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Rebellion and Hope
The novel, 1984, by George Orwell follows the protagonist, Winston Smith, who is
unhappy with his life in Oceania, a totalitarian society and so attempts to rebel against the
tyrannical government.
The party does many things to subdue and ensure control over the people, however,
Winston who detests the party, still feels driven to overthrow it and reveal its lies. Along
with this, hope further drives him to pursue this feat.
Winston’s Acts of Rebellion

1. Writes a journal: Winston uses a journal to write his thoughts so as to immediately

not be caught by the Thought Police. In this journal, his desire to rebel and
resentment towards the party is expressed. This act, is a crime (thoughtcrime) in
Oceania and Winston can face major punishment such as 25 years in a work camp
and even death also known as “vaporization,” where one is completely unwritten
from history as all evidence of their existence is destroyed. His desire to rebel is seen
as he continuously writes in his journal, “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN
Winston’s Acts of Rebellion
2. Sexual Intercousrse/ Love Affair
In the novel, Winston and Julia have sex secretly. This is an act that is forbidden in Oceania unless
persons were having sexual intercourse for “duty to the party,” and not for pleasure. “The sexual act,
successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime.” This line shows the extent of this
politically rebellious act. Winston feels accomplished and calls their ordeal a “political act.”
The purpose for the party’s condemning of the “sex impulse” is because sex privation “induced
hysteria, which was desirable because it could be transformed into war-fever and leader-worship.”
Additionally, sex can make a person happy, this was against the desires of the party.
Also, Julia and Winston are also punished for meeting secretly and forming a close sexual and
emotional relationship.
Although he is aware of the horrific ad inevitable punishments he will suffer, he is still
driven to continue his rebellion, “ they'll shoot me i don’t care they'll shoot me in the back
of the neck i dont care down with big brother…”
1. The Proles (particularly, the red armed woman who becomes a symbol of hope and
rebellion): Winston sees hope of rebellion and overthrowing of the party in the
proles. “ But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own
strength, would have no need to conspire.” This highlights the need of class
consciousness where the proletariats become aware of the perty’s tyranny and their
oppression. This will in turn, encourage them to overthrow the party. This may prove
successful as the proles are the largest class in the society.
2. He believes that as long as his sanity and rebellious beliefs are intact, the Party will not
be able to conquer him "They can't get inside you. If you can feel that staying human is
worthwhile, even when it can't have any result whatsoever, you've beaten them.”
This further depicts his hope that he can mentally persevere against The Party’s efforts to
control the people of Oceania.
3. Julia
Julia is similar to Winston in that she also wants to rebel against the party and this also
fills him with hope. Winston is deeply attracted to Julia because she is “unorthodox” like
him. When he hears about her promiscuity, he is even more attracted to her. “His heart
leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds - thousands.”
Additionally, he even loves her more, “”The more men you’ve had, the more I love you.”
Also, “Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with wild hope.” Winston, was
always hopeful upon seeing someone who wanted to overthrow the party like him,
because it showed that he was not alone and then there were people like him whom with
he could conspire to rebel.
4. O’Brien
Winston also finds hope in O’Brien. He believes that he is the only person that can understand him.
There is a presumed connection between O’Brien and winston as they both have a dream about
meeting in a place “where there is no darkness,” in other words, a world where the party’s tyranny
does not exist. This is a symbol of hope and escape from the party and further gives him hope that
O’Brien will assist him in overthrowing the party.
Winston also finds hope in a non-verbal interaction he and o'brien had and he presumes this to be
O’Brien telling him that he is on his side, “An unmistakable message had passed. It was as though
their two minds had opened and the thoughts were flowing from one into the other through their eyes.
‘I am with you,’ O’Brien seemed to be saying to him. ‘I know precisely what you are feeling. I know
all about your contempt, your hatred, your disgust. But don’t worry, I am on your side!’ “
Further evidence of O’Briens ability to give Winston hope is seen at some point where
Winston is doubtful and is losing hope. However, at the thought of O’Brien, “His courage
seemed to stiffen of its own accord,” he gains courage and hope. He now writes with
confidence in his “diary for O’Brien-to O’Brien,” “ Freedom is the ability to say that two
plus two makes four . If that is granted all else follows.”
Rebellion and Hope
The theme of rebellion and hope is prevalent in 1984 by George Orwell. Winston, the
protagonist, gains hope and seeks to rebel against his oppressors.
He does many acts of rebellion and seeks to consolidate with others like him to overhtw
the party. However, he fails to do this and is faced with the fact that for 7 years he was
monitored by the party.
This shows their total rule and harsh reality of their society, where there cannot be any

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