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The USA, 1955-92: Conformity & Challenge

KT1: Affluence and Conformity, 1955-63

QB: Why were so many Americans willing to conform to contemporary values in the years 1955-63? (20)

LO: Explain using key evidence the main ways in which affluence and consumerism during the 1950s
contributed to conformity in the USA .
KEY TERMS: Conformity means
to behave within society in accordance with a shared sense of values and shared ways of behaving within society. This
means during the 1950s and early 1960s the majority of white Americans had a very similar way they lived their lives. And
young people aspired to live that type of consumerist aspirational life when they were older. Therefore, for Americans this
meant achieving the ‘American Dream’ of being married, having children, having a nice house in the suburbs, having 2 cars,
the husband would have a good job, the wife would be a housewife and look after the home and children, and they would
be able to afford to buy lots of luxuries such as televisions, fridges, washing machines and go shopping at the out-of-town
shopping mall at the weekends.

Who is
living the
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c and
skilled w/c were living very affluent lives: ARGUMENTS FOR: A CONFORMIST CONSUMERIST SOCIETY:
- The post war economic consumer boom leads to a huge
increase in affluence (wealth and prosperity) for many white
m/c and skilled w/c Americans following WWII.

- Affluence leads to many Americans able to afford a wide

range of luxury products; suburban homes, cars, travel,
television and other electrical goods.

- Affluence and the consumer society led to many Americans

feeling that they were very satisfied with their lives and they
believed they lived in a ‘land of opportunity' in which their
hard work was rewarded with high levels of living standards.

- Furthermore, this message of affluence and opportunity was

reflected in the growth of advertising which reflected a very
traditional America in which all Americans were living lives
enjoying the new consumer society as well as increasing the
demand for these products and services.
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? BACKGROUND to explain
why many m/c and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives:



1. What led to a huge increase in affluence in the USA between 1955-63?

2. What types of luxury items did affluence enable them to consume

leading to a consumer boom in the USA between 1955-63?

3. How did many m/c and skilled w/c Americans feel about living in the
USA between 1955-63?

CHALLENGE: What message did advertising portray and why between 1955-
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? BACKGROUND to explain why many m/c
and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives:
KEY QUESTIONS: Model Answers
1. What led to a huge increase in affluence in the USA between 1955-63?
ANS: The post war economic consumer boom leads to a huge increase in affluence (wealth and prosperity) for many white m/c and skilled w/c Americans following
WWII. Consequently, the boom and affluence led to a huge increase in many industries such as the car industry and advertising, leading to many managerial jobs,
engineers, designers and skilled workers. Levels of employment were very high for the white middle class (w/m/c) and skilled working class (w/c) leading to a big
increase in wages. Consequently, the increase in wages led to an increase in consumerism by these groups increasing the consumer boom and consequentlyy the
affluence of the w/m/c and skilled w/c between 1955-63.

2. What types of luxury items did affluence enable them to consume leading to a consumer boom in the USA between 1955-63?
ANS: Affluence leds to many Americans able to afford a wide range of luxury products; suburban homes, cars, travel, television and modern electrical goods and
appliances because of the consumer boom and rising wages for w/m/c and skilled w/c Americans who aspired to live the ‘American Dream’.

3. How did many m/c and skilled w/c Americans feel about living in the USA between 1955-63?
ANS: Affluence and the consumer society led to many white m/c and skilled w/c Americans feeling that they were very satisfied and happy with their lives and they
believed they lived in a ‘land of opportunity' in which their hard work was rewarded with high levels of living standards. They like President Eisenhower believed that
those such as Blacks, Hispanics and poor whites did not work hard and therefore, did not have the affluence to live the American Dream

