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Enhancin g Communi cation :

An Exploration of Eye Gaze

Techno logy
This present ation explores
t h e importance of eye gaze
com m u n ication system s in
enhanc ing non-verbal
com m unication. We will
d iscuss t h e benef its and
applications of these syst em s
in various contexts, f rom
healthcare t o educat ion.
Und erstandin g Eye Gaze

Eye gaze Techn ology involves

the use of eye m ovem ents and
g aze d irec tion to convey
m essages and inte ract w it h
oth ers. It plays
a crucial role in facilitatin g
com m unication for
in d ivid uals w it h speech
im pairm ents or m oto r
There are various ty p es of eye g aze c ommun ication system s , includ ing remote
eye t rackers and head-m ounted devices. Each system has its u nique features
and is d esigned t o cater to th e specif ic n eed s of users.
Applications in Healthcare

Eye Gaze Tec h n o logy are

w ide ly used in healthcare
set t ings t o assist p atient s w it h
ALS, cerebral palsy, a nd ot h er
cond it ions. These
system s enable ind iv iduals t o
exp ress t h eir needs and eng age
in m eaningful interactions w i t h
health care professiona ls.
Challenges and Future
Development s

Despite t h eir b enef its, eye gaze

t ec h nology face c hallenges
relat ed t o cal ib rat ion and user
fatig ue.
O n going research aim s t o
im prove t h e accuracy and
usability of th ese
system s, paving t h e way fo r
m ore eff icient and user-frien d ly
In conc lusio n, eye g aze
tec h nology p lay a vita l role in
en ha nc in g no n­ verbal
c o m m u n icatio n for
in d ivid u a ls w it h speec h and
m ot o r
im p a ir m ents. As tec h nology
cont inues t o evolve, t h ese
system s are expected t o
become m o re accessib le and
cont r ibut ing t o improved q ualit y
of life fo r users.

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