LET-2 Prof - Ed

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• 1) teacher Laura recognizes her student could easily work better to any classroom activities she is giving . What skill does Teacher Laura’s
students demonstrate?
• a. Self control
• b. adaptability
• c. empathy
• d. influence
• Ans: b

• 2) Mr. Perez exposed his students to problematic situations to make them actively respond with the situation. Which philosophy is
• a. progressivism
• b. idealism
• c. verbal realism
• d. sense realism
• Ans: c

• 3) the reform teaching emphasizes student ownership as an essential factor. Which of the following is likely to be done?
• a. not spending time for figuring out what the teacher wants
• b. giving more assignment
• c. asking students what they think
• D. making follow-up questions
• Ans: c
• 4) teacher Danny would like his students to cite and opinions from the selected stories. What objective does he aim to be established in his
lesson ?
• a. comprehension
• b. analysis
• c. synthesis
• D. evaluation
• Ans: b

• 5) the state recognizes the vital role of teachers in nation building and development of literate citizenry. Which of the following does not
ensure proper supervision relative to the national goal for teaching development?
• a. professionalization of teachers
• b. establishing socio-economic development
• c. the regulation of licensure examination
• D. Establishing the quality education
• Ans: b

• 6) teacher Ana on her English class would like her students to locate the main idea in a short article and summarize it on their own words.
What cognitive domain is she developing?
• a. application
• b. knowledge
• c. comprehension
• D. analysis
• Ans: c
• 7) which of the following Piaget’s processes requires learners to understand new concepts by relating it with what they already knew ?
• a. organization
• b. adaption
• c. accommodation
• D. assimilation
• Ans: d

• 8) which of the following statements does not properly describe co-relationship between measurement and evaluation?
• a. measurement and evaluation are co-relative
• b. measurement should not take place prior to evaluation
• c. evaluation should take place prior to measurement
• D. measurement and evaluation are independent process
• Ans: c

• 9) professionalization of practice includes the following except ?

• a. teaching well academically and morally
• b. equipped and empowered with necessary tools and skills
• c. moulding young as they shape their future
• D. ensure the teaching profession is the noblest profession
• Ans: d
• 10) which of the following teacher’s self-management skills manifests her ability to keep disruptive emotions under control?
• a. empathy
• b. organizational awareness
• c. adaptability
• D. self-control
• Ans: d

• 11) Chris and John didn’t have difficulty in looking for a job because they carry the names of their parents. What status is manifested ?
• a. achieved status
• b. ascribed status
• c. social status
• D. social stratification
• Ans: b

• 12) You want to use real – time problem, s strategy in teaching mathematics. What is the best thing to do?
• a. teach the students how to find solution to the problem
• b. encourage students to find solutions by themselves
• c. teach the students how to develop group action and define/identify each task and responsibility
• D. teach them to be proficient individually
• Ans: c
• 13) which of the following systems of brain, according to Mazamo’s research, focuses on the learner’s formulation of goals?
• a. self esteem
• B. meta cognitive system
• c. cognitive system
• D. social system
• Ans: b

• 14) which of the school of thought emphasizes the teachers should cater to the inter-social delopment of the learners?
• a. naturalism
• b. scholasticism
• c. rationalism
• D. social realism
• Ans: d

• 15)which of the following phases of Teacher Education Program whereby an education intern is informed to the new polices of the teaching
• a. observation
• b. induction
• c. orientation
• D. apprenticeship
• Ans: c
• 16) the memory pathway which holds specific information such as doing things in a correct certain way ?
• a. episodic memory
• b. procedural memory
• c. automatic memory
• D. semantic memory
• Ans: b

• 17) teacher Chris gives a short quiz to evaluate whether her pupils understood the lesson or not. She practice which of the following
• a. law of readiness
• b. law of exercise
• c. law of effect
• D. law of similarity
• Ans: c

• 18) according to Pestalozzi, lessons were to be learned through direct experience with objects and places through observation, inquiry and
reasoning. Which of the following does not show the Pestalozzi’s theory,
• a. children should learn by doing
• b. use any manipulated objects
• c. a sample explains its correct meaning
• D. to see is to believe
• Ans: b
• 19) this philosophy necessitates teachers to teach the ideas and skills basic to a culture based from the earner’s experience?
• a. essentialism
• b. existentialism
• c. progressivism
• D. reconstrcutionism
• Ans: a

• 20) in teaching Mathematics, which of the following is the suggested for a teaching materials?
• a. reading textbook
• b. worksheet
• c. individual problem solving sheet
• D. mathematical investigation
• Ans: d

• 21) debate as a classroom strategy originated from?

