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The Celebrity
In 1909 Einstein left the patent office and became a teacher at the University
of Zurich. In 1914 he was offered a prestigious position as professor of the
University of Berlin and director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics.
-1915: Einstein completed his General Theory of Relativity and it was
published that year.

-1921: He received the Nobel Prize of Physics.

-During the late 1930´s he made the most important formula of history that
could make an atomic bomb possible: E=M·C².

-After the second World War, Einstein worked hard for human rights. In 1952
when the president of Israel died, he was asked to be the president of Israel
and he said no.
In 1903 he married Mileva Maric. In 1910 was born his son Eduard. In 1919 got
divorced of Mileva because she didn´t wanted to go to Berlin and as fast as he
finalised the divorce he instead marries Elsa who was his little cousin. In 1935
he became a permanent resident of USA.
Einstein in 1939 he proposed and participated in the top-secret project of the
United States government known as the Manhattan Projects to produced an
atomic bomb themselves.

Albert Einstein the “father of modern physics” published more than 300
scientific papers and over non/scientific works in his life.
Albert Einstein was a German physicist who dedicated his life to
studying the laws that govern the behavior of the Universe.
Was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879 and died in
Princeton United States, on April 18, 1955 because of a heart
attack. To this day he is considered one of the most important and
influential scientists, not only of the 20th century, but also of all the
human history.

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