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Teaching methods
methods and
and materials

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Teaching Methods
• Methods-refers to ways through which
messages are conveyed to help solve problem
related to health behaviors.

• It ranges from what is heard to what is seen

and done
• In health education it is not enough to
decide what will be done; by whom and
when, we also need to decide how it will be
done (methods)

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There are things to consider before choosing
health education methods.
• How ready and able are people to change?
• How many people are involved?
• Is the method appropriate to the local
• What resources are available?
• What mixture of methods is needed?
• What methods fit the characteristics (age,
sex, religion, educational status etc.) of the
target group?
• Learning objectives
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Types of teaching
1. Formal presentation methods
2. Group Discussions

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1.Formal presentation Methods
a. Lecture
• It is an oral presentation of facts,
thoughts, and an ideas by qualified
 One way communication
 Audience has little control over
content and approach.

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• It is a simple and quick traditional way of
presenting the materials
• Will present in a formal and direct
• The speaker has to be conversant with the
• The participants are passive

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Formal presentation…
b. Dialogue
• Instead of a single lecture, two persons with
expertise carry out a discussion or dialogue
between themselves in front of the audience for
the purpose of educating them
• easy to arrange and carry out.
• greater interest generated.
Disadvantage-applicable to a more matured group.

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Formal Presentation …
c. Symposium
• This is a lecture in one form but the
difference is that different speakers
(usually 2-5 experts) are asked to give
a lecture on the same subject.
• The speakers prepare the talk in such
a manner that each one of them
presents a particular aspect of the

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• more interesting than the lecture by one
person alone
• Presents several sides of the problems

• does not allow or give any scope for
audience participation and feedback.
• applied to a mature group

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Formal presentation…
d. Panel discussion
• In this educational method a small group
of persons get around the table in the
presence of the audience and discuss
among themselves the topic or subject
which is relevant to the audience and in
which the panel members have
specialized knowledge

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Panel Discussion…
• To present the subject matter
actively and dramatically.
• More ideas can be touched

• No participation of the audience

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Formal Presentation …
e. Colloquy
• In this method a few members from the
audience are made to stimulate
discussion by presenting the problems or
raising questions to a group of experts
on the stage and the experts give their
comments and answers on the various

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• A colloquy is especially useful when
there are specific problems to be
discussed for solution.

• One of the experts acts as a

moderator and conducts the

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• direct audience representation and
• It provides opportunities to extract
information from experts
• The effectiveness of the colloquy will
depend on the efficiency of the moderator.

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Formal presentation..
f. Forum
If it is desired to give opportunity to
the audience to participate by raising
questions, doubts, etc, the forum is
arranged for at the end of the panel
discussion, symposium or lecture.
• It is otherwise question time for the
• It is a good feedback mechanism.
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2.Group Discussion
• Among the "discussion-methods", group
discussion is the most commonly employed
• Gives equal chance to participants to express
freely and exchange ideas.
• A collective thinking process to identify
and/or solve problems.
• Problems are also identified collectively and
the solution is worked out by pooling ideas and
• The group discussions can be formal and

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• There are specified types of groups,
which have been evolved, and these
1. Buzz group or Buzz session
• A large group is divided into small
groups, or not more than 10 or 12
people in each small group and they are
given time to discuss a problem.

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1. Buzz group or Buzz session…
• The different groups are either allotted
different specific problems or the same
problem is allotted for all.
• The whole group is reconvened and the
reports of the large group will report
their findings and recommendations.
• In the plenary session final
documentation will be made (This is very
similar to a workshop).
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Group Discussion…
2. Workshop
• A large number of people belonging to a
particular or discipline or allied disciplines
collect together to take up specific issues
and problems for making recommendation
for future action.
• experts, advisors, and speakers are
employed to guide the group.
• It is a problem solving method.

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• applicable for people with previous
experience on subjects and is more
relevant to departments and
institutions, etc., than in community

• Workshops help in evolving policies,

programs and methodologies.

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Group Discussion…
3. Conference or Seminar
• These are large groups convened
amongst persons with common or
allied discipline and interests

• The technique for the discussion may

be around a big table or panel
discussion, symposium, etc.

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Conference or seminar…
• Seminars are generally with
reference to learning or academic

• The members or participants of the

seminar come together to exchange
views on current problems or to
share experiences, …

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Group Discussion…
4. Brain storming

• This is a modern method of eliciting

from the participants their ideas and
solution on debatable issues or
current problems.

