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Understanding Vaccines

A vaccine is a preparation that stimulates the body's immune system to produce

antibodies for protection against specific diseases.

by Sara Valero
How Vaccines Work
Deceiving the Body Creating Immune No Danger, Just
Memory Response
Vaccines trick the immune
system into thinking it's being The weakened microorganism in The introduced microorganism is
attacked, prompting it to defend the vaccine stimulates the harmless but still triggers a
itself. creation of antibodies for future defense mechanism in the body.
recognition and elimination.
Importance of Vaccines
1 Global Benefits

Vaccines have eradicated, controlled, and reduced the impact of various diseases worldwide.

2 Health Protection

Vaccines prevent epidemics, deaths, and long-term effects from diseases.

3 Herd Immunity

Vaccines not only benefit individuals but also protect susceptible individuals in their
Risks of Vaccination
Effective and Safe Minimizing Side Allergies and
Effects Reactions
Vaccines are highly effective
and have the highest safety Certain adverse reactions may In rare cases, strong allergic
standards in the medical field. occur, but they are rare and reactions to vaccine
can be minimized with proper components have been
considerations. reported.
Who Discovered the First Vaccine
Edward Jenner James Phipps Saving Lives
Edward Jenner, a British doctor He tested the vaccine on a boy Jenner's discovery
in the late 1700s, discovered the named James Phipps, who later revolutionized medicine and
first vaccine using cowpox to showed immunity to smallpox. saved countless lives by
protect against smallpox. preventing serious illnesses.
Who Was Edward Jenner
British Physician Greatest Legacy
Edward Jenner, born on May 17, His contributions continue to
1749, was an English physician Jenner's work marked the shape the field of vaccination
who achieved worldwide fame beginning of vaccines and made and public health to this day.
for his vaccine discovery. him a pioneer in medical
Women Who Made a Difference in
Isabel Zendal

Isabel Zendal, a nurse from Galicia, played a crucial role in the "Royal Philanthropic Expedition of the
Smallpox Vaccine."

Mary Montagu

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu advocated for inoculation and introduced the practice to England, saving
countless lives.

Empowering Women

These remarkable women surpassed barriers to contribute significantly to vaccination efforts.

The History and Advances of
1 Edward Jenner's Discovery

Jenner's smallpox vaccine in 1796 laid the foundation for future vaccines.

2 Eradication of Smallpox

Vaccines have successfully prevented millions of deaths and eradicated diseases like

3 Expanding Protection

Notable vaccines include those for cholera, rabies, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and many
New Therapies and Experimental
1 Messenger RNA Technology

mRNA technology, beyond vaccines, shows promise for treating diseases like tuberculosis,
malaria, and HIV.

2 A Revolution in Vaccines

Research using mRNA technology provides hope for addressing global health challenges.

3 Ongoing Progress

Initial results are encouraging, allowing the body to produce its own drugs to combat
Interview with Healthcare
Expert Insights Challenges and Looking Ahead
Experts in healthcare discuss the Exciting developments in
significance of vaccines and Healthcare professionals share vaccine research and the future
their impact on public health. their insights on overcoming of global health.
challenges in vaccine
distribution and administration.

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