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Advantages and Disadvantages .
Student: Vasluian Laura Maria
Group: P-2041
Professor: Popovici Diana
The characteristics of new technologies offer the
possibility of developing new ways of teaching and
learning, transforming the traditional educational
model. Currently, traditional teaching transmitted
from teacher to student is losing relevance as a
consequence of the digital transformation of
In this context, digital tools have become a
fundamental support for education professionals, as
they allow them to store, process and share all
teaching material through multiple electronic
devices, and even create new content in a much
more attractive way.
The arrival of ICT in education has provided
unlimited access to resources and information and is
defined as a great support for teachers and improves
the quality of student learning.
Examples of Use of ICTs
Interactive Interactive
whiteboard tablets

Digital Books Virtual


Virtual teaching
platforms Laptops
Examples of Use of ICTs

Interactive whiteboard Virtual teaching platforms Virtual classrooms

Digital Books Interactive tablets Laptops

Advantages of ICT in education
It improves Increased classroom
concentration and 01. 04 productivity and
comprehension collaborative work.

It promotes
It stimulates
student flexibility 02 05 motivation.
and autonomy.

It facilitates
It incorporates new
communication 03 06 learning methods.
between teachers
and students.
It encourages
07 critical thinking
Disadvantages of ICT in education
01 02 03 04 05
It reduces the
Distractions Consumption It reduces
development Theft of
and lack of of false human
of other personal data.
attention. information contact.

It amplifies Excessive
06 07 impact.
Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom

1. Use Videos for Mini-Lessons

2. Co-ordinate Live Video
3. Play Podcasts
4. Add Multimedia Elements to
5. Use Virtual Manipulatives
6. Gather Student Feedback
7. Set Up Student Blogs
The classrooms of the 21st century are rapidly changing with
the help of technology. ICT has revolutionized the way the
education industry functions. But while it is extremely
beneficial, the proper use of ICT is also equally important.

The importance of ICT in the education sector is huge, and

soon it will be an integral part of all school systems. Along
with implementing the tools, it is necessary to train the
educators to harness the true potential of ICT. Digital literacy
among teachers and students transforms the way we use
technology to learn. With ICT, we can build school systems
that are more efficient, cost-effective, and inclusive of

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