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World After COVID-19….

 change in direction of ideas

 base of ideological Systems will be change
 Change in civilization culture
 Emerging of new forces new trends and traditions new approach and style of life
 Requirement of new ideas
 Big sea of problems is waiting to test the skills and talents of humanity
 World is facing Destructions of COVID everyone is involved in discussion and planning
to safe escape
Past world diseases and its impacts….

 What will happened ??? after COVID-19 and its impact on human society to understand
present scenario we have to focus on past
 Europe (1347-1350) more than 1/3rd almost 85% population deathrate
 Landlords system effected due to insufficiency
 New ways of income created machines were invented
 Old Treatment methods loss the trust with common man
 Inventions of Bualiseena was appreciated in medical field
 Faiths of Kalisa was highly rejected emerging of protestants secularism
 (1990-1920) 5-10 CR deathrate effect of world war-1 emrging of nazi movements
developments in medical field WHO introduce
Post COVID Situation and Possibilities

 Extreme economical crises time period at least 2 years world will face economical
 Poor people will effect increase in poverty level, These conditions are good for changes
and revolutionary movements
 Liberal Capitalism will face historical Crises independent business becomes difficult
WTO will be in more difficulties involvement of GOVT in Business will more,
Lockdowns and application of technology limitations of human rights
 what we can do ???
COVID Lessons

Remain Firm in Testing Times

Put Trust in Almighty God

God is supreme
COVID Lessons

Repent and Return to Our Creator

‫???‪What Can We Do‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪From Godless World view to wards Theistic World View‬‬

‫ٰۤي َاُّيَها الَّناُس ُض ِر َب َم َثٌل َفاۡس َتِم ُعۡو ا َلؕٗه ِاَّن اَّلِذ ۡي َن َتۡد ُع ۡو َن ِم ۡن ُد ۡو ِن ِهّٰللا َلۡن َّيۡخ ُلُقۡو ا ُذ َباًبا‬
‫َّو َلِو اۡج َتَم ُعۡو ا َلٗهؕ‌ َو ِاۡن َّيۡس ُلۡب ُهُم الُّذ َباُب َش ۡي ًٔــا اَّل َيۡس َتۡن ِقُذ ۡو ُه ِم ۡن ؕ‌ُه َضُعَف الَّطاِلُب‬
‫﴾ َو اۡل َم ۡط ُلۡو ُب ﴿‪۷۳‬‬

‫‪Turn Towards Your Lord‬‬

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