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What is Diversity
Diversity perspective refers to the
recognition and valuing of
differences, including but not
limited to race, ethnicity, culture,
language, gender, sexual
orientation, age, ability, and
religion. This perspective
acknowledges that each individual
has a unique identity and
experiences life in a distinct way.
What is Diversity
Diverse perspectives refer to a
range of different viewpoints,
experiences, and backgrounds that
people bring to the table. This
includes differences in race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
age, religion, nationality,
socioeconomic status, and more.
The importance of
diversity perspective
Diversity perspective is important
because it enables individuals and
organizations to create an inclusive
environment that respects and
appreciates differences. It also helps to
identify and address biases and
stereotypes that can limit opportunities
and create barriers for certain
individuals or groups.
The goal of Diverse Perspectives is to develop the capacity to
understand the interrelationships between multiple
perspectives, such as personal, social, cultural, disciplinary,
environmental, gendered, economic, local, and global.
By embracing diversity perspective, individuals and
organizations can foster creativity, innovation, and
collaboration by tapping into the unique experiences and
perspectives of all members. It also leads to greater empathy
and understanding, which can be beneficial in personal and
professional relationships.
In conclusion, embracing differences is essential for
creating a more inclusive and successful society. By
valuing diversity, we can break down barriers,
challenge stereotypes, and create a more vibrant and
dynamic world. Let's continue to celebrate our
differences and work towards a more inclusive
future.The diversity perspective is crucial in creating a
more inclusive and equitable society that values and
respects the differences among individuals. By
embracing diversity, we can foster an environment that
is characterized by understanding, empathy, tolerance,
and social harmony.
What is Strength perspective?

Strength perspective is a way of looking at

individuals from the perspective of their strengths,
skills, abilities and resources rather than focusing
on their weaknesses, deficiencies, and limitations.
The idea behind the strength perspective is to
recognize and utilize the strengths and abilities of
individuals instead of defining them by their
problems and limitations.
What is Strength perspective?

The Strengths Perspective is an approach to social

work that puts the strengths and resources of people,
communities, and their environments, rather than
their problems and pathologies, at the center of the
helping process.
What is Strength perspective?

The Strengths Perspective is an approach to social

work that puts the strengths and resources of people,
communities, and their environments, rather than
their problems and pathologies, at the center of the
helping process.
This approach helps individuals to build their
resources, improve their self-esteem, and
feel more empowered to lead a fulfilling and
successful life. It is widely used in social
work, counseling, therapy, and other fields
where professionals work with people to
enhance their wellbeing and achieve their
The strength perspective is based on the
belief that individuals possess strengths and
skills that can be developed and enhanced
with proper guidance and support, leading to
positive change.
For example;

A person can believe their strengths are

patience, optimism, and persistence. In this
article, we will be reviewing strength-based
approaches in positive psychology. The
strength-based approach focuses on the
positive attributes of a person or a group,
rather than the negative.
Some of the important things to consider
about the strength perspective are:
1.It focuses on strengths: The strength perspective is concerned
with identifying and emphasizing the abilities, skills and resources
that a person has rather than focusing on their difficulties, deficits
and weaknesses.
2. It promotes empowerment: By focusing on a person’s strengths,
the strength perspective empowers the individual to take control
of their own lives and develop a sense of self-determination.
3.It helps to build resilience: By emphasizing strengths and
resources, the strength perspective helps to build resilience in
individuals, allowing them to better cope with challenges and
Overall, the strength perspective is an
important approach to helping individuals
reach their full potential, improve their self-
esteem, and achieve greater success and
satisfaction in their lives.
In conclusion, the strength perspective is a
valuable and powerful approach that
emphasizes the positive qualities and assets
of individuals, supporting their
empowerment and facilitating their growth in
various aspects of life.
What is Empowerment Perspective?
The empowerment perspective is a
concept that emphasizes the promotion of
individual and collective power, control,
and self-determination. It is a framework
that focuses on enabling individuals and
communities to take charge of their own
lives and challenges oppressive structures
and systems.
Empowerment perspective example;
Empowerment perspective in action can be
seen in various contexts. In community
development, it involves empowering local
residents to actively participate in decision-
making processes that affect their
neighborhoods. This can include initiatives
such as community organizing, education, and
fostering leadership skills among community
In social work, the empowerment
perspective encourages practitioners to
collaborate with clients in a way that
acknowledges their strengths and resources,
rather than solely focusing on their deficits.
It involves promoting the autonomy and self-
efficacy of individuals, helping them build
skills and capacities to overcome personal
challenges, and advocating for their rights
and social inclusion.
Empowerment perspective value;

