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Ibrahim Sheikh

• In Islam, there are 3 main aspects of deen: To Love The Prophet (S.A.W)
• Islam, believing there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed (S.A.W)
It is important for us Muslims to love and act
is his Allahs messenger and the last Prophet. To act upon the 5 pillars of
upon the teaching of Rasoolullah (S.A.W) and his
Islam (shahadah, salah, zakah, fasting, hajj).
companions. Allah has commanded us to love the
• Iman, to believe in Allah and the articles of faith (His angels, His books, prophet, “He who obeys the Messenger
His messengers, the last day, qadar,) (Muhammad), has indeed obeyed Allah, but he
who turns away, then we have not sent you (O
• Ihsan, to believe and worship Allah as if you can physically see him. To
Muhammad) as a watcher over them.” [An-Nisa’
believe that he is all watching and that everything comes from Him.

• Cleanliness is a major part of Islam. Every muslim should stay clean and pure.
The Prophet (S.A.W) stated, "Cleanliness is half of faith" (Sahih Muslim 223).
This shows us how important it is to stay clean as our prophet has told us. To
stay clean we should perform wudu or to do ghusl.

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