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Public Places

Hello Afika, are you ready to learn with Mrs. Karin?

Public place is the place which opens to the public.

lyric of the song

● This is market
● This is garden
● This is bank
● This is field
● This is a swimming pool (twice)
● This is mosque
The kind of buplic places
Bookstore : took buku
Hospital : rumah sakit
Bank : bank
Park : taman
Market : pasar
Mosque : masjid
Field : ladang
Zoo : kebun binatang
Library : perpustakaan
Post office : kantor pos
Swimming pool : kolam renang
● Boookstore is the place which sells the kind
of books.

● In the market, we can shop the groceries.

● Garden is the place which produces harvest.

● The bank is the place for saving and loan.

Swimming pool is the place which is full of

If you want to get medical treatment, you can go

to the hopital.
In the zoo, we will find some animals there.

In this park, we will play saveral outdoor

activities such as sing, slide and see - saw
The questions
• Please mention three buplic places that you
• Please mention a buplic place that you don’t
• What is your favorite public place?
• Why do you like this place?
• What is your disfavour public place?
• Why do you dislike this place?
The answer
• My favorite public place is ...(zoo)...
• Because I ....(can find many animals there)...
• My disfavour public place is ... (hospital)....
• Because there are much ilness there
Website for game

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