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When you hear the word

supervisor what comes

in your mind?
According to Wikipedia
• Supervisor, or also known as foreman, boss,
overseer, facilitator, monitor, area coordinator or
sometimes gaffer,
• Is the job tittle or a low level management position
that is primarily based on authority over a worker or
charge in a workplace

Learning outcomes
At the end of the unit, the students must:
• Define supervision by learning the skills
required of the manager and supervisor.
• Explain the roles and responsibilities of a
supervisor by learning its function in the

> Supervision is direction,
guidance and control of working
force with a view to see that they
are working according to plan
and are keeping time schedule.

> S u p e r v i s i o n i s a L a t i n Wo r d .
Super means ‘from the above’
and vision means ‘to see’.
> In ordinary sense of the term,
supervision means overseeing the
activities of others.

> In management supervision means
“Overseeing the subordinates at
work with authority and with an
aim to guide the employees, if
he is doing wrong.”

> Supervision’ comprises two words, namely ‘super’,
that is, superior or extra, and ‘vision’, that is, sight or
perspective. The literal meaning of the term
‘supervision’ is to ‘oversee’ or ‘to inspect the work
of other persons’. Thus, ‘supervision’ refers to an act
by which any person inspects or supervises the work
of other people, that is, whether they are working
properly or not.

Supervision – Significance
Supervision is primarily concerned with
overseeing or watching the performance of workers
under his control. He plays an important role in the
management set up. He is the person who is directly
connected with the workers and acts as a vital link
between the management and workers.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

1. Issue of Orders and Instructions:

The workers require guidance of supervisor at every step. He
clears their doubts and tells them the proper method of doing a
job. A sub-ordinate can give better performance when he knows
the work he is supposed to do.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

2. Planning and Organizing the Work:

A superior acts as a planner and a guide for his sub-ordinates. A
schedule of work is prepared so as to ensure an even and steady
flow of work. The supervisor lays down production targets for
the workers and determines the methods and procedures for
doing the work.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

3. It is Important at All Levels:

Supervision means overseeing and watching sub-ordinates. The
time devoted by top management to supervision is only 20%
whereas supervisor (or foreman or overseer or superintendent
or section officer) devotes about 80% of his time to supervision.
Top management supervises managers whereas supervisor
supervises workers. The supervision at the front line or firing
line is most important since actual work is done at that level.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

4. Vital Link between Workers and Management:

A supervisor is a representative of the management and a very
important figure from workers point of view. He communicates
the policies of the management to workers (downward
communication) and also provides feed back to the
management as to what is happening at the lowest level
(upward communication).

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

5. Motivating Subordinates:
A supervisor is a leader at the lowest rung of management
ladder. He serves as a friend, philosopher and guide to workers.
He inspires team work and secures maximum co-operation
from the employees. It is he who can help in getting optimum
utilization of manpower.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

6. Feedback to Workers:
A supervisor compares the actual performance of workers
against the standards laid down and identifies weaknesses of
workers and suggests corrective measures to overcome them. In
this way, workers can improve their performance in future.

The significance of supervision can be explained as follows:

7. Proper Assignment of Work:

A supervisor makes systematic arrangement of activities and
resources for his group. He assigns work to each worker and
delegate’s authority to workers. Workers feel frustrated when
the work being done by them is not properly arranged. Some
workers may sit idle whereas others may be overburdened if
work is not properly assigned.


Roles and Functions of a Supervisor in an Organization

according to Keith Davis

According to Keith Davis, there are five views regarding the
position of a supervisor in an organization or the supervisor’s
organizational role which are as follows:
1. As a Key Man in the Management:
A supervisor is the key figure in the organization because he/she makes
decisions, controls work and interprets policy of the management to the
work­ers. He/she represents management to the workers. Therefore,
management is judged as he/ she is judged by the workers. He/she is
also the main figure in getting the work done. However, in reality,
he/she is less than a key figure.

According to Keith Davis, there are five views regarding the
position of a supervisor in an organization or the supervisor’s
organizational role which are as follows:
2. Person in the Middle:
According to this view, a supervisor has to work between two forces,
namely the management and the workers. On the one hand,
management has a lot of technical and production-oriented expectations
from him/her, and, on the other hand, the workers also have a lot of
reward-oriented expectations from him/her.

