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1. Abdikariim Ahmed Osman 1562
2. Ibrahim Ali Bule 1454
3. Abshir Hassan Mohamed 1462
4. Mohamed Abdisalan Nor Halane 951
5. Sacdiyo Hassan Ali 1572
6. Ibrahim Abdulahi Yusuf 1540
7. Faisa Mohamed Omar 1485

The second law of

The second law of thermodynamics
 Around 1850 Rudolf Clausius and William Thomson
(Kelvin) stated both the First Law - that total energy is
conserved - and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

 The second law of thermodynamics states that as

energy is transferred or transformed, more and more
of it is wasted.

The second law of thermodynamics
There are limits to the efficiency of heat engines. The
ideal engine would convert all input energy into
useful work, but it turns out that such an engine is
impossible to construct. The Kelvin-Planck
formulation of the second law of thermodynamics can
be stated as follows:
 No heat engine operating in a cycle can absorb
energy from a reservoir and
 use it entirely for the performance of an
equal amount of work.
 reversible and irreversible Processes
reversible and irreversible Processes

No engine can operate with 100% efficiency, but different

designs yield different efficiencies, and it turns out that
one design in particular delivers the maximum possible
efficiency. This design is the Carnot cycle, discussed in the
next subsection.
Understanding it requires the concepts of reversible and
irreversible processes.
In a reversible process, every state along the path is an
equilibrium state, so the sys-tem can return to its initial
conditions by going along the same path in the reverse
direction. A process that doesn’t satisfy this requirement
is irreversible.
reversible and irreversible Processes

the carnot Engine

 in 1824, in an effort to understand the efficiency of

real engines, a French engineer named Sadi Carnot
(1796–1832) described a theoretical engine now called
a Carnot engine that is of great importance from both a
practical and a theoretical viewpoint.
 He showed that a heat engine operating in an ideal,
reversible cycle now called a Carnot cycle—between
two energy reservoirs is the most efficient engine
possible. Such an engine establishes an upper limit on
the efficiencies of all real engines.

Carnot’s theorem can be stated as follows:
 The process A S B is an isothermal expansion at
temperature Th in which the gas is placed in thermal
contact with a hot reservoir (a large oven, for example)
at temperature Th (Fig. 12.18a). During the process, the
gas absorbs energy Q h from the reservoir and does work
WAB in raising the piston.
 In the process B S C, the base of the cylinder is replaced
by a thermally nonconducting wall and the gas expands
adiabatically, so no energy enters or leaves the system by
heat (Fig. 12.18b). During the process, the temperature
falls from Th to Tc and the gas does work WBC in
raising the piston.
 In the process C S D, the gas is placed in thermal
contact with a cold reser-voir at temperature Tc (Fig.
12.18c) and is compressed isothermally at tem-
perature Tc. During this time, the gas expels energy Q
c to the reservoir and the work done on the gas is
 In the final process, D S A, the base of the cylinder is
again replaced by a thermally nonconducting wall
(Fig. 12.18d), and the gas is compressed adia-batically.
The temperature of the gas increases to Th , and the
work done on the gas is WDA.
SI unit :joules/kelvin(j/k)


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