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Software Development Life

Cycle Models
Manjiri Tatke
Software Development Life Cycle Models
• Waterfall Model • RAD Model
• V Model • Big Bang Model
• Iterative Model • Fish Model
• Incremental Model • Hybrid Model
• Prototype Model • JAD Model
• Spiral Model • Agile Model
Hybrid Model
• A hybrid Model is a model which is developed by combining two
traditional models of SDLC.
• By collaborating two base models the resulting hybrid Model acquires
its properties, process, and benefits which results in building a more
powerful, flexible, and effective Model. It helps in early delivery of
software product.
• The combination of traditional models can be like:
• Spiral and Prototype Model
• V&V and Prototype Model
Spiral and Prototype Model
The spiral and prototype model is used for the below conditions:
• We go for spiral and prototype models whenever there is dependency.
• When the customer gives requirements in stages, and we develop the
product in stages using this model.
• When the customer is very new to the software industry and not clear
about the requirements.
• When the developers are new to particular software.
Process of Spiral and Prototype Model
Process of Spiral and Prototype Model
• The process of this model starts with collecting the
requirements from the customer for the different modules like A, B,
and C
• After collecting the business needs of the software, we will create the
prototype A.
• Once we develop the Prototype, we will test the Prototype A.
• After successfully testing the Prototype, we will send it to the
customer for their review and approval.
• As per the customer suggestion, the Prototype will be refined and send
to customer for review and approval.
Process of Spiral and Prototype Model
• Once they reviewed and approved the Prototype, we will design that
Prototype for the actual module.
• Once the designing phase completes, the developer starts writing the
code for the modules.
• After the completion of development, it will send it to the testing
team, where they will test the module.
• And when the testing phase is done, it will deploy to the customer.
And this process is continued until all the modules (B, C) present in
the software.
V & V and Prototype Model
We go for this model for the following reasons:
• When the customer and developers are both new to the industry.
• When the clients are expecting a very high-quality product within the
required time because every phase is tested, and the developer and
testing team are working parallelly.
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step 1
• The process starts with collecting the business needs in
the form of CRS documents, and the tester will do the
• Review the CRS
• And write the user acceptance test case and test plans
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step 2
• Then BA will convert this CRS document to the SRS
document, and the web developer will design and
develop the Prototype, send it to the tester, and the
tester will test the following:
• First, they will review the SRS document.
• And Write the system testing test cases and test plans.
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step 3
• After that, the testing team will check the Prototype
and identify the bugs and send it back to the concerned
developer. Once the prototype testing is done, it is sent
to the customer for their review and approval.
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step 4
• Once the customer approves it, we will design the
high-level design of the particular Prototype and send
it to the testing team where they will do the following:
• Review the HLD
• Writes the integration testing test documents.
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step5
• Once it is done, we will start working on the low-
level design and send it to the tester where they
will perform the following:
• Review the LLD
• And writes the functional test cases and test plans.
Processing of V & V and Prototype Model
• Step6
• After that, the developer starts writing the code for the
particular Prototype and does one round of white box
testing from their end and send it to the testing team for
further testing where they perform various type of
• This process is going on until the modules and prototypes
are stable. And then it will deliver to the customer.
• The hybrid model is highly flexible.
• In this model, the customer rejection is less because of the
• By using the Hybrid Model users can take advantage of two
• Customers satisfaction with the effective working system as
they receive a successful system in less delivery time.
• It is easy to use and apply, especially with small and medium
• Complexity: Not successful in the case of large and complex
systems and is only effective for small and medium-sized
systems. With a large system, the complexity increases in
handling two models together.
• Not economic: The cost of the system increases many folds as
lots of changes occur and sometimes many steps are to be re-
• Uneven working: The working of all hybrid models is not the
same the same pattern for all hybrid models can’t be followed .

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