According to Keith Davis, there are five views regarding the
position of a supervisor in an organization or the supervisor’s
organizational role which are as follows:
3. Supervisor as the Marginal Man:
According to this sociological concept, supervisor is either left out of
main activities and influences affecting his/her department or he/she is
just on the margin.
4. Supervisor as Another Worker:
According to this view, a supervisor is just like a worker lack­ing
authority and having a feeling that he/she is not part of management.
Only his/her desig­nation is changed.

According to Keith Davis, there are five views regarding the
position of a supervisor in an organization or the supervisor’s
organizational role which are as follows:
5. Supervisor as a Human Relations Specialist:
As per this view, a supervisor is considered to be a human relations
specialist looking after the human side of operations.

Functions of Supervisor
1. Help his/her workers to develop their innate qualities to improve their

2. Help his/her subordinates to adjust to their job requirements and to
3. Make the workers loyal towards their organization
4. Provide expertise, skills, knowledge and experience to make workers
learn without fear and hesitation
5. Encourage free communication

Functions of Supervisor
6. Develop employee potential to an extent where they need no
7. Cooperate with other supervisors
8. Prove a good link between the management and workers
9. Solve personal problems of his/her subordinates to the extent possible
10. Maintain discipline

Functions of Supervisor
11. Correct the mistakes of his/her subordinates
12. Explore new fields of knowledge
13. Introduce new, useful and scientific methods of production and
14. Have a clear understanding about his/her plan of action
15. Know his/her job, duties, responsibilities, authority, accountability
and so on

Functions of Supervisor
16. Divide responsibilities and duties to his/her subordinates rationally
and scientifically
17. Listen and look into the grievance of his/her subordinates
18. Delegate authority and win their confidence.

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
1) Favorable Work Climate:
The best supervisor creates and maintains high performance standards under con­
genial work atmosphere. He goal oriented and strives to attain expected results by
adopting the right type of leadership to inspire confidence and voluntary
discipline from his people. favourable work climate can secure acceptance of his
authority voluntarily from his people so that obedience and loyalty can be easily
secured from workers.

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
(2) Personal Maturity and Sensitiveness:
The best super­visor acquires personal maturity and emotional stability as well as
empathy, i.e., sensitiveness to the feelings of others and capacity to understand
feelings and emotions of those wor­king under his command. He develops a knack
of saying the right thing at the right time, does not lose control even under
pressure or tension and evinces a good sense of humor.

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
(3) Human Relations Specialist:
The best supervisor is a practitioner of industrial psychology. He recognizes
indivi­dual differences as well as group mentality and keeps inter­personal
relations harmonious. As a leader of his section, he has to capitalize human
emotions, sentiments, and attitudes for maximum productivity without sacrificing
employee satisfac­tion.

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
(4) Technical Job Knowledge:
The best supervisor is technically competent. He has sufficient knowledge and
information to understand any technical problem quickly and to devise the best
workable solution. He gets the job done easily.

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
(5) Self-Development and Subordinate Development:
The effective supervisor is deeply interested in the development of human
resources. He gives equal emphasis on his personal growth as well as on the
growth of his subordinates. He tries to make assignments of jobs interesting and
challenging to his subordinates. Purposeful duties create interest and vita­lity in
the work and offer job satisfaction to employees. Chal­lenging work helps
advancement of subordinates

Factors that govern effective supervisory performance. Research in
supervisory perfor­mance has indicated the following factors describing the
per­formance of the best supervisor.
(6) Knowledge and Execution of Company Plans and Policies:
The best supervisor knows fully the plans and poli­cies of management and he
executes them thoroughly. He also keeps up with changes in corporate policies
and proce­dures and gives full information of such changes to his sub­ordinates.

Requisite qualities for effective
supervision are:

A. Tact and discretion,

B. Social skills,
C. Technical competence,
D. Empathy,
E. Honesty,
F. Courage,
G. Self-confidence,
H. Communication skills,
I. Teaching and guiding ability
J. Strong common sense.