• a. Greeks
• b. Primitive
• c. Romans
• D. social stratification
• Ans: c
• 22) Bruner’s structure of knowledge, which can be used for instructional purposes can be termed “old” and “new ideas”. Which one of the
following is a new idea?
• A. sleep early
• b. clean the environment
• c. slogan for health conscious
• D. balance diet
• Ans: c

• 23) which classifies the teacher’s right to engage, directly or indirectly for income generation.?
• a. a tutorial services unauthorized by the head
• b. an vendor seller
• c. a book seller to a cert in publishing company
• D. a book writer
• Ans: d

• 24) which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?

• a. they emphasize on process as well as product
• b. they also stress on doing, not only on knowing
• c. essay tests are example of performance-based assessment
• D. they emphasize only on process
• Ans: d
• 25) the new educational paradigm assumed which of the following.?
• a. learning may not take place in different places
• b. selected conditions and environment
• c. for different types of learners
• D. for different school levels
• Ans: c

• 26) Realia is used whenever it is ?

• a. available
• b. feasible
• c. affordable
• D. plausible
• Ans: b

• 27) towards the end of the school year. Mrs. Ana would like to find out the weaknesses and strengths of her students. What type of test
should she prepare?
• a. aptitude
• b. placement
• c. achievement
• D. diagnostic
• Ans: d
• 28) the teacher can tell the assignment is effective by looking at?
• a. quantity and quality of the reference materials used
• b. amount of effort exerted o prepare the assignment
• c. extent to which the immediate interest of the learners are considered
• D. the result of the independent work of pupils
• Ans: d

• 29) the 12 year old Mark starts getting attracted and secretly admires his classmate who happens to be the president of the class. Which
psycho-sexual stage did he manifest?
• a. genital stage
• b. anal stage
• c. phallic stage
• D. latency stage
• Ans: a

• 30) to reduce the subjectivity in scoring an essay test, it would be best for the teacher to
• a. observe clearly define criteria
• b. rate the answers to all questions
• c. consider the length of the answer
• D. identify the owner of the test
• Ans: a
• 31) Teacher Cristina acknowledges her shy pupil who gets very satisfactory result in her examination. What theory does the teacher
• a. classical conditioning theory
• b. stimulus Response theory
• c. operant Conditioning theory
• d. Social Learning theory
• Ans: c

• 32) if a teacher would like his students to use higher order of thinking skills then he would ask more ____ questions ?
• a. fact
• b. close
• c. convergent
• d. divergent
• Ans: d

• 33) “I'm aware of extending good greetings to our teachers and those that are older than I” says the third year student when asked about
the implications of his decisions. Which of the following theories is operationalized ?
• a. Cognitive theory
• b. Humanistic theory
• c. Metacognitive theory
• d. Behaviouristic theory
• Ans: d
• 34) integrity in the profession means?
• a. engaging in the pursuit of profession with courtesy and conscientious
• b. exhibiting the best of traits and behaviour
• c. working with commitment and dedication
• D. ability to show honesty in the profession
• Ans: a

• 35) the informal indigenous learning systems as well as self-learning and out- of school youth study programs should respond to what?
• a. learner’s need
• b. community needs
• c. people needs
• D. country’s need
• Ans: b

• 36) by using the _________ technique, the teacher can show cause and eefect.
• a. histogram
• b. K-W-L technique
• c. fishbone diagram
• D. spider web
• Ans: c
• 37) in what grade levels are elementary learners introduced to basic counting concepts ?
• a. grade 1 and 2
• b. grade 2 and 3
• c. grade 3 and 4
• D. grade 4 and 5
• Ans: a

• 38) which of the following that educators make evaluative judgement?

• a. giving them the answers
• b. diagnosing the learning difficulties of pupils/students
• c. not determining learners’ readiness of new learning experience
• D. providing learning opportunities for the gifted group
• Ans: b

• 39) the primary concern when choosing instructional aid should be?
• a. made skilfully
• b. mirrors Filipino setting
• c. maintain students'’ attention
• D. must be suited to the lesson objective
• Ans: d
• 40) which situation does mot demonstrate the influence of essentialism ?
• a. Teacher Cruz emphasizing the importance of basic needs.
• b. Mr De la Cruz teaching students to have good interrelationship among each other.
• c. The Principal insisting that teachers use technology
• d. Teacher Annie indicates in the hearts and minds of students values to live harmoniously with others.
• Ans: c

• 41) assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher _________ ?

