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The Main Function:

 The Circulatory System delivers food and

oxygen to body cells and carries carbon
dioxide and other waste products away from
body cells.
 Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of
times your heart beats per minute. Normal
heart rate varies from person to person.
Knowing yours can be an important heart-
health gauge.
Checking Heart Rate/Pulse
 Your resting heart rate is the heart pumping
the lowest amount of blood you need because
you’re not exercising.
Main Function

 Transport materials needed by cells: Oxygen

and Glucose.

 Removes waste materials from cells: Carbon

dioxide and Urea
Major Components

 Heart: Acts as the pump. Continuously

circulates the blood.
 Networks of tubes: Arteries move blood AWAY
from the heart. Veins bring blood back to the
 Blood: Fluid that fills the circulatory system.
The Right Side of the Heart

 Right Atrium: Upper chamber. Collecting

chamber for blood returning to heart. Oxygen
poor blood. Carbon dioxide rich
 Right Ventricle: Lower chamber. Pumping
chamber. Forces blood to lungs. Carbon
dioxide is “dropped off” and then is exhaled
 At the same time, red blood cells are “picking
up” oxygen. This blood then travels back to
the heart.
Left Side of the Heart

 Left Atrium: The oxygenated blood from the

lungs is then collected here.
 Left Ventricle: Pumps blood to every part of
the body. The left side of the heart works
harder than the right side.
Arteries: Pipeline from Heart

 Aorta: The main blood supplier to the body. It

branches off into two main coronary blood
vessels called arteries. These arteries carry
blood away from the heart.
Capillaries: The Unseen Pipelines

 Remember, the job of the blood is to deliver and pick up

material from all parts of the body. Arteries walls are to
 Capillaries carry out the delivering of oxygen and picking
up the waste.
 Capillaries walls are very thin which allows oxygen and
waste to pass through.
 Capillaries connect the arteries to the veins.
Veins: Pipeline to the Heart

 Veins carry the oxygen depleted blood to the

 The valves in the veins help keep the blood
from flowing backward.
Interrelationship of Circulatory System with other Body
 Each of our body systems are interconnected
and dependent on each other. Our heart,
which is part of our circulatory system, does
not beat unless our brain, which is part of our
nervous system, tells it to. Our skeletal system
is dependent on our digestive system for
increase in size and strength.

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