The employee-centred supervisor in all functional areas of
business as a first-line manager is expected to perform
following activities to secure higher productivity with emplo­
yee satisfaction

1) Organize work and allot assignments to each

2) Hear and redress grievances and comp­laints;
3) Recommend promotions, transfer, pay increases;
4) Enforce rules and regulations with equity and justice;

The employee-centred supervisor in all functional areas of
business as a first-line manager is expected to perform
following activities to secure higher productivity with emplo­
yee satisfaction

5) Keep subordinates well informed;

6) Keep subordinates pos­ted about their progress;
7) Give people tools and materials; and
8) Planning, directing motivating and controlling

5 Important Principles as Suggested by the Psychologist
(Principles of Supervision)
(1) Never Be an Autocrat:
While doing supervision work never behaves like an autocrat
because this is self-defeating.
(2) Listen Carefully to Your Subordinates:
Supervisor must be a good listener. He must listen carefully to
everything told to him by his subordinates. He must accord
full opportunity to the workers to present their case.
5 Important Principles as Suggested by the Psychologist
(Principles of Supervision)
(3) Never Decide Anything in a Hurried Way:
It is a very rash approach to form an opinion about anybody
hurriedly after a casual glance or a brief hearing, as most of
the complaints may not be genuine. But some may be so and if
they are not removed the morale of the workers in the
organization may suffer.

5 Important Principles as Suggested by the Psychologist
(Principles of Supervision)
(4) Do Not Enter into Arguments with Subordinates:
Under no circumstances should the superior indulge in
argument with his subordinates, because, if he fails to
persuade or convince by his arguments, he is liable to issue
orders to vindicate his point of view. This will create
frustration and sense of insecurity among the workers. A good
leader should not argue but listen carefully and issue orders
only after careful listening.
5 Important Principles as Suggested by the Psychologist
(Principles of Supervision)
(4) Do Not Enter into Arguments with Subordinates:
Under no circumstances should the superior indulge in
argument with his subordinates, because, if he fails to
persuade or convince by his arguments, he is liable to issue
orders to vindicate his point of view. This will create
frustration and sense of insecurity among the workers. A good
leader should not argue but listen carefully and issue orders
only after careful listening.
5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:

1. Human Relation Skill,

2. Technical and Managerial Knowledge,
3. Technical and Managerial
4. Knowledge and
5. Few Others

5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:
Factor # 1. Human Relation Skill:
This includes the following:

(a) Guiding the working force

(b) Instructing them, and
(c) Inspiring them for better performance

5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:

Factor # 2. Technical and Managerial Knowledge:

The guidance and instructions are largely based on the
technical knowledge and the managerial acumen. These help
the supervisor in serving his organization well. His
supervision capabilities are increased by adequate training and
sufficient technical and managerial skill.

5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:

Factor # 3. The Position and Status in the Organization:

The supervisor’s ability of supervising his workmen depends
on his position and status in the organization. This position
may either be delegated or may be acquired. The supervisor
can improve his position provided a status worth his
responsibilities is given to him. This is fundamentally
important and no organization can afford to ignore it.

5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:

Factor # 4. Improved Upward Good Relations with His

A supervisor is well heard and given responsibility by his supervisors
at all levels of the management. His suggestions are received with
appreciation and due attention is paid to it. His adverse reports as well
as appreciation’s are equally responded to and action is taken
accordingly. He must have good relations with his superiors by way of
encouragement. This helps him in establishing good relations with his

5 Important Factors Affecting Supervision:

Factor # 5. A Supervisor Must Get Relief from Non-Supervisory

Submission of reports, returns etc. is not the job of the supervisor. Job training
too is not his duty. Therefore, a supervisor must be free from all duties except
supervision and its related functions. If he is free from all these then he may
devote more time with his workmen. The supervisor should be allowed to
concentrate on directing functions for which he should be given sufficient
authority under the basic norms of management – ‘Power with people.’ This
would ensure the maximum supervision from which results can be generally

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:

1. Skill in Leading,
2. Skill in Instructing,
3. Human Orientation,
4. Technical Knowledge and
5. Knowledge of Rules

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:

Supervision deals with instructing, guiding and inspiring

human beings towards greater level of performance. The
effectiveness of supervision is determined by the degree of
performance extracted from the subordinates. Effective
supervision gives proper guidance to the subordinates and
motivates them properly for the achievement of organizational

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:
Following are the essentials or requisites of effective supervision:
1. Skill in Leading:
A supervisor should be a leader in the true sense of the
term. As a leader, he will be able to guide the
subordinates and promote harmonious relationship
among them.

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:
Following are the essentials or requisites of effective supervision:
2. Skill in Instructing:
Every supervisor issues orders and instructions to his
subordinates. He requires communication skill. A good
supervisor should be able to communicate clearly with the
subordinates and issue them orders and instructions in such a
way that the subordinates feel like following them.