• a. considers students’ suggestions in teaching
• b. give valid and reliable paper-and pencil test
• c. gives students real-life tasks to accomplish
• d. includes parents in the determination of assessment procedures
• Ans: c

• 42) in preparing instructional objectives, which of the following that miss Christy should not ask: ?
• a. what specific change am I striving for?
• b. what is the most effective strategy I should employ?
• c. what is that I should aim to make them improved?
• D. what is the purpose to be established for the new lesson?
• Ans: b
• 43) Teacher Della make use of giving group activities in order to extend more good relationship among them. What theory does she us?
• a. social learning theory
• b. law of association
• c. operant conditioning
• D. classical conditioning
• Ans: b

• 44) if teacher Tony wants to test his students’ synthesizing skills. Which of the following has the highest diagnostic value?
• a. completion test
• b. performance test
• c. essay test
• D. multiple choice test
• Ans: c

• 45) teacher Gina is talking about the “grading on the curve” in teacher’s assembly. This means that she is referring to what type of grading
• a. cumulative method of grading
• b. non-reference grading
• c. criterion-reference grading
• D. combination of B and C
• Ans: b
• 46) experts like Tyler, stressed that developing a curriculum must follow the steps in sequential order. This model is called?
• a. sequential model
• b. linear model
• c. ecletic model
• D. wheeler model
• Ans: b

• 47) Aristotle's philosophy which states that “the end of education is not knowledge alone, it is the union of innate intellect of the individual
and his will, it is knowledge expressed in action ?
• a. learning by doing of Dewey
• b. Piaget’s schemata theory
• c. The teaching of science and math in a linear procedure
• d. The bridging theory into practice
• Ans: d

• 48) Comenius in his philosophy postulated the development of the whole man before he becomes professional. This implies: ?
• a. be intellectually good to become a total person
• b. developing total person moans professionally and intellectually competent
• c. developments of all potentials of man
• d. man’s rationality can make him total person
• Ans: b
• 49) Aside for Dewey’s theory of learning by doing, he also mentioned education as growth and continuous. This means ?
• a. reconstruction of experience
• b. updating in principles
• c. restructuring of what teach
• d. growth and development of a learner
• Ans: a

• 50) the NESC demonstrates ample evidence of the inclusion of Behaviourist psychological principles through the use of behavioural
objectives, drills, and homework that reinforced learning. NESC means_____ ?
• a. National Secondary Education Curriculum
• b. National Secondary and Elementary Education Curriculum
• c. New Secondary Education Curriculum
• d. New Secondary and Elementary Education Curriculum
• Ans: c

• 51) it is the policy-making apparatus of society, all the power forces that bear upon and give point to the community life ?
• a. control culture
• b. control mechanism
• c. control theory
• d. control acculturation
• Ans: a
• 52)teacher Jenny as n inspiration to almost all of her students. Her efficiency and effectiveness in the profession is truly outstanding. Which
of the following describes this attitude of the students toward her?
• a. progressivism
• b. naturalism
• c. idealism
• d. perennialsm
• Ans: d

• 53) A characteristic of adolescent thinking that leads young people to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others ?
• a. adolescent egocentrism
• b. centre of attraction
• c. selfish motives
• d. reasons in favour of their own ideas
• Ans: a

• 54) which of the following manifest best the Teacher –Student Relationship?
• a. teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student upon the approval of parents
• b. teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student secretly
• c. teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student at all times
• d. teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student at all times
• Ans: d
• 55) which of the following shows a well managed class?
• a. students pursue their task without inhibition
• b. learners are controlled by the teacher
• c. there is blind obedience among students
• D. the learners are eager to reach their objectives
• Ans: d

• 56) this method relies heavily upon sowing the learners a model performance?
• a. activity
• b. demonstration
• c. responding
• D. field study
• Ans: b

• 57) to teach the teamwork among the students, what activity is most appropriate
• a. brain storming
• b. Group game
• c. field trip
• D. buzz group
• Ans: b
• 58) one o the parties to improve education is through moral and cultural dimension of education. This includes activities like, except one?
• a. process of self-understanding
• b. practice of self-criticism
• c. understanding person with a group to understand the world erratic progression
• D. practice relativity of culture
• Ans: d

• 59) the primary consideration when choosing instructional materials is ?

