potential.

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The concerns of genetically modifi ed plants

One of the main concerns surrounding

genetically modified plants is their potential
impact on the environment.

Another concern is the potential harm to

Finally, there are concerns about the
potential impact of genetically modified
plants on human health.
Re g u l a t i o n o f g e n e t i c a l l y m o d i fi e d c r o p s

The regulation of genetically modified crops is a

complex process that involves multiple agencies at the
local, state, and federal levels. In the United States,
the primary agency responsible for regulating
genetically modified crops is ,

• United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In addition to the USDA, other agencies involved in

the regulation of genetically modified crops include,

• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

• The Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Economic impact of GM crops

Environmental impact of GM crops

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Legal issues surrounding genetically modifi ed crops

One of the major legal issues surrounding genetically

modified crops is patent infringement. Companies that
develop genetically modified crops often patent their
creations, which can lead to legal battles with farmers who
unknowingly grow patented crops or save seeds from
patented crops for future planting. In some cases, farmers
have been sued by companies for patent infringement,
even when the farmers did not intentionally plant patented

Another legal issue is liability. If genetically modified crops

are found to cause harm to human health or the
environment, who is responsible? The developers of the
crops? The farmers who grew them? The regulatory
agencies that approved them? These questions are still
being debated and have yet to be fully resolved.
Indian laws on genetically m odifi ed plants

India has a comprehensive legal framework that

regulates the research, development, and
commercialization of genetically modified plants.
The key legislation governing this area is ,

 The Environment Protection Act, 1986

 The Rules for the Manufacture, Use, Import,

Export, and Storage of Hazardous
Microorganisms/Genetically Engineered
Organisms or Cells, 1989.
The regulatory process for genetically modified plants in
India involves several government agencies, including

• The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee


• The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation


• The State Biotechnology Coordination Committee


• The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

F u t u r e o f g e n e t i c a l l y m o d i fi e d c r o p s

One potential future development of genetically modified

crops is the creation of crops with enhanced nutritional
value. Scientists are exploring ways to increase the levels of
vitamins and minerals in crops, which could help address
malnutrition in many parts of the world. For example,
researchers are working on developing rice that contains
higher levels of iron and zinc, as well as corn that produces
more vitamin A.

Another area of research is the development of crops that

are better adapted to changing environmental conditions,
such as drought or extreme temperatures. This could help
farmers adapt to the effects of climate change and ensure a
stable food supply for future generations. By using genetic
engineering techniques, scientists can create crops that are
more resilient and better able to withstand these challenges.

In conclusion, genetically modified plants have both

benefits and concerns that need to be considered.
While they can increase yield, resist pests and
diseases, and improve nutritional content, they also
have the potential to harm the environment,
biodiversity, and human health.

In India, there are laws and regulations in place to

ensure the safety and efficacy of genetically modified
plants. Different government agencies play important
roles in testing, approval, and commercialization. It is
important to continue monitoring and evaluating
these laws to ensure that they are effective in
protecting both people and the environment.

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