Unit 5 Roles and Functions of Nurse Manager in Personnel Management

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Salale University

College of Nursing and midwifery

Department of pediatric and child health nursing
Seminar presentation on
Role And Function Of Nurse Manager In Personal Management

Presented to Mr. Ayele .T( MSc)



Nov 28, 2023 group 3 1

Fitche,Oromia,Ethiopia/ 2023
Group members

2. Mekonen urgessa
3. regatu bekele
4. Yordanos Lema

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 2

 Introduction
 Definition & Functions of Personnel management
 Functions OF Nursing Managers In Staffing
 Recruitment and selection
 Staff development & Training
 Performance Appraisal
 Stress & Time Management
 principles of personal management in nursing services and
nursing education
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 3
 Reference
At the end of these presentation learners should be able
 Define Personnel Management

 List And Explain Functions Of Nursing Managers In Staffing

 Explain The Meaning Of Time Management

 Describe Staff development & Training

 Discuss about performance Appraisal

 Explain time and stress management

 Apply principles of personal management in nursing services and

nursing education
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 4

Personnel management can be defined as obtaining, using and

maintaining a satisfied workforce.
“It is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and
maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to
organizational, individual and societal goals “(Flippo)
“Personnel Management is that part which is primarily
concerned with human resource of organization.” (Brech).

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 5


Staffing is concerned with employing people for the various

activities to be performed
Process of assigning competent people to fulfill the roles
designated for the organizational structure
The nurse manager decides how many and what type of personnel
are required to provide care for patients.
The objectives of staffing is to ensure that right type of people
have been recruited for different positions

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 6

Significance Personnel Management

 Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

 Conflict Management and Resolution
 Performance Management and Appraisals
 Training and Skill Development
 Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency
 Workforce Development and Utilization

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 7

Principles of Personnel Management

 Scientific Selection: right person for the right job

 Dignity of Labor: The labor should feel proud of their work.
 Team Spirit : must be developed among the worker
 Effective Communication
 Effective Utilization of Human Resources

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 8

Functions of Personnel Management

Manpower planning






Appraisal, etc.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 9

Manpower planning

Activities that managers engage in to forecast their current and

future needs for human resources

It is the act of deciding on the required number of workers to

meet the requirements in order to carry out the incorporated
plans of the institution

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 Assessing manpower needs for future

 Making plans for recruitment and selection
 Assessing skill requirement in future for the organization
 Determining training
 Development needs of the organization
 Ensuring higher labor productivity
 Anticipating shortage of staff and avoiding unnecessary

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 11

Steps manpower planning

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 12

Advantage of manpower planning

 Technological changes
 Organizational changes
 Demographic changes
 Increased mobility
 Shortage of skills

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 13

Job analysis

 it is primary tool in personnel management.

 A personnel manager has to undertake job analysis so as to
put right man on right job.
The information collected under job analysis is:
 Nature of jobs required in a concern.
 Nature/ size of organizational structure.
 Type of people required to fit that structure.
 Kind of qualifications and academic background required for jobs
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 14
Advantages of Job Analysis

Helps the personnel manager at the time of recruitment and

selection of right man on right job

It helps him to understand extent and scope of training

required in that field.

It helps in evaluating the job in which the worth of the job has
to be evaluated.

It also helps the personnel manager to undertake

performance appraisal effectively in a concern.
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 15

 It is an organized factual statement of job contents

 The form of duties and responsibilities of a specific job.
 It tells in brief the nature and type of job.
 The nature of authority- responsibility relationships.
 Necessary qualifications that are required for job.
 Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 16

Advantages of Job Description

It helps the supervisors in assigning work to the subordinates

it is guide and monitor their performances.
It helps in recruitment and selection procedures.
It assists in manpower planning.
It is also helpful in performance appraisal.
It is helpful in job evaluation

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 17

Job evaluation
 It is system of job measurement

 To evaluate the effectiveness of human resource

 Harvard Researchers have proposed a “Four Cs Model”:

 cost- effectiveness

 Competence,

 Commitment, &

 Congruence,

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 18

Staffing Police and Procedure

 Determine the number and types of personnel needed to fulfil

the philosophy, meet fiscal planning responsibilities,
 carryout the chosen patient care management organization
 Recruit, interview, select, and assign personnel based on
established job description performance standards.
 Use organizational resources for induction and orientation

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 19

Staffing Police and Procedure

 Ascertain that each employee is adequately socialized to

organizational values and unit norms.
 Use creative and flexible scheduling based on patient care
needs to increase productivity and retention
 Develop a program of staff education that will assist
employees meeting the goals of the organization

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Nov 28, 2023 group 3 21
Recruitment and selection