The importance of the empowerment perspective

lies in its ability to promote social justice and create
a more equal and inclusive society. By empowering
individuals and communities, it seeks to break
cycles of oppression and address systemic barriers
that limit opportunities for certain groups. It
recognizes that individuals have inherent strengths
and resources and aims to create environments that
allow them to fully realize their potential.
Empowerment perspective Importance;
From a personal perspective, empowerment
can lead to increased self-esteem, confidence,
and a sense of control over one’s own life. It
enables individuals to become active agents in
shaping their future, making choices, and
pursuing their goals. On a broader scale, the
empowerment perspective contributes to the
development of resilient and sustainable
communities, as it encourages active civic
participation and collective problem-solving.
In conclusion, the empowerment perspective
emphasizes the promotion of power, control, and self-
determination at both individual and collective levels. It
involves creating environments that enable individuals
and communities to overcome barriers, realize their
potential, and actively participate in decision-making
processes. By empowering individuals, the
empowerment perspective contributes to social justice,
equality, and the development of resilient communities.
Spirituality and Faith
Sensitive Perspective

A spirituality and faith sensitive perspective

is an approach that recognizes and honors
individuals’ spiritual and religious beliefs
while providing services or support. It
acknowledges that individuals have unique
spiritual and religious needs that may impact
their overall well-being and must be
addressed as part of their care or support.
This perspective values diversity and
promotes cultural humility, allowing
individuals to express their beliefs without
fear of judgment or discrimination.

It emphasizes the importance of respecting

and understanding different spiritual beliefs
and practices to provide meaningful and
effective care or support.
This perspective also recognizes
the potential for spirituality and
faith to be a source of strength
and resilience for individuals,
particularly during times of crisis
or adversity.
One example of a spirituality and faith-
sensitive perspective is the approach taken by
healthcare providers who integrate their
patients’ spiritual and religious beliefs into
their care plans. This perspective recognizes
that a person’s spirituality and faith are
integral parts of their identity and can
influence their overall health and well-being.

The importance of spirituality and faith-

sensitive perspective is that it promotes
inclusivity, understanding, and compassion.
It encourages people to recognize that
others’ beliefs may differ from their own and
to respect and validate these beliefs. It also
promotes cultural and spiritual humility
among service providers and fosters an
environment of trust and respect.
In conclusion, adopting a spirituality and
faith-sensitive perspective is vital in
promoting the holistic well-being of
individuals and communities. It is an
essential tool in bridging the gap between
different cultures, religions, and beliefs
and promoting understanding and
The ethno cultural perspective refers to
a perspective that takes into account
the cultural beliefs, values, and
practices of different groups in society
and how they influence individual and
collective experiences and behaviors. It
recognizes that culture shapes our
perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors,
and that it affects how we interact with
others and make sense of the world.

As an example, consider the practice of

arranged marriages in some cultures.
From an ethno cultural perspective,
someone who grew up in a culture that
practices arranged marriages may see
the practice as a way to strengthen
family bonds and ensure compatibility.
However, someone from a different
culture might view arranged marriages as
an infringement on individual freedom
and autonomy. Understanding these
differing perspectives can help promote
cross-cultural understanding and
respectful communication.
This perspective emphasizes the
importance of understanding and
respecting diversity in society, and it
encourages individuals to recognize and
validate the experiences of those from
different cultural backgrounds. It is an
important concept in fields such as
psychology, sociology, anthropology, and
cultural studies.
One value of this perspective is that it
promotes awareness and understanding of
cultural differences, encourages tolerance,
and promotes cultural competence, which
is vital in today’s diverse society. By
recognizing and respecting cultural
differences, individuals can build trust and
establish more effective communication
and relationships with people from
different cultural backgrounds.
An ethno cultural perspective is important because
it recognizes the importance of respecting and
understanding diversity and encourages individuals
to appreciate and embrace different cultures. It
emphasizes the need to recognize and challenge
cultural biases, stereotypes, and discrimination. An
ethno cultural perspective also recognizes the
potential for cultural differences to cause
misunderstanding and conflict, and encourages
individuals to develop cross-cultural communication
skills and intercultural competence.
In summary, the ethno cultural perspective is a
theoretical framework that emphasizes the
importance of cultural diversity and encourages
individuals to develop an understanding and
appreciation for different cultures. It recognizes the
importance of respecting and valuing differences,
while also challenging cultural biases and
stereotypes. The perspective encourages individuals
to develop intercultural competence to better
navigate and communicate in diverse environments.
Overall, these perspectives allow us to view the
world from different angles, highlighting unique
strengths, values, and beliefs that shape our
identities and experiences. By recognizing and
respecting diverse perspectives, we can build
more inclusive and equitable societies that
celebrate diversity and empower all individuals to
reach their full potential. Each perspective brings
valuable insights and should be embraced as a
way to foster collaboration, understanding, and
Thank You 🙏😊

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