• a. attractiveness
• b. novelty
• c. appropriateness
• D. cost
• Ans: c

• 60) Bruner’s theory of cognition is process by which an organism perceives or obtain knowledge of an object and its relation to thing
process. This practical process is called?
• a. exploration
• b. recitation
• c. exhibition
• Discovery
• Ans: d
• 61) _______ is a teaching activity rooted on Bandura’s social learning theory.
• a. lecturing
• b. modelling
• c. questioning
• D. inductive reasoning
• Ans: b

• 62) a statement of acceptable standard of performance is known as?

• a. SMART
• b. criterion measure
• c. behaviour
• D. condition
• Ans: b

• 63) the theoretical works can be linked to actual classroom practices in the following ways, except ?
• a. interaction with teachers
• b. varied ways for direct action on concrete objects
• c. grade placement of subject matter with corresponding activities suited to its level
• D.. Appropriate teachings strategies
• Ans: a
• 64) which of the following memory pathways relies on primary steps and ways of attaining something?
• a. semantic memory
• B. automatic memory
• c. procedural memory
• d. Episodic memory
• Ans: c

• 65) a set of professional and ethical principles in the conduct of the professional daily affairs describes:
• a. the roles and policies of the profession
• b. the code of every professions
• c. the availability of professional at all times
• D. distinguishing performance of the set of characterises and features
• Ans: d

• 66) a teacher present morally ambiguous situation to his students and ask them what to do, the teacher’s technique is based on the theory
of ?
• a. Bandura
• B. Piaget
• c. Kohlberg
• D. Bruner
• Ans: c
• 67) constructivism intends to bring a new social order. Which of the following practice does not manifests this?
• a. Director Cruz allowing his students to experience divergent thinking
• b. Dr. Lopez giving good advice to his client
• c. students proceeds the conduct of well presented and planned experiments
• D. students understanding well plan projects in the community
• Ans: a

• 68) on of the following shows skills in interpersonal intelligence. This person usually______
• a. work on his/her own
• b. keeps interest to himself/herself
• c. Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs
• D. spends time meditating
• Ans: c

• 69) the teaching of Froebel grew out his belief that:

• a. the aim of education was self-realization as part of the goal’s plan
• b. spiritual meanings lies behind all phenomena, an even play
• c. the method of education should be self-activity, an involvement
• D. all of the above answers
• Ans: c
• 70) which of the following develops critical thinking skill among the students?
• a. asking low level questions
• b. willingness to suspend judgement until sufficient evidence is presented
• c. asking convergent questions
• D. blind obedience to authority
• Ans: b

• 71) according to Erickson, a child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to asttain what basi goal based on
psychosocial development ?
• A. autonomy
• b. trust
• c. initiative
• D. mistrust
• Ans: b

• 72) when a boy of 5 years old show extreme attachment to his mother, he is likely to be undergoing ________ stage of psychosocial
development ?
• a. Oedipal complex
• b. latent stage
• c. phallic stage
• D. pre-genital stage
• Ans: c
• 73) if I want my students to master the skill in adding fraction, which among the following would be my best option?
• a. discovery method
• b. type method
• c. unit method
• D. drill method
• Ans: d

• 74) which of the following is an example of criterion –referenced interpretation?

• a. Alma earns the highest scores in Physics
• b. John finished his experiment faster than his classmates
• c. Marie’s test score was higher than 30 percent of the class
• D. Jenny set up her laboratory equipment in five minutes
• Ans: d

• 75) rom start to the end, lesson plan should have______ ?

• a. completeness
• b. conciseness
• c. symmetry
• D. coherence
• Ans: d
• 76) which of the following measures of central tendency should teacher Ann aptly use when the score distribution is “badly skewed” ?
• a. mean
• b. mean and mode
• c. mode
• D. mean
• Ans: c

• 77) a characteristics of evaluation , which refers to the degree of consistency of measurement that the test is given ?
• a. validity
• b. reliability
• c. objectivity
• D. efficiency
• Ans: b

• 78) when a teacher makes his students feel that he knows what he is talking about, he is showing his_________?
• a. referent power
• b. legitimate power
• c. expert power
• D. philosophical power
• Ans: c
• 79) teacher Len uses the criterion-reference interpretation score. Which of the following should she aptly do ?
• a. she describes certain pupil’s performance in relation to certain criteria
• b. she describes pupil’s performance in relation to the performance of the reset of the class
• c. she compares pupil’s performance with their previous performance
• D. she uses the honours of class as the frame of reference
• Ans: a

• 80) the most important thing an instructor can do is to be aware that there are diverse learning styles in the students’ population. The
following then can be done EXCEPT ?
• a. focus on striving differences
• b. summarize most of the well known theories learning styles
• c. show knowledge of these learning styles can guide them
• D develop appropriate instructional strategies
• Ans: a

• 81) the best device in the classroom is ______ ?

