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Te c h
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After learning this chapter, you will be able to
answer the following questions:
1. What is NWing and why it is required?
2. What are the main telecom transmission medias
3. What are the different types of networks?
4. What are some example of telecom business

• Telecommunications technology serves as the
foundation for electronic commerce and the
digital economy
• How many SMS, phone calls, e-mails, and IM
messages did U made today? What do U feel if
you forget your phone at home? What do you
feel if there is no internet for a day? Week? Etc?
• How much you (organizations) depend on

• If you run or work in a business, you can’t do without
networks. You need to communicate rapidly with your
customers, suppliers, and employees.
• Until about 1990, businesses used the postal system or
telephone system with voice or fax for communication.
• Today, however, you and your employees use computers and
e-mail, the Internet, cell phones, and mobile computers
connected to wireless networks for this purpose. Networking
and the Internet are now nearly synonymous with doing
– All of these communications make use of a telecommunication
• Telecommunications (defn)
– it is the exchange of information in any form (voice, data, text,
images, audio, video) over networks 4
Why Networking is needed?
1. Resourse sharing:
– File/ database server (store and manage files)
– Mail server (to manage e-mails)
– Network servers (to manage NW traffic & activity)
– Web server (store, manage websites & web pages)
– Application server (store & manage SWs)
– Print server (Manage printers & print jobs)
– Antivirus server (manage such SW and clean clients)

2. Collaboration and team work (Ch2, 2.4)

• Examples of telecommunications networks are:
a. computer networks
b. the Internet networks
c. the telephone network 5
A. Computer Networks

If you had to connect the computers for two or more

employees together in the same office, you would
need a computer network. In its simplest form, a
network consists of two or more connected
computers (clients and server).

What bu/s or mgt problems can be

solved by simple office computer NW?
B. Telephone Network

C. Internet Network

Telecommunication Trends:
• These network types are slowly merging into a single
digital network using shared Internet technology and
equipment, called ISDN (integrated Service Digital NW)
• ISDN refers to the provision of telephone, video and data
communication services within a single network.
• Examples of new products and services being delivered
– Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP);
– Mobile phones for E-mail, data and WWW access;
– Web and satellite based TV
– Web based delivery of live news, sports, concerts and of other
audiovisual services.
– YacineTV app 9

• Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) enables Internet technology to

be used for telephone voice transmission over the Internet or
private networks. VoIP offers the advantage of avoiding tolls
charged by local and long-distance telephone networks. VoIP
provides businesses an opportunity to reduce costs because they no
longer have to maintain separate networks or provide support
services and personnel for each different type of network. It gives
organizations flexibility because phones can be added or moved to
different offices without rewiring or reconfiguring networks. 10
6.2. Types of Networks
• Depending on one’s perspective, we can classify networks
in different ways
• Based on transmission media:
• Wired (UTP, coaxial cables, fiber-optic cables) and
• Wireless (mobile phones, satellite, GPS, Wi-Fi….)
• Based on network size:
• LAN and

• Based on management method: Peer-to-peer and Client/Server

• Based on topology (connectivity): Bus, Star, Ring
• Based on ownership
• private and or
• public
Local Area Network (LAN)

• If you work in a business that uses networking, you are probably

connecting to other employees and groups via a LAN.
• LAN is designed to connect personal computers and other digital
devices within a half-mile or 500-meter radius.
• LANs typically connect a few computers in a small office, all the
computers in one building, or all the computers in several
buildings in close proximity.
• The following figure could serve as a model for a small LAN that
might be used in an office. One computer is a dedicated network
file server, providing users with access to shared computing
resources in the network, including software and data files.
The server determines who gets access to what and in which

- Possible application areas?????
- Report sharing ….
Wide Area Network (WAN)

• A network that uses long-range telecommunication

links to connect 2 or more LANs/computers housed
in different places far apart.
• Towns, states, countries
• Examples:
• Nws that connect bank branches with head office
• Network of big university Campus
• Internet

- Give an example of application areas?

