The Function of The Respiratory System

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ND Anatomy & Physiology

Lesson Objectives
 Identify the structure of the respiratory
 Recall the main function of the
respiratory system
 Recognise the mechanics of breathing
 Explain the mechanics of breathing
 Operate the mechanics of breathing
 Analyse the mechanics of breathing
 The primary function of the
respiratory system is to
supply the body with oxygen
while removing carbon

 During "Respiration" there are

several distinct processes
Function of the Respiratory System
 The function of the
respiratory system is to
deliver air to the lungs.
 Oxygen in the air diffuses
out of the lungs and into
the blood, while carbon
dioxide diffuses in the
opposite direction, out of
the blood and into the
 Respiration includes the
following processes:
The Mechanics of Breathing
 Inhalation and expiration
occur as a result of
volume changes within
the thorax.
 When the volume of the
thorax is increased air is
sucked in –
 When the volume of the
thorax is decreased air is
expelled -

Note: the expanding ribcage due to intercostal muscles and the flattening
of the diaphragm
The respiratory muscles
 11 pairs of
intercostal muscles
 Nearest to the lungs
are internal
intercostal muscles
 The external
intercostal muscles
lie on top of the
Respiratory muscle contraction
 The first rib is fixed
 During external
intercostal muscle
contraction, the other
ribs are pulled
towards the first.
 Resulting in upwards
and outwards
The Diaphragm
 During diaphragm
contraction, muscle
fibres shorten.
 The central tendon
is pulled
 This increases the
depth of the
thoracic cavity
Group Activity – 20 mins
 Groups 1 & 3: Explain the breathing
mechanism during inspiration
 Groups 2 & 4: Explain the breathing
mechanism during expiration

 All groups should do this as a flow chart

using only diagrams and key words only
The Mechanics of Breathing
 This can be
demonstrated with a
simple experiment
(shown opposite).

 Indicative question:
What happens when
the stretched balloon
is pulled down?
The Mechanics of Breathing
 Muscles involved in breathing
 Inhalation – external intercostal muscles
contract raising the ribcage, and the
diaphragm contracts and ___________.
This causes a _________ in the volume of
the thorax.
 Expiration – internal intercostal muscles
contract lowering the ribcage, and the
diaphragm ______. This causes the
volume of the thorax to ________.
Breathing Analysis
 What is the significance of the
intercostal muscles?
 What is the significance of the
 Why is a change of air pressure
important within the thoracic cavity?
 What is the significance of the
accessory inspiratory muscles during
maximal exercise?
Ventilation External Transport Internal Cellular

Respiration Respiration Respiration

Gas Mitochon
Movement exchange Transport Gas
of air
into/out of between of gases exchange
the lungs. between between in which
blood and oxygen is
lungs and blood and
air filled utilised
the tissue
body for
lungs tissue cells energy

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