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Complete the Do Now activity

Answer the questions below in your books

1. What was the difference between a house slave and a field

2. What type of work were field slaves expected to do?

3. Describe what happened to slaves after they reached The


Extension – Can you remember the stages of the Transatlantic Triangle?

Determination | Integrity | Trust

Complete the Do Now activity

Answer the questions below in your books

1. What was the difference between a house slave and a field

2. What type of work were field slaves expected to do?

3. Describe what happened to slaves after they reached The


Extension – Can you remember the stages of the Transatlantic Triangle?

Determination | Integrity | Trust

Lesson Title: Laws and Punishment Monday 27 November
Lesson Objectives: 2023
Describe the nature of laws slaves were held to.

Identify the punishments they were subjected to for breaking such laws.

Evaluate how the punishments varied from time to time

Last Lesson: We looked at the conditions under Key Words/Concepts:

which Slaves were forced to work.
This Lesson: Branded
• We will see what laws were established
pertaining slaves, Laws
• We will also look at the various punishments they
were subjected to.

Determination | Integrity | Trust

Task: Analyse the source with your
partner, what is happening in this
source? What can you infer from
the quote?

“You call it the dirty work of the Democratic Party to catch fugitive
slaves for the Southern people. We are willing to perform that dirty
work.” John A. Logan, in the Illinois State Legislature, Dec. 9th, 1859.

Extension – Why would they be willing to perform the “dirty work” ?

Determination | Integrity | Trust

Read the handout and compare the laws
from 1712 to that of 1739. What
differences stand out? Why do you think
these changes were made?

Extension – Why did you think they were laws against teaching slaves to read and write?

Determination | Integrity | Trust

Task: Read the handout and then write a
PEEL paragraph on the following

“How severe were slaves punished

during the time of Slavery”

This is an Iconic image of “Whipped Peter”. His scars are

a result of years of whipping.

Extension – Why would no one be arrested for the

mistreatment of slaves?

Determination | Integrity | Trust

In 3 sentences describe what how slaves
were treated and what laws they were
subjected to.

Extension – Explain what being “branded” means.

Determination | Integrity | Trust

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