CHALLENGE: What message did advertising portray and why between 1955-63?
ANS: this message of affluence and opportunity was reflected in the growth of advertising which reflected a very traditional America in which all Americans were living
lives enjoying the new consumer society as well as increasing the demand for these products and services. The affluent aspirational lifestyle was portrayed in adverts,
especially television in which the adverts would show their products being enjoyed by an aspirational w/m/c family which reflected the lives of the w/m/c viewers
which would make the w/m/c viewers want to buy the advertised product such as cars, televisions and household electrical goods such as washing macines and fridge-
freezers. Household items would be targeted at the housewife, who would be responsible for purchasing domestic items. Adverts for cars and television would be
targeted towards the man who would be responsible for buying these types of items. Television was the most popular form of advertising because watching television
was the most popular leisure time for w/m/c Americans between 1955-63 leading to a huge increase in adverting and consumerism between 1955-63!
Conformity and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? BACKGROUND to explain why many m/c
and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives:

KEY QUESTIONS: All answers must be topic specific based on

what you have learnt:

1. What does conformist mean in relation to US society during

the 1950s and 1960s?

2. What does affluence mean in relation to US society during

the 1950s and 1960s and who were not affluent in US
society during the 1950s and 1960s?

3. What types of aspirational luxury items did w/m/c Americans

aspire to consume during the 1950s and 1960s?

CHALLENGE: Explain President Eisenhower’s views about the

Federal government supporting the less well off in society?
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:

Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c and skilled
w/c wanted to live very affluent conformist lives: ARGUMENTS FOR: A CONFORMIST CONSUMERIST SOCIETY:
- Therefore, on the face of it America was a prosperous consumer society in which many
white middle class Americans had high levels of affluence because of the ever growing
consumer society which meant that lots of raw materials were needed in order for
factories to produce more and more goods, in order to keep up with demand.

- High production and demand leads to very high levels of employment and increasing
wages, which increases consumerism because many people have more disposable
income. Thus, the period between 1955-63 was one in which the white m/c had the
income to conform to the aspirational ‘American Dream.

- This was Eisenhower's America between 1955-63! Eisenhower was a Republican

President between 1953-61 and he was the General in charge of the Allies armed forces
during WWII. He was a deeply conservative man who believed in a non interventionist
Federal government unlike previous Presidents who had introduced policies to support
the unemployed and improve the economy to create employment.

- Eisenhower’s policy was that consumerism was the way in which to achieve a successful
economy, create employment and ensure most people had a very high level of living
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c and skilled
w/c wanted to live very affluent conformist lives: ARGUMENTS FOR:


1. Explain how consumerism and affluence led to a

booming economy in the USA between 1955-63?

2. Explain Eisenhower’s style of presidency and how it

differed from previous Presidents?
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c and
skilled w/c were living very affluent lives: ARGUMENTS AGAINST: A CONFORMIST CONSUMERIST SOCIETY:
- Threat of nuclear war. The growing tensions in the Cold War and the
USSR's development of the atomic bomb meant there was huge
anxiety in America of impending nuclear war - exemplified by the
'duck and cover' warning adverts and drills in schools and public

- Many critical in the media and arts about the 'homogeneity' of

American culture in the 1950s because many people were not
included in the this 'white, m/c affluent, consumerist, suburban

- America was a consumerist society. Consumerism had meant that

Americans led the world in terms of their society being based on
the consumption of goods to the point where many parts of society
based their lives around consumerism and continued affluence.

- Therefore, without consumerism the US economy would have

collapsed and led to a huge increase in poverty and hunger!
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c
and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives: ARGUMENTS AGAINST: A CONFORMIST CONSUMERIST
SOCIETY: Threat of Nuclear War – Duck and Cover TV Advert, 1950s

What to do in case of a nuclear attack?
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? Explain why many m/c and
skilled w/c were living very affluent lives: ARGUMENTS AGAINST A CONFORMIST CONSUMERIST SOCIETY:
- Many young people and youth movements were emerging
that were challenging the behaviours and traditions of the
previous generation.

- Race relations, especially in the South was dividing America,

huge divisions were developing between African Americans
and the traditional white affluent society.

