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Dr.M.Prasantha Kumari
Assistant Professor
Dept., of Library and Information
What is Classification ?
• Classification is a mental act and logical
process. It goes on every moment of life
knowingly or unknowingly.
• Classification is a process of grouping of
similar or like entities
• A postman classifies postal items for efficient and timely
delivery. For quick, efficient and easy delivery a postal items is
sorted (classified) many times at different stages between
posting and delivery.
• A fruit seller sorts his fruits into categories, say, oranges,
apples, grapes, and so on. Further each group say of apples is
further sorted into species say Kashmiri apples, Simla apples,
Golden apples, Green apples, etc.
• A vendor may further sort each species by quality and price.
At every step of grouping the sorter is adding value to the
items. Thus classification is value addition. knowingly,
deliberately or unconsciously.
• Formally and traditionally, library classification
has been defined as the arrangement of books
and other reading material on the shelves or
entries in a classified catalogue in a way that is
helpful to the majority of users.
• (Maltby, 1975).
• According to Ranganathan
Library Classification is the translation of the
name of the subject into preferred artificial
language of ordinary numbers.
• Today’s libraries are mostly arranged by disciplines
divided into subject though different types of
collections are arranged in different ways.
• Current periodicals are arranged alphabetically by
title. Maps, CDs, pamphlets, photographs indeed
require different and separate arrangements.
• Designer of a classification scheme is known as
• Operating a classification system to assign class
numbers to documents in a library is called a classifier.
Importance of library classification

• Classification is vital to library services.

• Classification is to a library as skeleton is to
human body on which all the body organs rest.
• In a library, classification serves all the function,
• a tool of management, helps knowledge
creation. It also helps in collection
Importance of classification contd…
• All the Five Laws of Library Science formulated
by Ranganathan support library classification
and have specific implications to design
effective classification systems to serve the
• Without classification a library is an
unorganized dump of books. Therefore,
without it the full value of a library collection
cannot be obtained.
Types of Library Classification Systems
• A library classification may be general, that is,
covering the human knowledge.
• Such systems are suited to cater to the needs
of general libraries both big and small – from
national library to village library.
• Academic libraries also use such systems.
• On the other hand there are institutions which
require in-depth or minute classification to
organise micro literature.
• These are special and research libraries of
institutes like the rubber research institutes or
petroleum research and development centers,
or say the library of a defence research center
or even the library of a mathematics
Uses of classification in a library:
• Classification is indispensable for libraries.
However, its specific uses can be broadly listed
• It brings together books on the same subject.
Thus a patron gets all the books at one place
which is much more convenient to the users.
• It shows hierarchical and associative relations,
which are essential for retrieval of specific and
related subjects available in a library.
• It is a location tool; without classification the
library catalogue will not be able to function
• It helps to replace the books at their correct
places when the books are returned to the
stacks after the home or inside use. It is also
used for preparing shelf lists.
• It saves the time of the user and thereby the
time of the library staff also.
• It also helps in finding out the total collection
available on a subject. Further it helps us to
know the strength and weakness of the
collection in the library or any subject.
Functions of Classification
• Library Classification arranges documents in
an order convenient to the user and the
library staff.
• It brings together documents on closely
related subjects.
• When a new document is added to the library,
classification finds a proper place for it among
the existing documents.

• Efficient and thorough stock verification of the

library collection is possible through the
• It can also be used in the filing of non-book
materials such as slides, films, microforms,
Audio Visual Materials etc.,
• Classification can be made of all entities under the sun.
Philosophers, scientists, librarians, shopkeepers, postmen,
housewives all do classification for different purposes.

• Many philosophers right from Aristotle have done classification

of the entire universe of knowledge. Scientists have produced
taxonomies of plants, animals and chemical substances.

• In libraries we apply knowledge classification to organize our

books, databases and other reading material both in print and
electronic form to serve our users.
• Classification is so much the basis of all library
services that it has been described as
foundation study of librarianship.
It is a perfect tool of organization and

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