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Writing an Essay

I. Introduction or
Introductory paragraph
Paragraph: II. Body
Topic sentence A. Topic sentence
A. Support 1. Support
B. Support 2. Support
C. Support B. Topic sentence
Concluding sentence 1. Support
2. Support
C. Topic sentence
1. Support
2. Support
III. Conclusion
The Introductory Paragraph - 1
It has four purposes:
• It introduces the topic of the essay.
• It gives a general background of the topic.
• It often indicates the overall ‘plan’ of the essay.
• It should arouse the reader’s interest in the topic.
The Introductory Paragraph - 2
The introduction has two parts:
• General statements
• A thesis statement
General statements:
• Introduce the topic of the essay
• Give background information on the topic
The thesis statement:
· States the main topic
• Often lists the subdivision of the topic or subtopics
• May indicate the method of organization of the entire paper
• Is usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph
The Introductory Paragraph – 3: An example
General statements

Any person who has lived in the twentieth century has

seen that a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human
existence. Some people are excited by the challenges that these
changes offer; others want to return to the simpler life-style of the
past. The twentieth century has certain advantages such as a higher
standard of living for many, but it also has some disadvantages
such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human
relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values .
Thesis statement
The thesis statement - 1
• It is the most important sentence in the introductory paragraph,
states the specific topic, and often lists the major subtopics that
will be discussed in the body of the essay.
• Here are three examples of thesis statements with no subtopics
mentioned (general thesis statement):

1. Being the oldest son has more disadvantages than advantages.

2. Young people in my culture have less freedom than young
people in the United States.
3. The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has
major effects on cities.
Specific thesis statement
In the following thesis statements, the subtopics are named:

1. Personal computers have especially revolutionized communication

and business practices in the past 25 years.
2. The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major
effects on a city’s ability to provide housing, employment, and
adequate sanitation services.
3. Prejudice arises from three basic causes: childhood conditioning,
ignorance, and fear.
Complete the following thesis statements by
adding subtopics.
1. Living in a city has certain advantages over living in the suburbs:
2. My two sisters are as different as day and night not only in _______
but also in _______________.
3. Poverty creates negative consequences for society such as ________
4. Successful students have the following qualities: _______________
5. A good writer has such these characteristics as _________________.
The concluding paragraph
• It is the final paragraph of an essay, telling the reader that you
have completed the essay.
• It consists of:
1. A summary of the main points, or a statement of your thesis in
different words.
2. Your final comment on the subject, based on the information
you have provided.
· Be sure to introduce the concluding paragraph with a conclusion
transition signal.
Concluding paragraph: An example
In short, although the twentieth century has indeed given
some of us a lot of advantages by making us richer, healthier, and
freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser.
The twentieth century has also made our earth dirtier, our people
less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer. We wish to continue to
enjoy the benefits of technological advancement because they free
us to pursue our other interests and goals. However, we must make a
concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future
generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our
lives more meaningful in our increasingly impersonal, mechanized
Write a concluding paragraph for the
following introductory paragraph
The busy schedules that most adults face day to day have
created a growing health problem in the modern world. Stress
affects almost everyone, from the highly pressured executive to the
busy homemaker or students. It can cause a variety of physical
disorders, ranging from headaches to stomach ulcers and even
alcoholism. Stress, like a common cold, is a problem that can’t be
cured; however, it can be controlled. A person can learn to control
stress by setting realistic goals, by enjoying a hobby and/or
physical exercises, and by maintaining good, warm relationships
with family and friends.
Essay Outline
I. Introduction B. Topic sentence
Thesis statement: 1. Support
2. Support
II. Body a. support
A. Topic sentence b. support
1. Support C. Topic sentence
a. support 1. Support
b. support a. support
2. Support b. support
a. support 2. Support
b. support
III. Conclusion
Transition signals between paragraph
Transition signals are important not only within
paragraphs but also between paragraphs. If you
write two or more paragraphs, you need to show
the relationship between your first and second
paragraph, between second and third paragraph,
and so on.
Write an essay consisting of at least 5
paragraphs: 1 introductory paragraph, 3 body
paragraphs, and 1 concluding paragraph.

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