Based on ownership: Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
and public networks
• A secure network that uses the Internet as its backbone but
relies on firewalls, encryption and other security
– It is a kind of a pipe traveling through the Internet
• It is a private network that uses a public network (usually the
Internet) to connect remote sites or users together.
• Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection such as
leased line, a VPN uses "virtual" connections routed through
the Internet from the company's private network to the
remote site or employee.
– Used to exchange data safely among people at different locations
Do not access your bank
account from public
networks (WIFI)

• VPN are secure, encrypted, private networks that
have been configured within a public network to
take advantage of the economies of scale and
management facilities of large networks, such as
the Internet.
• VPNs are low-cost alternatives to private WANs.
• VPNs give businesses a more efficient network
infrastructure for combining voice and data

6.3. Telecommunication Media
Networks use different types of physical transmission
media, including:
A. Twisted wire: Pairs of copper wires used mostly for
telephone line but also sometimes for data.
• Although an older physical transmission medium, the
twisted wires used in today’s LANs, such as CAT5, can
obtain speeds up to 1 Gbps. Twisted-pair cabling is
limited to a maximum recommended run of 100 meters.
• It is the oldest medium.

B. Coaxial Cable

•Can transmit a larger volume

of data than twisted wire.
•Used today for longer (more
than 100 meters) runs in large
•Coaxial has speeds up to 1

C. Fiber Optic cable
• Fiber-optic cable consists of thousands of tiny
clear glass fibers along which data is sent as
pulses of light.
• Although primarily used as high-speed
network backbone (the part of a network that
handles major traffic), fiber optic is also being
installed in homes and businesses.
• Telecommunications carriers use fiber optic to
build purely optical networks to provide high-
capacity transmission for multimedia, and other
data-intensive information services. 21
• Fiber-optic cable is considerably faster, lighter,
and more durable than wire media, and is well
suited to systems requiring transfers of large
volumes of data. However, fiber-optic cable is
more expensive than other physical transmission
media and harder to install

6.4. Wireless Networks
• Microwave and Communication Satellite
– Ethiosat is based on NSS-12 satellite that enable communications
services for telecommunications providers, broadcasters,
corporations, and governments in Europe, Africa, the Middle East,
India and other parts of Asia
• Cellular Networks (mobile NW)
• Bluetooth
• Wi-Fi etc

– Management Implications? 23
Microwave and Communication Satellite

application areas

Business use of Satellites
• High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Available On

LandViewer (
• Insurance And Finance: How EOS Satellite Mo
nitoring Can
For security Purpose
• Security Defence
& Military: Satellite-Based Monitoring With E
OS 25
Cellular Networks
• Cellular systems use radio waves and a variety of
different protocols to communicate with radio antennas
(towers) placed within adjacent geographic areas called
cells. Communications transmitted from a cell phone to a
local cell pass from antenna to antenna—cell to cell—
until they reach their final destination.

• The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-
based navigation system that provides location
and time information.
• It provides critical capabilities to military, civil,
and commercial users around the world.
• US created the system, maintains it, and makes it
freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

Consider potential application areas

Disadvantages of GPS

• Invasions of privacy
• Limitation on the freedom of movement,
government and individuals can monitor the
movement of other people.

Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) Wi-fi

"Wi-Fi Certified" (a registered

trademark) by the Wi-Fi Alliance
are interoperable with each other,
even if they are from
different manufacturers.
A user with a "Wi-Fi Certified"
product can use any brand of
access point with any other brand
of client hardware that also is


What are some of the issues related to wi-fi?

• Enormous pressure within companies to provide

Wi-Fi in all areas of the company.

• Cost might exceed the benefit to be gained by

providing Wi-Fi such as in a manufacturing plant
that would require numerous additional access
points than usual.

• Security of information available via the Wi-Fi

• Bluetooth is a standard developed by a group of
electronics manufacturers that allows any sort of
electronic equipment -- from computers and cell phones
to keyboards and headphones -- to make its own
connections, without wires, cables or any direct action
from a user.
• Bluetooth enables a variety of devices, including cell
phones, smart phones, wireless keyboards and mice, PCs,
and printers, to interact wirelessly with each other within
a small 30-foot (10-meter) area. In addition to the links
shown, Bluetooth can be used to network similar devices
to send data from one PC to another, for example.
Application in Business?? 32
What other business uses can you envision for such technology? (hint
remember in health sector, finance)

Imagine how this technology is affecting payment industry

• RFID “radio-frequency identification” and refers to a
technology whereby digital data encoded in RFID tags or
smart labels are captured by a reader via radio waves.
• Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems provide a
powerful technology for tracking the movement of goods
by using tiny tags with embedded data about an item and
its location.
• (RFID) systems provide a microchip that contains data
about an item and its location. The tags transmit radio
signals over a short distance to special RFID readers. The
RFID readers then pass the data over a network to a
computer for processing.
Cell phones vs Satellite phones
• Nearly anyone with a cell phone has experienced signal
loss or areas where weak reception makes using cell
phone a trying ordeal.
• For people who need instantaneous access to mobile
communication in remote areas --- like deserts, jungles or
the middle of the ocean --- cell phones just aren't
• For these people, satellite phones offer the ability to
communicate regardless of the user's geographic location.
• They provide similar functionality to terrestrial mobile
telephones; voice, short messaging service and low-
bandwidth internet access are supported through most
systems. 37

