Shuttle Diplomacy

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Topic : Shuttle Diplomacy

Basit Khan
Noor Aslam
 Discussion between two or more countries, in which someone
travels between the different countries, talking to the
government involved, carrying messages, and suggesting ways of
dealing with problems

 Or

Diplomatic negotiations carried out by a mediator who travel back

and forth between the negotiating parties.
Nature of shuttle diplomacy
 The diplomatic innovation of shuttle diplomacy was made possible by
modern communication technologies and air transportation, which permit
mediator to travel easily between parties.

 Shuttle diplomacy has subsequently become common in dealing with

international tense relations.

Shuttle diplomacy or mediated communication can be useful in situation

when direct communication is counterproductive.

 The essence of shuttle diplomacy the use of third party to convey

information back and forth between the parties.

 ‘A conflict resolution process used when parties cannot meet in person,

Shuttle Diplomacy and Conciliation


•A conflict resolution process

in which the conflict resolver meet privately with each party to the dispute,
seeking to gain concessions from each party’.

•Conciliation focuses both the tangible issues(messages, questions etc) and non-tangible like (emotions,
communication) whereas they are not taking into consideration in shuttle diplomacy.

•In conciliation, these non-tangible issues address by the conciliator.

•Shuttle diplomacy primarily deal with the tangible issues.

•Shuttle diplomacy and conciliation are similar in that they both work with parties in separate locations
when it is impractical, impossible, and sometime dangerous for the parties to come together.
• Facilitative Mediation; It
approach based is mediation
on the mediator
parties the negotiation between
with aim of reaching long
lasting agreement.
• The
the mediator
parties are leads the process
responsible for but
help. the outcome with mediators
• Evaluative Mediation; The mediator
to play in determining
mediation and the the outcome
primary focus is of
reach a quick deal.
• Transformative Mediation; this is the
that approach
two parties based on the
relation may concept
transform during mediation.
• Like facilitative mediation this
to their ownalso suggest parties to come
resolution and structure
mediation process.
Kissinger continued to participate in shuttle
diplomacy in the middle east during Nixon and Ford
administration (1969-1977).

It resulted in the Sinai interim agreement 1975 and

the arrangement between Israel and Syria on the
Golan heights 1974.

Soon after the Kissinger efforts shuttle diplomacy

came to united state in the form of Israel and Egypt
conducted negotiations at camp david.

The negotiations were successfully facilitated by

president jimmy Carter.
Turkey has carried out shuttle diplomacy often
involving Israel.

Turkey was Israel closest ally in the Muslim

world and some Arab countries (notably Syria
which has common borders with Turkey and
Israel have been amenable to turkey.

Saudi Iran conflict recently which was spurred

both countries to war. Pakistan play as a
mediator role to settle down crises.

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