Problem & Prospects of Citrus Industry

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Problems & prospects of citrus

Industry in NE Region of India

Dr. Dinesh Kumar

Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi

NE Region Fruits

Among fruits,

Citrus has the largest area under

cultivation (34%), followed by banana
(24%), pineapple (17%), apple (4%),
papaya, mango, litchi, passion fruit (3%
each), guava (2%) and kiwi (1%).
 Citrus decline.

 High infestations of insect-pests are typical in the region.

 Viral Diseases.

 High rainfall (6-7 months).

 Hill slope cultivation.

 Eroded and heavily leached soil of acid reaction.

 Non availability of good quality seedlings, farmyard manure.

 Lack of finance and credit facilities.

 Lack of latest technical knowledge.

 Un-organized marketing.

 Not getting remunerative price for the produce.

 Low price paid to farmers.

 Lack of market information.

 Cheating in marketing by the middlemen.

 Lack of processing units and marketing societies.

 Adoption of management practices are crucial for citrus industry
in the North East

 Use of proper rootstocks.

 Rough lemon rootstock and Rangpur lime has been recommended

as hardy alternative rootstock.

 In heavy clay soils Phytophthora disease is widespread.

Shoot tip grafting (STG) and bud wood certification programme .

 Supply of disease-free planting material - mitigating the

challenges of citrus production in the North Eastern region of India.
The quality of the fruits is excellent,.

 Organised market with updated knowledge

of price.

 Mechanised packing line to promote Export.

 Establishment of processing industries.

 Promotion to young Entrepreneurs.

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We cannot solve our problems
with the same thinking we used
when we created them."
– Albert Einstein

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