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Struktur dan Fisiologi Organ

Reproduksi Jantan

1. Ikan  testis terhubung ke saluran mesonefrik

oleh tubulus kecil.
2. Spesies lain  vas eferen dari testis terpisah
dari tubulus nephric, tapi masih mengalir ke
saluran mesonefrik yang sama
• Vas deferens  kloaka pada reptil dan • Mamalia memiliki saluran
burung. mesonefrik yang berakhir pada
• Beberapa reptil dan burung memiliki uretra.
struktur penis di dalam kloaka.

Aves reproductive system

Components of the male reproductive system
a) testes: site of spermatogenesis, endocrine/exocrine, and beginning of
genital duct system
i) seminiferous tubules
ii) straight tubules (tubuli recti)
iii) rete testis

b) Ex-current (genital) duct system: tubuli recti, rete testis, ductus efferentes,
ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, ampulla, ejaculatory duct, and

c) major glandular (exocrine) elements: seminal vesicle, prostate gland, and

bulbourethral gland
The Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system consists of a pair

of testes that produce sperm (spermatozoa),
ducts that transport the sperm to the penis
and glands that add secretions to the sperm
to make semen
The Testes

- two glandular organs

- secrete the semen
- suspended in the scrotum by the spermatic cords
- outside the abdominal cavity in the scrotum
• Sperm  temperatures
• testes  a bag of skin scrotal sacs (or scrotum)
• Many animals (including humans) the testes descend
into the scrotal sacs at birth
• Some animals do not descend until sexual maturity
and in others they only descend temporarily during
the breeding season.
• A mature animal in which one or both testes have
not descended is called a cryptorchid and is usually
• The problem of keeping sperm at a low temperature is even
greater in birds because they have a higher body
temperature like mammals.
• For this reason bird’s sperm are usually produced at night
when the body temperature is lower and the sperm
themselves are more resistant to heat.
• The testes consist of a mass of coiled the seminiferous
tubules or sperm producing tubules  formed by meiosis
• Seminiferous tubules produce  the male sex hormone
- cutaneous  contains the testes
- parts of the spermatic cords

Spermatic cord is composed of arteries,

veins, lymphatics, nerves, and the
excretory duct of the testis.
* Testis is composed primarily of seminiferous
tubules and interstitial cells
* Seminiferous tubules  500 tubules in each
* The cells within the seminiferous tubules are
germ cells and Sertoli cells
• The germ cells mature into spermatozoa
• Sertoli cells  serve as supporting cells for
developing germ cells.
• Leydig cells → interstitial space outside the
seminiferous tubule → produce testosterone →
stimulate the germ cell maturation.
• The complex process → production of sperms
from germ cells → spermatogenesis
• Spermatozoa  first produced at puberty
until old age
• The mature sperms  pass into epididymis.
• The canal of the epididymis → vasdeferens
→ prostate gland at the base of the urinary
bladder → seminal vesicles to form the
ejaculatory ducts.
• Epididymis serves as sperm reservoir →
sperm motility and fertilizing capacity
• Ejaculation → sperm out of abdomen and
fluid → vas deferens to the urethra
• The urethra passes through the penis and
opens to the outside
Histologi testis katak
Struktur testis C. kelberi di
bagian transversal.
(A)bagian-bagian testis.
(B) representasi lobulus,
(C) Daerah ventralis Testis,
menunjukkan duktus testis
utama (dt), daerah
anastomulan (ar) dan awal
daerah lobular (L).
(D) Daerah dorsal testis, (tanda
panah ganda) lobulus testis,
jaringan ikat tunika albuginea
C - kelompok spermatogoniia;
Sel S - Sertoli; Sc - spermatosit;
Sg - spermatogonia; St -
Struktur epitel germinal C.
(A dan b) epitel germinal di
lapisan yang berbeda
(C) Perkembangan epitel
Sc1 - spermatosit primer; St -
spermatid; Sz -
Karakteristik morfologi testis
fase awal perkembangan
gonad G. kelberi.
(A)dan (b) Fase belum
matang: epitel germinal yang
menunjukkan berkurangnya
jumlah spermatogonia primer
(C) dan (d) Tahap persiapan:
adanya banyak
spermatogonia primer dan
spermatogonia sekunder
Mitosis, proliferasi
spermatogonial (panah).
Karakteristik morfologi testis fase
pengembangan C. kelberi.
(A dan b) daerah testis, diskontinuitas
epitel germinal (tanda bintang),
lobulus di dekat saluran testis utama.
(C) Epitel germinal diskontinu, banyak
sperma (Sz) pada lumen lobular.
(D) Daerah lobular periferal (dorsal),
kelompok spermatogonia primer
(garis putus-putus).
Dt - saluran testis utama; Membran m -
basal; Mt - metafase; Sel S - Sertoli;
Sc1 - spermatokista primer; Sg1 -
spermatogonia primer; Sg2 -
spermatogonia sekunder; St -
spermatid; Ta - tunica albuginea;
Ekstensi sitoplasma (panah
berongga). DIA. noda.
Karakteristik morfologi testis fase
Pengembangan Akhir C. kelberi.
(A) Bagian longitudinal duktus testis utama (dt).
(B) Diskontinuitas epitel Germinal di daerah
distal lobulus testis (asterisk).
(C) Kista spermatogenik dalam fase
pengembangan yang berbeda, spermatosit
dalam metafase (mt) pada divisi meiosis I
(D) Diskontinuitas epitel germinal sepanjang
DIA. noda. Egd - epitel germinal kontinu; Pusat
mmc - melano-makrofag; Sel S - Sertoli; Sc1 -
spermatokista primer; Sg1 - spermatogonia
primer; Sg2 - kista spermatogonia sekunder;
Kista spermatozoa; Sz - sperma. DIA. noda.
Parameter spermatozoa
• Dampak limbah industri terhadap keberlangsungan hidup
• Toksisitas logam berat (Cu, Pb, Cd, dll) terhadap kualitas
• Uji molekuler organ reproduksi:
– Imunohistopatologi
– Kerusakan DNA
– Isolasi & squenzing DNA
– Isolasi protein
– Antioksidan (Superoksida desmutase, scavenger, MDA)
– Radikal bebas (ROS)
Diagram : the functions of the male reproductive organs

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