• a. Blackboard
• b. chart
• c. realia
• D. teacher
• Ans: d
• 82) the following are guiding principles of constructivist teaching except one?
• a. the problem scenario should challenge students’ original hypotheses
• b. searching into students’ thinking in order to pose problems of increasing relevance
• c. going into textbook or references to seek for the answer to the problem
• D. student given time and stimulation to seek relevance and opportunity to reveal the points of view
• Ans: c

• 83) miss Mel conducted a multiple choice test and she revised the number of alternatives from three to four. What is most like to happen
reliability of the scores?
• a. it will decrease
• b. it will increase
• c. it will stay the same
• D. there is no basis of making a prediction
• Ans: b

• 84) to maintain orderly transition between activities, teachers should ?

• a. make students socialize between activities
• b. make the materials readily available
• c. assign fewer time per activity
• D. wait for those who are slow
• Ans: b
• 85) Teacher Barbie told his faculty to consider the needs of the learners in developing the curriculum, which of the following must not be
• a. cognitive development
• b. linguistic development
• c. pedagogical development
• D. psycho-social development
• Ans: c

• 86) to ensure successful transfer of principles and concepts, the following are suggested steps except one ?
• a. use advance organizer that identifies the problems
• B. find the meaning of each principles and concepts in the book
• c. learn and acquire concepts while wrestling with the problem
• D. provide and receive feedback about the learning environment
• Ans: a

• 87) teacher Mariano selects a subject matter to be included in the curriculum, what criteria must he consider?
• a. relevance
• b. importance
• c. priority
• D. all of the above
• Ans: d
• 88) teacher Sophia told her students in Rizal course that she uses both English and Filipino as a medium of his instruction, which policy does
teacher Sophia adhere?
• a. academic freedom policy
• b. nationalistic policy
• c. bilingual policy
• D. his own policy
• Ans: c

• 89) this activity is appropriate with the intrapersonal intelligent pupils?

• a. Project method
• b. individualized instruction
• c. independent study
• D. abstract test
• Ans: c

• 90) a motivational technique to encourage creativity or empathy among students?

• a. epic narration
• b. anecdotes
• c. sermon
• D. dramatization
• Ans: b
• 91) in the social science class of Mrs. Macatangay, students identify the various social and economic problems that require urgent solutions. They not
only discuss the ways to address it but also agreed to participate in solving them. What kind of philosophy does this class uphold ?
• a. naturalism
• b. constructivism
• c. nationalism
• D. reconstructivism
• Ans: d

• 92) at the end of the first quarter, the students chose who among them made a very good improvement on Mathematics, the teacher is using
_______ technique?
• a. honour system
• b. Knowledge Grammy awards
• c. reinforcement
• D. reward technique
• Ans: b

• 93) a key to getting and keeping students actively involved in learning lies on which of t the following?
• a. do not provide them an opportunity discussion session
• b. keep them listen only and always while making an instruction
• c. let them play games always
• D. addressing them when preparing instructional materials
• Ans: d
• 94) teachers should act as metacognitive coaches, serving as models, thinking aloud with students and practicing behaviour they want their
students to use. Students should become used to such metacognitive questions, such as what ?
• a. who will answer the question?
• b. who should raise for an inquiry?
• c. what do we need to know about?
• D. who can answer the question?
• Ans: c
• 95) many graduates create instructional design of technology integration, they consider the characteristics of their topic and the needs of their students
and decide on instructional course of action that addresses bot within the constraints of their classroom environment, this means making decisions
• a. instructional approaches
• b. curriculum approaches
• c. sequence
• D. all of eh above
• Ans: d
• 96) teacher Grace tried to convince her fellow teachers to use technology in teaching because of the following reasons. Which of these
reason you think teachers do not agree with?
• a. increase teachers’ productivity
• b. support for new instructional approaches
• c. increase fees for computers and laboratories
• D. required skills for an information age
• Ans: c
• 97) the educational philosophy which views curriculum as means of developing desirable habits through the mastery of organized subject
matter ?
• a. realism
• b. naturalism
• c. idealism
• D. progressivism
• Ans: a