6.5. Telecommunication related business ideas/
• Call center agents: Telecommunication network
operators receive several thousands of calls daily
from customers who have questions and
complaints. But because most companies are
trying to cut down on their running costs, they
now hire freelance call center agents instead of
in-house support staff

• Recharge card sales: Since people have to make calls
every day, there is huge demand for airtime, which
is commonly sold in the form of recharge cards.
• Mobile marketing: Many businesses have realized
the effectiveness of the internet as a tool for
creating brand awareness and attracting customers
and are adopting various internet marketing
• However, a more streamlined form of internet
marketing is mobile marketing, which is targeted at
internet users who surf the web using mobile
devices, such as smart phones and tablets.
• Blogging: to share relevant and valuable
information relating to the telecommunications
industry with people who need it.
• For example, you can share information on how
to make the best use of mobile phones, how to
set up internet connections, how to use cloud
computing, latest technologies and trends in the
telecommunications industry, and so on.

• Internet service: Another smart way to make money
from the telecommunications market is to start
offering internet services to people. You can either
start a cyber cafe or set up a wireless hotspot where
people will pay you to access the internet.
• Develop Video Games for Smart Phones: One
fantastic smart phone business idea an entrepreneur
can launch is to develop video games for smart phones
• Develop Ring Tunes for Smart Phones: Lastly another
smart phone related business idea an entrepreneur
can launch is to develop unique ring tunes for smart
Other Ideas
• Mobile Forensic: Mobile phones data recovery for personal or legal
purpose will be a growing market in the upcoming years.
• Mobile SEO, Mobile Advertizing
• City guide applications
• Mobile education application
• Local traffic application: may be based on crowd sourced
information app or based on automatically sourced information
from opt-in taxi drivers using their mobile phone positioning and
motion information.
• Mobile money (banking)
• Video marketing: Text and display ads will reach only a selective
audience in Africa, but video marketing delivered over the mobile
phone will reach 7 times more.
• Offering native video format integrated into app is huge market to
• Mobile content Producer: All medias are hungry of
content. The new mobile media need more than any
other medias good content producers. It could be
small video, cartoons, text, comics, stories, new
summary, photos, etc.
• Mobile job portal
• Item store App: example, spare parts.
• Greeting cards app: Greetings cards websites were
very popular on the web, and still are among the most
visited websites in the world.
• Now is the time for mobile native greetings card
services integrated with popular social networks. 44
Discuss the role of telecom in:
- Education sector
- Banking sector
- Manufacturing sector
- Telecom sector
- Service sector
- Transportation sector
- Monetizing the telecom infrastructure: new
business models (SMS based like lottery based,
donation or fund raising, health consulting etc 45
• Challenge of Managers
– It is difficult to train managers to think innovatively
about the uses of the technology.
– there is little information in the literature about
managerial training in the innovative uses of
– Operating a network without having clear idea of
how that network is being used
– The problem was compounded by the fact that a fully
integrated, nonproprietary network management
system is not yet a reality.

Research showed that
Majority of IS managers expressed a desire for
additional training on:
• Strategic planning of telecommunications;
• Use of telecommunications for a competitive
advantage; and
• Managing innovation and technology.

Key telecommunication training needs

MGT Decision Making (1)
• Your company supplies ceramic floor tiles to Home
Depot, Home furnish, and other home improvement
stores. You have been asked to start using RFID tags on
each case of tiles you ship to help your customers
improve the management of your products and those
of other suppliers in their warehouses.
• Use the Web to identify the cost of hardware,
software, and networking components for an RFID
system for your company.
– What factors should be considered?
– What are the key decisions that have to be made in
determining whether your firm should adopt this
technology? 49
Telecommunication related jobs/ tasks
1. Satellite earth station operations
- monitor and test the overall daily operation, quality, and other issues
- Perform maintenance
- Prepare monthly report on outages and other issues
- Maintain inventory of equipment
2. WAN operation
- Install and configure WAN
- Monitor daily operations and prepare reports
- Conduct an ongoing analysis of equipment capacity and users needs
3. LAN operation
- Monitor LAN activities
- Coordinate facilities and establish ad-hoc LAN, if needed
4. Voice and messaging Operation
5. Audio/ visual conference Services
6. Radio and video surveillance operation 50

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