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 22


 The process of attracting qualified people to apply for a jobs

 It is a linking together those offering jobs and those seeking jobs
 prospective employees either from within the organization or
outside the organization.
Types of recruitment
 Planned-arise from changes in organization and recruitment policy
 Anticipated-By studying trends in the internal and external
 Unexpected –arise due to accidents transfer and illness
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 23

Internal External

 shifting of an employee
 recruited from outside
from one job to another
 motivates , boots
 advertising vacancies,
employees morale
 visits to colleges
 It is cost effective,
 Universities
 reduces recruiting and
 contacts with public and
relocation costs
private employment agencies

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 24

Recruitment process steps

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 25

Principles of recruitment

Prohibiting discrimination

Equal employment opportunity

Affirmative action

Equal Pay: like pay for like jobs

Comparable worth

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 It is the process of choosing for employment

 It is to choose among the applicants using job qualification as a
 The purpose of selection is to pick up the right person
Sources of information for selection
 Application forms and
 Pre employment interviews
 Testing

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 27

Steps in the Selection Process

1. Preliminary Screening
2. Employment Test
3. Employment Interview
4. Background and Reference Checks
5. Job offer
6. Physical Examination

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 28

Difference between Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment Selection
It is a process of picking up more
It is an activity of establishing contact
competent and suitable employees.
between employers and applicants.
It attempts at rejecting unsuitable
It encourages large number of
Candidates for a job.

The candidates have not to cross over Many hurdles have to be crossed.
many hurdles.

It is a negative approach.
It is a positive approach.

It follows recruitment.
It proceeds selection.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 29


 The process of introducing new employees to the organization

 Covers origination about history, values, mission, and goals

 Improved communication and collaboration
 Better understanding of organization

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 the process of familiarizing new employees with specific jobs

 Covers job duties, expectations, policies, and procedures
 Often done on the first day of work
 To reduce the initial anxiety all new employees
 To reduce the cultural shock faced in the new organization

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 31

Contents of orientation program

Informal FORMAL

 Unplanned  Planned

 Simply an introduction  Introduction about brief

about the job and history of organization
organization  Mission ,vision,objectives

 Carried out by the medium and philosophies

and small scale units  Policies ,rules and regulation

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 32


Builds employees sense of identification with the health

service organization
Helps the gain acceptance by fellow workers
Give them a clear understanding of the many things
Enables the new employee to become familiar with own work
area and department

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 33

placement and socialization

 Process of assigning a specific job to the selected for candidates

 Ensures that the selection of the right man for the right job
 socialization is pertains to the process of integrating new
employees into the organization's social and cultural fabric
Proper placement employees is able to
 Show good results on job
 Get along with people easily
 Avoid mistakes and accidents
 Keep his spirits hign,report for duty regularly
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 34
Superannuation & Termination

 Ever organization have a plan of superannuation for employee

 Form of savings and investment

 Save during working life to provide money in retirement

 Process by which an organazion ends an individuals against his or

 There are different reasons for termination of employment with


 Some of them may include redundancy, dismissal and retirement.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 35
Staff development & Training

Personal activity to ensure that the labor of the organization

would be continuously
In an optimal relation to the jobs and organizational structure
Process of using personal in an effective and efficient way
Activities include training and education provided by employee
to improve
The occupational and personal knowledge ,skills and attitude

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Improve staff performance and skill

Update knowledge related to current trends
Motivate and improve the sense of security among staffs
Promote equal distribution of works
To increase employee productivity

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• Focused on developing nursing skills and knowledge

• Introduces employees to a new situation
• Improves the professional growth
• Provides learning experience in the work setting
• Reduces staff turnover or absenteeism

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 38

Approaches of training
On-the-job training
 Job rotation
 Internship: Combined classroom teaching
 Apprenticeship: training under guidance of skilled co-
Off- the-job training
 Vestibule training: training on realistic job setting or
 Behaviorally experienced training: simulation exercises,
cases, games, role-playinggroup
Nov 28, 2023 (done3 outside the organization) 39
Types of staff development

Orientation/Induction /training
In service education
Continuing education
Mentors and coaches can be helpful during the nurse’s career.
Career progression and leadership advancement

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 40

Performance Appraisal

Systemic review of an individual employee's performance on

the job,
Which is used to evaluate the effectiveness of his/her work
The performance of an employee is compared with the job
Formal procedures used in working organization to evaluate
the personalities and contribution of group members
Performs by immediate supervisor ,self, peers , evaluation
teams customers
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 41

To give feedback,
To establish standards job performance
assess the validity of personnel selection and training procedures
To Increases job satisfaction
to Improve organizational development
To identify candidates for promotion

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 42

Process of performance Appraisal

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 43

Tools of performance appraisal

Rating scales-the tool consists of a behavior or characteristics to

be rated and some type of scale that will indicate the degree to
which the person being evaluated demonstrates that behavior
Ranking : Ranking is listing of all employees from highest to
lowest in performance
The checklist- it describes the standard of performance and the
rater indicates by placing a checkmark in a column if the employee
demonstrates the behavior