• 98) clearance has inherit skills in taking care of plants. It is highly possible that she _______ intelligence?
• A. naturalistic intelligence
• b. intrapersonal intelligence
• c. spatial intelligence
• D. existential intelligence
• Ans: a

• 99) what is the motivation of the person who paints for the sheer enjoyment of creating artwork?
• a. intrinsic and extrinsic
• b. extrinsic
• c. intrinsic
• D. insufficient
• Ans: c
• 100) folkways are behaviour patterns of society which are generally organized and repetitive. Which folkways is not dominant among
Filipinos ?
• a. going to church every Sunday
• b. celebrating Christmas every December
• c. prayer before and after eating
• D. preparing cakes whenever there is occasion
• Ans: d

• 101) type of validity, which refers to the relevance of the test items to the subject matter or situation from which they are taken is ?
• a. content validity
• b. predictive validity
• c. concurrent validity
• D. construct validity
• Ans: a

• 102) grade six pupils are vying for honours in your class. The parents give the necessary support to their child and even go to the extent of
offering gifts to you. What should NOT be done in the situation?
• a. accept the gift anyway, you did not ask for it
• b. call the parent and return the gift
• c. announce in the class that you cannot be bribed
• D. thank the parents for the generosity but gently refuse the offer
• Ans: a
• 103) teacher PJ decided to integrate technology into his teaching. In the process of planning, he asked, “Over what time or period and for
how long will technology resource be needed”, teacher PJ is in what stage of TIP (technology integration planning) ?
• a. determine the relative advantage
• b. design integration strategies
• c. prepare the environment
• D. decides on objectives and assessment
• Ans: c

• 104) in giving an examination, what type of a multiple choice test is this “5 : 15 : as 4 : _______” ?
• a. completion
• b. analogy
• c. problem solving
• D. short answer test
• Ans: b

• 105) you have played the key role in the academic success in the grade six pupils in their achievement test. Teachers in the neighbouring
schools congratulated you being the adviser of the class. What is most appropriate thing for you to do ?
• a. stress that the success is a matter of chance
• b. tell them that without you, they could not have done it
• c. acknowledge their commendation and give credit to the other teachers including their parents who are part of the success
• D. thank them and tell them the efforts that you invested
• Ans: c
• 106) which statement is true about normal curve?
• a. the scores are concentrated at the left side of the distribution
• b. the scores are concentrated at the right side of the distribution
• c. there are more high scores than low scores
• D. the value of the mean is equal to the value of the median
• Ans: d

• 107) which situation best demonstrate the influence of essentialism ?

• a. teacher Danny emphasising the universal truths in class
• b. teacher Jane inculcate in the hearts and minds of students values to live harmoniously with others
• c. the principal insisting that teachers use technology
• D. teacher Ann exposing class students to real objects and nature.
• Ans: b

• 108) during flag ceremony, Marita a 3rd year student was seen shaking and has a very pale face. The student was brought to the school clinic.
The adviser of Maarita took note this incident through_________?
• a. class record
• b. problem checklist
• c. permanent student record
• D. anecdotal record
• Ans: d
• 109) a factor of reliability which refers to the appropriate length of the test and the proper sampling of the test content is ?
• a. comparability
• b. . scorability
• c. economy
• D. adequacy
• Ans: b

110) Ms. Crus is very practical in teaching her students. She emphasizes the true learning is based on understanding what you are studying
rather on how many principles you can memorize. This manifest what kind of philosophy ?
• a. idealism
• b. perennials
• c. progressivism
• D. essentialism
• Ans: c

• 111) the characteristic of instructional plans allow the parts to have smooth flow of transition?
• a. clarity
• b. symmetry
• c. coherence
• D. conciseness
• Ans: c
• 112) to show how the blood circulates in the heart, which of the following devices will be best choice ?
• a. model
• b. mock-up
• c. replica
• D. realia
• Ans: b

• 113) teacher Ann would like her student to perform a n stage drama that they are only to perform with the use of hand, body and facial
gesture. Which of the following requires the students to perform?
• a. Mock-up
• b. filmstrip
• c. pantomime
• D. comic books
• Ans: c