- Huge amounts of inequality, especially between ethnic

minorities; African Americans; Hispanics and Native
Americans. These inequalities are largely ignored by
Eisenhower's government and these groups often held
responsible for not having the values, intelligence or ability
to improve their living standards in the 'land of
- Is this Eisenhower's America between 1955-63?
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? BACKGROUND to explain
why many m/c and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives:

1. Which groups were considered to be living a conformist and consumerist

‘homogenous’ lifestyle in the USA between 1955-63?

2. Explain why Americans were dependent on a consumerist society?

3. Explain why many young people were not viewed as conformist?

CHALLENGE: Explain the many different types of inequalities that existed in

the USA between 1955-63 and why ethnic minorities cannot be viewed as

CHALLENGE: What does the high level of anxiety and fear of a nuclear war tell
us about Americans between 1955-63?
Urbanisation and affluence, 1955-63:
Is it accurate to say there was 'bland' conformity in the USA between 1955-63? BACKGROUND to explain
why many m/c and skilled w/c were living very affluent lives:

1. Which groups were considered to be living a conformist and consumerist

‘homogenous’ lifestyle in the USA between 1955-63?

2. Explain why Americans were dependent on a consumerist society?

3. Explain why many young people were not viewed as conformist?

CHALLENGE: Explain the many different types of inequalities that existed in

the USA between 1955-63 and why ethnic minorities cannot be viewed as

CHALLENGE: What does the high level of anxiety and fear of a nuclear war tell
us about Americans between 1955-63?
QB: Why were so many Americans willing to conform to contemporary values in the years
1955-63? (20)
Arguments For: Arguments Against:

1. 1.
I.S. & HW TASKS for Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd September:
KT1: USA Affluence & Conformity, 1955-63 Flip Learning notes and Key Qs:

- Please complete the I.S. & HW tasks on the attached document over the next 3 days (Tuesday 21st,
Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd September). [ ]

- Complete the notes using the headings, subheadings and dates provided in your text book. [ ]

- Complete your notes in bullet points which explain the reasons for conformity and affluence in the USA
between 1955-63. [ ]

- Read the whole paragraphs first and identify the meaning of any words that you do not understand. [ ]

- Answer the key questions using the full question stem and relevant dates.

- Read and check your answers. And we will go through this work in class as part of our lessons. So, I will
check on Friday that you have completed this work. [ ]
I.S. & HW: Tuesday 21.9.21, Wednesday, 22.9.21, Thursday 23.9.21 FLIP LEARNING NOTES & KEY Qs:

- For the following tasks you can use your lovely new text books. Also use the glossary at the back of your text book to look up and write down any new key

1. Consumerism and domestic technology, 1955-63: Make bullet-pointed notes in your exercise books on this topic from the attached teacher notes Booklet
P.2. Use your notes to explain the following key question using your notes.
KEY Q: Explain why the majority of Americans were living the American Dream as a result of the consumer boom during the 1950s and 1960s?
KEY Q: Explain why television became one of the most important consumer items for m/c affluent Americans?
KEY Q: Why did Harvard economist John Galbraith and intellectuals such as David Riesman criticise the consumer society in the USA?

2. Consumerism and domestic technology, 1955-63: The Teenage Consumer: Make bullet-pointed notes in your exercise books on this topic from the attached
teacher notes Booklet P.3. Use your notes to explain the following key question using your notes.
1. List the different types of tings that affluent m/c teenagers spent their money on?
2. At what age did one in three teenagers marry?
CHALLENGE: Explain why teenagers were so important to the economy and to advertisers in the 1950s and 1960s?

3. Read the Source on P.3 of the attached booklet or in your new exercise books P. and answer the following questions using Source information and your own
1. What type of background does the girl in the article come from?
2. Does the girl represent the majority of American society?
3. What types of items does she consume (buy) and why?

CHALLENGE: Watch and make notes on this excellent History documentary about 1950s American society. It covers everything we are learning.

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