Introduction To Marketing L1

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PERSPECTIVES February 20, 2023

Josh Joyce ■
■ Programme Director Masters in Digital Marketing
■ Marketing & Commercial Background
■ Lecturer in E-Business, Digital Marketing and
Marcomms, Strategic and Services Marketing,
Marketing Principles at Masters, Undergraduate and
Professional Services levels
■ Doctoral Researcher in Data Driven Marketing
Who Are You?

■ Name
■ Where are you from?
■ How long are you in Ireland?
■ What do you work at?
■ Marketing, Business or Finance?
■ One interesting fact about you
■ Today’s objective is to introduce the Course, give a gentle introduction to Marketing,
talk about some administration issues, notable dates etc
■ Area of interest:
■ The Marketing Mix – The 4 P’s
■ The Extended Marketing Mix – The 7 P’s
■ What are they and why do we use them?

■ Lectures
■ Video
■ Discussion
■ Case Studies
■ Class Work/Exercises
■ Pre-class reading and/or viewing
Hybrid Learning

■ Combination of class attendance and on-line participation

■ How we will manage?
■ How this will work?
Class Participation

■ This is not SCHOOL
■ Classes do not work properly if you do not commit, comment, engage
■ I know that it is difficult
■ Logistics
■ Class WhatsApp group

■ If you talk, I will ask you to stop

■ If you continue, I will ask you to leave
■ I am here to work and talking disturbs my work

Class Test (30%)

Due Week 4
19 March
Released 24th March
Short Case Study analysis – 3 questions – answer all three
Individual submission
■ A group-based assignment focusing on producing a marketing plan for a firm intending
to launch a new product or service. (70%)
■ Due Week 9
■ 21 April
■ Released Week 3
■ I will discuss in greater detail next week
■ Submission through Moodle
■ Case study submission link will be highlighted
■ Individual assignment
■ Some people do not submit – they fail the Module!
■ No extensions
■ Late submissions penalised – 5% per day for 5 days – Not considered after
■ You are responsible for ensuring that the work is completed, not me

■ Grade Expectation
■ Grade Realism
■ Assignment Format
■ Formation of Groups
■ Plagiarism

■ Groups are no more than 5, no less than 3

■ You must email me your Group in two weeks
■ If you are not in a Group by then, I will place people in Groups
■ If you submit individually, I will deduct marks as you are not fulfilling the exam
■ The vast majority of people who submit individually fail and have to repeat
■ I suggest that you set groups up in your cohorts – Monday 9am, 12 noon
■ The sooner you have a Group, the sooner you can start getting things done
■ It is a Group not a marriage

■ Some Groups do not work out:

■ Students do not participate
■ Students drop out
■ Arguments start
■ People disagree over topics etc
■ If you are unhappy in a Group – LEAVE AND JOIN ANOTHER
■ I will not get involved in Group issues
■ If you contact me a week before the assignment is due and tell me you have problems
or, you are not in a Group, there is nothing that I can do
■ Contact Niamh if you have any personal issues
■ Contact me if you have any academic issues
■ Reach out!
■ Week 1
• Introductory Lecture

• Marketing Definitions
■ Week 2
• The Marketing Environment

• Internal & External Environmental Analysis

• SWOT & PESTLE Analysis

■ Week 3
• The Marketing Planning Process
■ Week 4
• Portfolio Analysis

• Ansoff’s Matrix

■ BCG Matrix
■ Week 5

• Branding

• Brand Equity

• Brand Communication

■ Week 6

• The 5 C’s of Marketing

■ Week 7

• An Introduction to Market Research

• Quantitative Research

• Qualitative Research

• Questionnaires and Focus Groups


■ Week 8

• Digital Marketing: An Introduction

• Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

• SOSTAC, RACE & Planning

• MCQ Test
■ Week 9
• Marketing Communications

• Advertising, PR & Sales

■ Week 10
• New Product Development

• Product Lifecycle Strategies

■ Week 11
• Pricing Strategies

• Revision
■ Week 12

■ Presentations

■ Recommended Text - 0nly 1 core text

■ Articles will be posted on Moodle each week relating to the topic
Class exercises

■ Short tasks and exercises

■ Large class so breakout rooms will be random selection
■ Generally 15 minutes
■ In class, small groups
Course Definition

■ Marketing is the creation, communication and delivery of

value to a target market at a profit: Kotler (2009 – London
Economic Forum)
■ Watch this video and, after, tell me what is happening and what can we learn?
■ Water Bottle
■ What is Steve Jobs saying?
■ What does he tell us about branding?
What Is Product Differentiation?

■ Product differentiation is a marketing strategy designed to distinguish a company's

products or services from the competition.

■ Successful product differentiation involves identifying and communicating the unique

qualities of a product or company while highlighting the distinct differences between
that product or company and its competitors.

■ Product differentiation goes hand in hand with developing a strong value proposition so
that a product or service is attractive to a target market or audience

■ If successful, product differentiation can create a competitive advantage for the

product's seller and ultimately build brand awareness.
• Product differentiation depends on consumers' attention to one or more key benefits of a
product or brand that make it a better choice than similar products or brands.

• The elements of differentiation include product design, marketing, packaging, and pricing.

• A product differentiation strategy should demonstrate that a product has all the features of
competing choices but with additional exclusive benefits no one else offers.

• Companies gain a competitive advantage and market share through product


• Product differentiation increases market competition and controls prices for consumers.
Class exercise

■ You want to open a coffee shop in Dublin city

■ There are many coffee shops in Dublin city
■ Differentiate it
■ Give customers a compelling reason to visit your store instead of a competitor
■ Be creative but realistic

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