• 114in line with the philosophy of reconstructionism, which of the following should be given emphasis on teaching?
• a. to seek for better position in the society
• b. to compare oneself with the less fortunate
• c. to become economically self-reliant
• D. to designate one’s superiority over the others
• Ans: c
• 115) the teacher gives lecture most of the time. He, then , expects the students understand the lesson if they get high scores in the exam.
Which of the following beliefs about learning does she adhere?
• a. knowledge as transmission
• b. knowledge as construction
• c. knowledge as information processing.
• D. knowledge as participation
• Ans: a

• 116) Mr. Mercy introduces the students to the problems of the country to make them aware of the country's needs and eventually
contribute to nation building?
• a. essentialism
• b. existentialism
• c. realism
• D. pragmatism
• Ans: b

• 117) teacher Tony would like to focus the lesson on the definition of “dicotyledon”. His lesson therefore is focusing on what skill ?
• a. affective skill
• b. cognitive skill
• c. psychomotor skill
• D. holistic skill
• Ans: b
• 118) one of the faculty teachers has been the object of “gossip” in the faculty room because of her alleged involvement with a married man.
What should be the best thing for you to do ?
• a. show interest with the topic and join the group topic talking about it
• b. report the issue to the principal
• c. keep the information even if you know that there is truth to it
• D. show objectivity on the issue and encourage these teachers to be non-judgement and to help the person
• Ans: d

• 119the teachers’ widely accepted view of giving rewards to students is the legacy of ?
• a. Dewey
• b. Bruner
• c. Kounin
• D. Skinner
• Ans: d

• 120) discipline the mind and the spirit by providing learning opportunities that make students analyse, think, and discover. This demonstrate
the philosophy of ?
• a. idealism
• b. realism
• c. pragmatism
• D. essentialism
• Ans: a
• 121) a person who is friendly and has a capacity to make people laugh possesses ?
• a. naturalistic intelligence
• b. spatial intelligence
• c. intrapersonal intelligence
• D. interpersonal ntelligence
• Ans: d

• 122) aside for Dewey’s theory of learning by doing, he also mentioned education as growth and continuous. This means ?
• a. reconstruction of experience
• b. updating in principles
• c. restructuring of what to teach
• D. growth and development off learner
• Ans: a

• 123) a child who always fight with his classmates, who has very short attention span, and who ahs frequent tantrums is believed to be
suffering from?
• a. mental retardation
• b. downs syndrome
• c. attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
• D. learning disability
• Ans: c
• 124) according to Pestalozzi, lessons were to be learned through direct experience with objects and places through observation, inquiry and
reasoning. This means that?
• a. children should learn by doing
• b. use any manipulative objects
• c. objects are resources of good understanding
• D. theory and observation should always go together
• Ans: a

• 125) role learning form the acculturation standpoint is relearning from the middle to later childhood, in a changing culture. This is also
otherwise known as:
• a. child releasing
• b. adulteration
• c. role manifestation
• D. role taking
• Ans: d

• 126) what is most likely characteristic of children aged 3 to 5 according to Erickson?

• a. mischievous
• b. ego-centric
• c. lazy
• D. altruistic
• Ans: b
• 127) according to Piaget, child’s intellectual growth is somewhat a flight of stairs. As the child mentally mounts the stairs, he continually
interprets stimuli in his environment from the standpoint of ?
• a. his previous experiences
• b. beliefs
• c. understand
• D. his previous knowledge
• Ans: a

• 128) the process by which the young internalize the culture of the time and place, builds the social aspects of personality, and thus becomes
acceptable persons in society is called ?
• A. adaption
• b. . child acculturation
• c. child manifestation
• D. child rearing
• Ans: a

• 129) the following is true about teacher as facilitator of learning, EXCEPT?

