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What do they Test?

Personal Interview stresses on the following


• Goal Clarity
• Knowledge
• Communication Skills
• Personality traits

Before the Interview

• Collect information about the company

• Go through the job description
• Reconfirm Date and Venue
• Frame/Draft excellent answers
• Practice! Practice! Practice!

Before the Interview

• Carry Resume, Cover Letter, Interview Call Letter

• Carry Documents and certificates
• Groom in a professional manner
• Be in a positive frame of mind
• Be punctual. Arrive about 10-15 minutes earlier

Your Entry

Your Entry

• Ask for Permission to Enter

• Go with a smile

• Greet – Handshake and Greetings

• Occupy a Chair

Your Conduct

Your Conduct

• Utilise Thank you

• No Lies
• No Argument
• Maintain Clarity in Thoughts and Speech
• EYE contact
• Posture and body language
• Listen!!!

Your Conduct

During a job interview, following gestures are watched

• Crossed arms – defensive
• Crossed arms and legs – reserved and suspicious
• Open arms and hands – open and receptive
• Sitting in the chair shaking one of the legs – nervous
• Rubbing or touching – not telling truth
• Fidgeting with objects – restless
• Shifting postures – uncomfortable
• Avoiding eye contact – dishonest or lack confidence
Types of Questions

• Direct Questions
– How does your work experience qualify you for the position?
• Indirect Questions
– Tell me about yourself
• Hypothetical questions (Problem solving skill)
– What would you do if a customer’s order was not shipped out on
• Behavioral Questions
– “Tell me about a time you took initiative.” (STAR MODEL )
Handling Questions

• Tell me/us something about yourself

• Why does this job interest you? Or why have you applied
for this job?
• Why do you think that we should select you? Or why
should we select you?
• What is your greatest strength?
• What is your greatest weakness?
• What is your greatest achievement?

Basic interview questions:

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your weaknesses?
4. Why are you interested in this Domain (HR, Marketing etc)
5. 3 key take way from your internship experience
6. Why should we hire you?
7. What do you know about this industry?
8. What do you know about our company?
9. Do you have any questions for me?
Tell me something about yourself

• 1) Keep It Professional and Brief

• 2) Practice, But Don’t Memorize
• 3) Know Your Audience
• 4) Remember W.A.P. (Work, Academic, Personal)
– Every good answer to “tell me about yourself” should consist of:
• Work - This should make up about 80% of your answer. Focus
on your previous experience and accomplishments here.
• Academic - 10-15% of your answer should then be about your
academic background (university, academic achievements, etc.).
• Personal - Finally the last 5-10% should be about you as a
person, while still keeping it relevant to the company.

• My name is vijay kumar, I’m 22 years old and I recently graduated from
University X with a M.B.A. in international business. During my college
, I learned a lot of theory in subjects like corporate communication,
international economics, corporate governance, and more. I was also
part of the student government, and maintained a GPA of 3.6.
• I’ve worked hard in my education and now I’m ready to apply my
knowledge into practice.
• While I don’t have any real-life work experience, I’ve had a lot of
exposure to the business environment. A lot of my courses involved
working with real companies to solve real problems.
• Now, I’m looking to leverage everything I’ve learned in uni and get
some hands-on work exp
Handling Questions

• What motivates you at work?

• Are you ambitious?
• What qualities would you look for, if you were
recruiting someone for this position?
• Have you attended other interviews? Or how is your
job search going on?
• Which companies are you talking to?
• Are you ready to relocate?

Handling Questions

• Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

• How do you feel about doing repetitive work?
• Would you like to work in a team or on your own?
• Would you take up this job if we offered it to you?
• Your expected salary?
• What will you do if you are offered a job with a
salary higher than this?
• Do you want to ask us something about the company?
Any Questions?

• What are the opportunities for me to grow in this role

and with the company?

• What are the major goals that would need to be

accomplished in this role?

• Questions on current happenings of the company

• Ask about Location or Job Description in case it is not

clear before.
Telephonic and Video
Pointers on Interview Impressions

• Let the Interviewer talk about salary

• Don't ask for refreshments, even if offered deny politely.
• Place your briefcase/laptop on the floor and not on the table
or lap
• Don't interrupt the interviewer.
• Make sure your cell phone is switched off and not visible
• Don't smoke, chew gum, curse or eat garlic beforehand.
• Avoid being touchy in an interview situation.
• Don't imitate your interviewer's dialect


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