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Brain storming…
• participants are encouraged to make a
list in a short period of time, all the
ideas that come to their mind regarding
some problems without debating.

• All the ideas are pooled and ranked

• If they are sending their ideas in

writing =>ideation or image.

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Group Discussion…
5. Role playing
• A type of drama in a simplified
manner. It portrays expected behavior
of people.

• It is acting out of a situation with

natural ease and without any
• Useful where skills have to be
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Group Discussion…
6. Demonstration
• Demonstration is a pleasant way of
sharing skills and knowledge
• There are two educational methods of
Method demonstration: the demonstrator
demonstrates the actual process of
doing a particular activity

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Result demonstration : the ultimate
results or any useful procedure are
shown to the trainees.

• In between there can also be a method

of learning by doing

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• “Showing how is better than telling
• The following concept is derived from
the Chinese proverb
If I hear, I forget symbols
If I see, I remember visuals
If I do, I know experience

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Note that,
• You remember 20% of what you hear

• You remember 50% of what you hear

and see

• You remember 90% of what you hear, see

and do and with repetition close to 100%
is remembered.

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Other Methods
• Textbook methods
• Recitation methods
• Questions and answer methods
• Field trips
• Games etc...

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Teaching materials
materials /Health
/Health Learning
Materials (HLM)
Are all materials used as teaching aid to
support the communication process and
bring about desired changes on the
Types of health learning materials
1 .Printed HLM
2 .Audio HLM
3.Visual HLM
4. Audio-visual HLM 32
1. Printed health learning materials:

is the production of multiple copies of an

original image usually using ink pressed
on to paper.
It can be used as a medium in its own right
or as support for other kinds of media.

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a. Poster
• Is a large sheet of paper ranging in
size from large bill boards to small
notices (a size of 40cm wide and
60cm high).

• Consists of words and pictures or

symbols that include a message on it.

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b. Flip chart
• Are a series of pictures that are
bound together.
• It is made up of a number of posters
on a related subject that are shown
one after the other.

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Flip chart…
• Are used to present several steps or
aspects of a central topic.
• Flip charts with blank sheet of paper
are also useful for recording

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c. Leaflets

• Are the most common way of using print

media in health education.
• The simplest leaflet is a single sheet of
paper, printed on both sides and folded
in 1/2 or 2/3.

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• Can be larger with two or more
sheets of paper.

• Once there are more than five

sheets it is common to use the term

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2.Audio Health Learning
• Includes any thing heard such as spoken
word, health talk, music, sound, etc.
• Radio and audio cassettes are audio aids.
• The common ones in use are megaphone,
microphone or public address system;
gramophone records and discs; tape
recorder and the radio.

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• main characteristics:
– Are effective when they are based
on similar or known experience
– Could be distorted or
misunderstood when translated
– They are easily forgotten.

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3.Visual health learning
• Include something seen, for example
models, real objects, and photographs.

• Written words are not included under


• Are the strongest methods of

communicating messages, especially
where literacy status is low.
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Types of Visual health
learning materials
a. Projected materials
 Are those materials that are shown to
people using projectors.

 Projectors are machines that can be

used where there is electricity, and an
experienced person to operate them.

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Over head projectors (OHP)
• Are becoming increasingly popularly
used as a learning aid.
• used in educations, conferences,
seminars and trainings of higher level.
• In most cases it is cheap to buy,
simple to use and maintain.

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• These aids essentially consist of
drawings, sketches, cartoons, pictures,
etc., and also graphs, chart, tables, etc.

• They are shown or displayed as such

and do not necessarily depend on any
projected equipment

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• The picture is drawn or painted and
is the expression of ideas and
• A picture is drawn according to the
perception of the mind.

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• A photograph is the actual image of
any object or person, taken by the
application of the principle of light
devised in a photographic camera.

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• Here the actual specimen, objects,
models, etc. are put up for
• Are three dimensional objects which
look like the real objects.
• Models are prepared to imitate the
actual objects or specimens.

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Real objects

• Are just that-real, If your display is

on ‘family planning methods’, you
would display real IUDs, pills,
condoms, diaphragms, and foams.

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4. Audio visual Health
Learning Material
• Are multi-sensory materials
• Wide range of interest.
• Shows real life situation.
• It is self-explanatory
• Combine both seeing and listening.
• Includes TV, projected materials, films or videos,

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• Shows real life situation.
• It is self-explanatory
• Combine both seeing and listening.
• Includes TV, projected materials,
films or videos,

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