• a. teacher does more talk so learners talk less
• b. teacher make use of interactive teaching strategies
• c. teacher cater to multiple intelligence
• D. teacher does less talk for learners to talk more
• Ans: a
• 130) teacher Ann does the following activities to her Grade 3 class: explains step by step the process of concept, praises and encourages the
pupils for their correct answers, gives them clues, until finally they are able to arrive at the correct process and answer. Which among the
theories did she use ?
• a. Vgotsky’s scaffolding
• b. Peiaget’s cognitive development theory
• c. Bandura’s social learning theory
• D. Skinner’s operant conditioning
• Ans: a

• 131) new ideas and information enter the mind through one of the sense; ears and eyes for example are noted first by the learner’s working
memory. Working memory is ?
• a. the plan where is conscious mental work is done
• b. the plan of interconnectedness
• c. the plan of developing ideas
• D. the plan for greater involvement of senses
• Ans: a
• 132) meta-cognition is primarily characterized by?
• a. recalling the past lesson
• b. visualizing in advance
• c. formulating hypothesis
• D. thinking about their thinking
• Ans: d
• 130) Peter an 8 year old boy announced in front of the class, “Let us not cheat because this is our conscience is telling us”. Peter’s moral
stage is most like in?
• a. pre-conventional
• b. conventional
• c. post conventional
• D. between pre-conventional and conventional
• Ans: c

• 134) in concrete operational stage, for age 7 – 11, visual aids continue to be important and students needs further to, EXCEPT ?
• a. tests objects
• b. manipulate
• c. explore and discover
• D. think logically
• Ans: c

• 135) a type of learning that focuses on the assimilation of attitudes, values and emotional reaction is called?
• a. cognitive
• b. affective
• c. psychomotor
• D. holistic
• Ans: b
• 136) which of the following implications of Piaget’s schema theory of learning does not belong to group ?
• a. to be interesting, knowledge should be concreted
• b. A person’s prior knowledge about any topic is greatly influence of what can ban be learned
• c. to be meaningful, new information must be structured
• D. individuals store and organize knowledge in memory through schema
• Ans: a

• 137) Teacher John would like to determine the extent of learning of her students in a particular unit. What appropriate type of evaluation
she will use?
• a. diagnostic test
• b. summative evaluation
• c. formative evaluation
• D. aptitude test
• Ans: c

• 138) teachers need to have increased cognizance of hi/her educational philosophy because?
• a. most teachers are only concerned of strategies
• b. teachers would be better guided and eventually would improve their teaching
• c. some teachers don’t have based of their teaching
• D. some teachers don’t know their philosophy
• Ans: b
• 139) the research students of professor Roanald would like to determine the study the life and works of Jose P. Rizal. Which of the following
will he aptly use?
• a. descriptive research
• b. historical research
• c. experimental research
• D. case study
• Ans: b

• 140) a type of learning that focuses on the understanding of the external world through the sense and muscles?
• a. cognitive
• b. affective
• c. psychomotor
• D. holistic
• Ans: c

• 141) one cause of low validity and reliability of essay test is ?

• a. it is harder to cheat
• b. it is easy to prepare
• c. scoring is subjective
• D. it can be used in any subject
• Ans: c
• 142) if you want to determine the relationship between variables, which of the following will you use ?
• a. correlation
• b. standard deviation
• c. variance
• D. average
• Ans: a

• 143) teacher Nora gives an achievement test to her 40 pupils. The test comprises 100 items. She wants to determine her students’
performance based on the test result. What appropriate measure she would use ?
• a. t-test
• b. percentage
• c. percentile rank
• D. percentages
• Ans: a

• 144) if a teacher would like the students to compose of modern version of classical piece, what objective does he develop?
• a. application
• b. evaluation
• c. synthesis
• D. knowledge
• Ans: c
• 145) if you want the value of every single score relate to the average. Which measure will you use ?
• a. mean
• b. median
• c. mode
• D. average
• Ans: a

• 146) teacher Lina would like her pupils in H.E. draw conclusion about the family program of the government. What objective is she aiming
in her class?
• a. comprehension
• b. application
• c. analysis
• D. evaluation
• Ans: d

• 147) moral regeneration of the individual was anchored on the belief that societal reform starts with?
• a. social reconstruction of institution
• b. transformation of individuals that make up society
• c. institutional restructuring of significant project
• D. transformation of hierarchical structures
• Ans: b
• 148) the easiest to compute among the measure of variability is ?
• a. mean absolute deviation
• b. quartile deviation
• c. standard deviation
• D. range
• Ans: d

• 149) which of the following is the purpose of Table of Specification?

• a. to ensure that all topics are covered
• b. to determine the number points in a test
• c. to obtain a balanced measure of instructional objectives
• D. to determine the level of difficulty of the test
• Ans: c

• 150) when the points in scatter diagram, the correlation is said to be what ?
• a. positive
• b. negative
• c. skewed
• D. zero
• Ans: d

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