Reccomendation Group 4 XI-MIPA 5

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Definition of Cigarette
Cigarettes are rolls or rolls of tobacco that are
rolled / wrapped in paper, leaves, or corn husks,
about the size of a pinkie with a length of 8-10 cm,
usually smoked by someone after burning the ends.
Cigarettes are manufacturers of dangerous
Rokok adalah lintingan atau gulungan
tembakau yang digulung / dibungkus
dengan kertas, daun, atau kulit jagung,
sebesar kelingking dengan panjang 8-10
cm, biasanya dihisap seseorang setelah
dibakar ujungnya. Rokok merupakan
pabrik bahan kimia berbahaya.

So far, people usually know the terms active

smokers and passive smokers, there is
another type of smoker known as a social
smoker. As the name implies, the
designation is intended for social smokers
who only smoke at certain moments.
selama ini lazimnya masyarakat
mengetahui istilah perokok aktif dan
perokok pasif, ada satu jenis perokok lain
yang dikenal sebagai social smoker. Sesuai
namanya, sebutan tersebut ditujukan bagi
para perokok sosial yang hanya merokok di
momen tertentu saja.
presence of cigarettes
It is estimated that the presence of cigarettes in the market will become more rampant in
line with the weak policy of controlling cigarette prices. The target for reducing sales of
young people is threatened not to be achieved if the monitoring of cigarette selling prices
is not optimal. Adi Musharianto, Researcher at the Center for Human and Economic
Development of the Ahmad Dahlan Institute of Technology and Business (CHED ITB-AD)
Jakarta explained that the current policy of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
(DJBC) allows the selling price of cigarettes to be below 85 percent of the price on the
excise stamp or the Retail Selling Price (HJE) that has been set by the Government
Keberadaan rokok murah di pasar diperkirakan bakal semakin merajalela seiring lemahnya kebijakan
pengawasan harga jual rokok. Target penurunan prevalensi perokok muda terancam tidak tercapai bila
pengawasan harga jual rokok belum optimal.Adi Musharianto, Peneliti Center of Human and Economic
Development Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan (CHED ITB-AD) Jakarta menjelaskan,
kebijakan Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai (DJBC) saat ini memungkinkan harga jual rokok di bawah 85
persen harga pada pita cukai atau Harga Jual Eceran (HJE) yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah.
The characteristics of a
cigarette addict
Signs that you are addicted to Tanda-tanda Anda kecanduan merokok
smoking include antara lain:
• dizziness • pusing
• dry mouth • mulut kering
• cough • batuk
• constipation • Sembelit
• anxiety • kecemasan
depression. • depresi.

This happens because nicotine that Hal ini terjadi karena nikotin yang masuk
enters the body can trigger happiness ke dalam tubuh dapat memicu
in the brain. kebahagiaan di otak.

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