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12 Rules Of

By Tyler Bilawchuk

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#1 Never Give Up

• Never give up on your goals ambitions and

dreams. You can never fail if you never give
up, you can only succeed

• The time I first played guitar was a struggle

learning how to play my first song I would
keep messing up for hours and I just
wanted to give up. At the time, my dad and
I played guitar together and he told me to
never give up because you will never fail if
you keep on trying. I listened to him and
overtime I was able to play the song.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

#2 Be Kind

• Be kind to others because you never

know what's going on in someone's day
and being kind can make their day a
whole lot better.

• One time I was in math class in school

and a member in my table group was
not looking so happy. When we were
assigned to do questions as a table
group, I was very kind to him by helping
with problems he didn't understand and
was very nice explaining the math
problems to him and cracked some
jokes to cheer him up. I saw how just a
little bit of kindness can change
someone's whole day.

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#3 Smile

• Smiling can be a good habit making you

feel better as a person and be happier.

• One time I was in class with my friend,

and I was not very happy with my work
and was a little tired from the long day I
was not in the best mood, but he told
me to just smile, and I will have more
motivation throughout my day. I listened
to him and surprisingly it made me more
motivated and happier.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

#4 Avoid
• Avoid negativity at all costs. Negativity can
really cause unnecessary problems
hurting others.
• I was out with some friends at a small
birthday party. Two of my friends got into
a heated argument that got out of
control. I instantly told them that
negativity is not going to resolve anything,
and you guys need to come to an
agreement in a reasonable manner. They
instantly realized negativity Is not the
solution to their problem and talked
about the disagreement maturely and

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.

#5 Don't
Compare Others
• Don't compare others, everyone has
their own pace and talents in certain

• One time I was playing basketball with

friends and one of my friends who has
never played basketball that much joined
us to play a 2v2 game. My one friend
kept comparing him to other players
making him upset. I told him to realize
that everyone must start somewhere,
and we all have our own talents and skills
when doing activities, we our all-unique
different people. He realized that after I
told him and apologized.
#6 Be Yourself

• Be yourself, everyone has their

own unique characteristics for a
reason and can contribute them to

• This relates to me because

sometimes when it came to
activities such as sports, I would
always want to be like someone. I
slowly realized though that just
because someone else plays a
certain way may not be the way I
play it because I have my own
unique different abilities, but I can
still learn from their techniques to
make it work for my own.
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.
#7 Keep Your Promises

• Keep your promises you make, this shows

you're a trustworthy, kind, respectful person
that will make you a good person.

• For example, one time my friend and I made

a promise to each other that we would finish
our science project before the due date. With
this promise we made a schedule to make
sure we would get it done in time. With this
promise we both stuck to it and completed
the project on time. We also got an A on the
project which we were very happy about.
This made us trust each other more and
showed our value to each other and our
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
#8 Think Before
You Act

• Always think before you act, you want to

make sure you make the right choices
before you act because you shouldn't
regret anything in life but instead learn
from your mistakes.

• I realized it is very smart to really think

before you make an action, so you
don't want to regret it. An example of
this can be when I bought something,
and I didn't even use it after a couple of
days. I noticed I should have
thought before purchasing it.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

#9 Do Your Best
And Have A Plan

• Always try your best when it comes to a

goal and to accomplish this have a
sketched-out plan step by step how you
will achieve this.

• When I was practicing for a concert in

band, I had a very difficult solo. To
accomplish playing this solo my plan
was to practice an hour every day and
stay consistent. I tried my best to do this
and when the concert came up, I did a
really good job because of me working
very hard.
#10 Take
Smart Risks
• Take wise risks knowing
that some risks maybe a
once in a lifetime
opportunity changing your
life for the better.

• An example of this is when

is when I took the risk of
going on stage and
preforming with my guitar.
It was a rewarding risk of
me working on my skills of
guitar and having an
amazing night afterwards.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

#11 Work Hard And

• Hard work and consistency is the key

to achieving anything you want.
Overtime you get better and better
slowly without even realizing it
making you accomplish your goals.

• I have realized if you want to achieve

your goals and live up to your true
potential you cannot be lazy. For
example, when I was in my math class
it was very difficult for me to
understand the foreign concepts. I
worked on this by doing practice
questions every day after school
making sure I understand each section
of the unit. After doing this I was
successful with an A in the class.
#12 Take Responsibility
For Your Actions
Always take responsibility for your actions, owe up to
something if you do something wrong and be mature so you This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

can move forward.

An example of this is when my friend made a mistake when

we did a woodworking project. He realized he was in the
wrong for making a miss measurement and he helped by
starting over getting all the materials. This made us both
happy and motivated to start over again and realize the
bigger picture while showing maturity.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

The End

• Follow these rules into becoming

a better person and
accomplishing your ambitions
and goals.

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