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:
Following are the essentials or requisites of effective supervision:
3. Human Orientation:
A supervisor should treat his subordinates as human
beings. As far as possible, he should adopt a helping
attitude towards his subordinates.

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:
Following are the essentials or requisites of effective supervision:

4. Technical Knowledge:
A supervisor must have the knowledge of
machines, equipment’s, tools, processes and
materials that are under his charge.

5 Main Requisites of Effective Supervision:
Following are the essentials or requisites of effective supervision:

5. Knowledge of Rules:
A supervisor should be familiar with the
organisational policies and the rules and
regulations which are applicable to his

Important Supervisor Qualities
Individuals striving to move into a leadership
position should work on honing these eight qualities of great
supervisors. These soft skills can help supervisors better
perform their manager-like roles and responsibilities, which
include organizing workflow, setting performance goals and
deadlines, promoting productivity, and supporting fellow

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
1. Effective Communication
A majority of workplace failures can be attributed to ineffective or
inaccurate communication, making it an especially important quality
for leadership. Supervisors should develop exemplary written and
verbal communication skills to help them speak with impact, clarity,
and brevity. They also need to be adept at giving both positive and
negative feedback, as well as receiving constructive criticism and
input themselves.

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
2. Leadership
There are numerous ways to define leadership, and it may manifest
differently, depending on the industry, company culture, or
management structure. However, certain leadership qualities are
universal. Good supervisors take initiative while also providing
support, motivation, and accountability to other team members. They
have their own robust skillset and are willing to perform menial or
mundane tasks to ensure a program or organization runs properly.

Important Supervisor Qualities - Leadership Skills
2. Leadership
Supervisors also must possess the ability to objectively
evaluate their team members; identify their strengths and
apply them to the appropriate areas; and recognize any needs
for improvement.

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
3. Empathy and Compassion
Supervisors are dealing with employees who are, first and foremost,
humans. They will struggle, experience failure, and have bad days.
While certain behavior and errors are unacceptable in a professional
environment, supervisors should approach team members and their
struggles with empathy and compassion. Those responses will lead to
better problem-solving and improvement compared to anger or
impatience while also bolstering company loyalty.

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
4. Conflict Resolution
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable and not necessarily a negative
thing. All conflict means is that change is happening and people’s
stances or perspectives differ. If a supervisor can competently handle
conflict, it becomes an opportunity for strengthening relationships
and developing robust solutions. An important part of successful
conflict resolution is learning different conflict styles, methods, and
triggers to help cultivate a process for both preventing and addressing
it within a department or organization.

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
5. Ability to Delegate
While supervisors should have exemplary work ethics themselves,
it’s equally important they know how and when to delegate.
Employees want to feel like valuable parts of their company and
integral to helping it achieve success. Delegation can become an
effective tool for empowering employees. Supervisors must be able to
identify which ones are best-equipped to handle certain tasks and find
useful ways for every team member to contribute to a project or

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
6. Problem Solving
The keys to problem solving within the workplace are critical
thinking, creativity, and consistency. Supervisors are relied on
frequently to take the lead when an issue arises. Their job is to find
the root of the problem and then follow an acceptable and structured
process for addressing it. Ingenuity can be a useful part of problem
solving, but it’s important that supervisors also follow company
policy and procedure to ensure certain situations are dealt with fairly,
consistently and, in some cases, legally.

Important Supervisor Qualities – Leadership Skills
7. Time and Priority Management
Time is limited and certain projects or tasks are more urgent
than others. A good supervisor is able to prioritize and
delegate accordingly to ensure they are completed in a timely
and efficient manner. With excellent time-management skills,
a supervisor is able to oversee their team’s heavy workload in
the most productive way without leaving employees feeling
stressed and burned out.

Important Supervisor Qualities –leadership Skills
8. Confidence
Employees take note of their supervisor’s attitude. When a supervisor
makes decisions confidently and then communicates them candidly,
that can create a more productive, positive atmosphere. Not only do
employees feel more confident in their supervisor’s leadership
abilities, but they also appreciate the clarity and direction. Of course,
not every decision a supervisor makes will lead to the intended
outcome. In that case, it’s equally important for them to humbly
accept responsibility, learn from the mistake, and choose a different


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