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-The Fourth Pillar of Emotional Intelligence
Presented by-
Rishav Sharma- 5071
Samrudhi- 2576
Vaishnavi- 1098
Sheik Sarfaraz

Let’s get into it

I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to my teachers and my
supervisors for giving me this golden opportunity to work on this wonderful
project on the topic of “relationship management”. I am very grateful to them for
their contribution to this presentation and for their teaching and learning that was
so important in preparing this presentation.

I would also like to thank my group members who helped with the research and
preparation of this presentation. Finally thanks again to all those who helped me
with this presentation.
• Relationship management, through the lens of emotional intelligence, involves navigating
interpersonal dynamics with empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. It
encompasses recognizing and regulating one's emotions, understanding others' feelings, and
fostering positive connections.

• Emotionally intelligent individuals skillfully resolve conflicts, build trust, and adapt to various
social contexts, enhancing the quality of relationships. This approach emphasizes harmony to
emotional cues, fostering mutual understanding, and creating an environment conducive to
collaboration and mutual growth.
• Relationship management is a crucial aspect for personal and professional
success. In personal life, it fosters emotional support, understanding, and
fulfillment. Professionally, effective relationship management is vital for
teamwork, collaboration, and career advancement.

• Strong relationships enhance communication, trust, and conflict resolution,

contributing to a positive work environment. In business, it's key for customer
satisfaction and loyalty. Socially adept individuals often excel in leadership
roles, navigating diverse interpersonal dynamics.
• One of the major Keypoint in positive
relations is communicating effectively. When
communication is effective, it leaves all parties
involved satisfied and feeling accomplished.

• By delivering messages clearly, there is no

room left for misunderstanding or alteration of
messages, which decreases the potential for
Lets understand this by an example:

Situation: A team member consistently submits incomplete work, affecting the overall project progress.

Ideal Response: "I've noticed that your recent submissions have been incomplete, and it's impacting the
team's progress. I believe in your abilities, and I'm confident that you can meet our expectations. Let's
discuss any challenges you might be facing and find a solution together to ensure the success of the

This example combines directness with empathy, expressing concern about the issue while also showing
confidence in the person's abilities and a willingness to collaborate on finding a resolution.
• The best way to define collaboration would be to outline it as the
process of two or more people or organizations working together to
complete a task or achieve a goal. It is also defined as two or more
people working together to achieve shared goals.

• Successful collaboration requires a cooperative spirit and mutual

respect. Employers typically seek employees that function effectively
as part of a team and are willing to balance personal achievement with
group goals.
3 Principles for better collaboration skills:

 Communication Skills- As explained earlier effective & assertive communication

techniques are crucial for better understanding & promoting transparency. Besides that other
important aspects while communicating is active listening, verbal & nonverbal techniques.

 Emotional Intelligence(EI)- Emotional intelligence is one of the most sought-after soft

skills in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your
emotions, recognize emotions in others and react appropriately, and apply your emotions to
tasks. Having these soft skills can help you make better collaborative efforts.

 Problem Solving- Problem solving is the ability to work through problems by using critical
thinking skills to arrive at a solution. In the workplace teams have to solve problems every
single day. Problem solving as a team improves the chances of coming up with the best
solution or result. When people work together they can share and compare ideas and choose
the one that best solves the problem.
Conflict management
• Conflicts arise due to disagreements in particular conversation between
individuals or a group, Thats where skills to handle disputes in a creative and
respectful ways must be used. On any given day, you may have to deal with a
dispute between you and another individual, your family members, or fellow

5 styles for conflict management:

Different situations needs it own way of handling them. Learn to choose the right conflict
management style, and you'll be better able to respond constructively whenever disputes arise.

 Avoiding

When avoiding, you try to dodge or bypass a conflict. This style of managing
conflicts is low in assertiveness and cooperativeness. Avoidance is unproductive for
handling most disputes because it may leave the other party feeling like you don't
 Accomodating

An accommodating mode of conflict management tends

to be high in cooperation but low in assertiveness.
When you use this style, you resolve the disagreement
by sacrificing your own needs and desires for those of
the other party.

 Collaborating

A collaborating conflict management style demands a

high level of cooperation from all parties involved.
Individuals in a dispute come together to find a
respectful resolution that benefits everyone.

 Competing

This style is high in assertiveness and low in

cooperation as it includes forcing your needs to
other. In other words, it's the opposite of
 Compromise

Lastly, Compromising demands moderate assertiveness

and cooperation from all parties involved. With this type
of resolution, everyone gets something they want or need.
Because of time constraints, compromising isn't always as
creative as collaborating, and some parties may come
away less satisfied than others.
• In summary, relationship management, guided by emotional intelligence, hinges on the
adept navigation of interpersonal dynamics through empathy, self-awareness, and effective
• For better communication be assertive, empathic, & inquiring to understand yourself and
other to put & take emotions better.
• You should posses principles Emotional intelligence like self awareness, empathy, regulation
of emotions, cooperative social skills to enhance Collaborative skills which leds better
• Have an ability to comprehend disputes & cause of it, To handle conflicts choose a
appropriate style according to the situation, needs of your & others.

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