The Seven Deadly Sins

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The Seven

Deadly Sins
 Vanity
"Vanity is an excessive belief in one's
own abilities, that interferes with the
individual's recognition of the grace of
God. It has been called the sin from
which all others arise."
..Or if you prefer: Pride - Mother of all sins.
First one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
- Vanity is linked with the color violet.
- Peacocks  are symbols of vanity as well,
therefore peacock feather is used as an
inspiration for the "frame".
- Background is being desertish (plus the
dead tree)... Vain people usually never see
any beauty in the world, but only in
 Envy
"Envy is the desire for others' traits,
status, abilities, or
Envy means much more than just a wish to
have something
someone else has. It means also ACTING
AGAINST that person,
"revenging" in a way, trying to take the
"object of our desire" away from
them, or backstabbing them in some way
etc. that is why it can also be the deadliest
- snake - is connected with cunning and
something behind one's back
 Lust
"Lust is an inordinate craving for the
pleasures of the body."
The theme:
As you can see, from my Lust sketch I have only
kept the pose, but totally changed the face.
I think that this one fits the topic better.
I see Lust as being concentrated on yourself,
being "drowned in your own world" kind of way,
rather than seducting and being "flirty"(and this
look was used in the sketch)
About the symbolism:
Lust is connected with blue, but it's too "cold",
and therefore changed to red - connection with
the color of flame, warmth. Although not
connected with love.
The frame - uses the flame pattern... flame ->
burning desire -> lust
"Greed, also called Avarice or
Covetousness, is the desire for
material wealth or gain, ignoring
the realm of the spiritual"
 Sloth
"Sloth is the avoidance of physical or
spiritual work"
This is the fifth from the Seven Deadly Sins
- She is sitting on a swing and blowing bubbles:
it's a symbol of wasting your time on insignificant
things; idleness
- She is placed above the ground, in the sky:
symbol of being separated from Earth and
mundane htings (like work etc)
- Feathers: they symbolize something sleepy and
- Color: light blue is also a color of sleepiness and
 Gluttony
"Gluttony is an inordinate desire to
consume more than that which one
Character is aesthetic, pretty and (in her
way) attractive.
Some symbolic explanations:
Abundance of textiles - this sin not only as
eating and drinking, but consuming in it's
wider meaning, such as buying and
gathering useless things etc
Grapes - "luxury" goods, connected with
lavish parties (in ancient times) etc
The pink colour theme - grapes, sweets etc
 Wrath
"Wrath - Inappropriate feelings of hatred
and anger. (...)Impatience with the law, or
seeking revenge outside of justice, such as
with unnecessary vigilantism. Wishing to do
evil or harm to others."

The colour theme - the colours red, orange, black
->fire -> destruction
Lightning (in the frame and background)-
something destructive, rapid, uncontrollable
The hairstyle - another reference to fire
The make-up - a reference to battle marks (face
painting etc)
The feathers - ("sharp" rather than soft and
fluffy); in this form they bare a resemblance to
tribes -> Wrath seen as something wild and

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