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 44


Multisource (360°) Appraisal : involves getting feedback from

multiple sources, including peers, supervisors, colleagues and
Management by objective- it focuses on the evaluator's
observations of the employee's performance as measured
against very specific predetermined goals that have been jointly
agreed upon by the employee and the evaluator.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 45

Common Problems in Performance Appraisal

Leniency Errors-some raters are hard graders and others easy

Halo errors-are evaluations based on the rater's general feelings
about an employee.
Central tendency errors: refers to the rater's unwillingness to
assign extreme -high or low -ratings.
 Everyone is average, and only the middle part of the scale is use

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 46

Staff Promotion

 is the transfer of an employee to a job which pays more money or

one that carries some preferred status.” Scott and Clothier

1. Horizontal promotion: When an employee is shifted in the same

2. Vertical Promotion: promoted from a lower category to higher

involving increase in salary, status, authority and responsibility.

3. Dry Promotion: made without increase in salary, it is called ‘dry

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 47
Guidance &Counseling

 Guidance is a “process of helping every individual, through his

own effort to discover & develop his potentialities for his personal
happiness & social usefulness.”(Ruth Strang)
 Counseling is essentially a process in which the counselor assists
the counselee to make interpretations of facts relating to a
choice, plan or adjustment which needs to make. ’(Glenn F.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 48

Difference Between guidance And Counseling
GUIDANCE Counseling
 is broader & comprehensive.  is in-depth & narrow
 is mainly preventive &  remedial as well as preventive
developmental. & developmental.
 Intellectual attitudes are the  Emotional rather than pure
raw material of guidance .  intellectual attitude are raw

material of the counseling process

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 49

Purposes Of Guidance And Counseling

 Providing the needed information & assistance

 Helps in adapting to the changes or new Environment

 Making self-sufficient & independent .

 Promote the optimal personal & professional development.

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 50

Stress management

tress is the nonspecific reaction that people have to demands

from the environment that pose a threat.
Stress results when two or more incompatible demands on the
body cause a conflict.
A certain amount of stress is essential to sustain life, and
moderate amounts serve as stimuli to performance;
however, overpowering stress can cause a person to respond in
a maladaptive physiological or psychological manner

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 51

Nature of stress

• A balance must exist between stress and the capability to handle

• The experience of stress is subjective and individualized.

• One person’s stressful event is another’s challenge

cause of stress
For nurses, stress in the workplace can develop from several
sources and may be due :-
 to organizational

 interpersonal &

 individual (intrapersonal) factors

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 52
Consequences of Stress

 Depression

 A feeling of helplessness to change the situation

 Physical illnesses

 Abrupt changes in mood and behavior

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Managing Stress

Personal Methods Organizational Methods

 Keeping your life in balance is  When stress is job related,

difficult , but it can be done several strategies can be used

 Time management  First, proper matching of the

job with the applicant

 Self-care.
 Adequate orientation
 Development of interpersonal
 Skills training also reduces stress
skills and identify
 Role redefinition
 promotes better performance
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 and less turnover 54
Managing Time

 Time is the most perishable of all resources because it cannot

be stored or recovered.
 once a minute has passed, it is gone forever
 Is a technique for allocation of one’s time through:
 setting goals
 assigning priorities
 identifying and eliminating time wasters, and
 use of managerial techniques to reach goals efficiently

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 55

Principles of time management

1. List goals and set priorities

2. Make a daily “to do” list
3. Start with the most important to do list
4. Handle each piece of paper only once
5. Do it now!
6. Setting priorities by placing elements of importance and

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 56

Application of principles of personal management in nursing services and nursing education

Principles of personal management in nursing services

Management and Nursing Practice
 Nurses are not only caregivers, but also managers of resources.
 They are expected to take on administrative and managerial roles

 Nurses are expected to take up leadership roles in the healthcare

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 57

Principles of personal management in nursing

Professional Development:
 Nurses must maintain their own personal and professional
development, learning from experience, through supervision,
feedback, reflection, and evaluation.
Education Management:
 Skills in planning and organizing in-service education are crucial.
 This includes understanding the management of nursing
educational institutions

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Application of Management Principles:

 Nurses are expected to apply the concepts, theories, and

Techniques of organizational behavior and human relations.

Overall these principles help to
 cultivate a positive
 encouraging, and efficient environment
 leading to decreased medical errors and improved patient
Nov 28, 2023 group 3 59

• Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management; fifth

• Nursing Leadership And Management Lecture Notes Addis
Ababa University 2005
• Nursing Leadership And Management :the advanced practice
role 1st edition
• “Management of nursing services & Education; 3rd edition”

Nov 28, 2023 group 3 60

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