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Business AS Unit 2

2.1 Marketing objectives and

2.1 Marketing objectives and plans
• This section will develop your knowledge and understanding of:
The importance of marketing
The value of and influences on marketing plans and marketing
External and internal influences on marketing planning,
objectives and decisions
The importance of marketing
• This chapter looks at the nature of • 营销是促销和销售产品或服
marketing and marketing activities,
and the role of marketing within
business organizations. Marketing is
activates that promote and sell
products or services.

• Important words:
• Promote  推动
• Activates 激活
Marketing and competition
• When there is competition, business • 当存在竞争时,商业组织试图通
organizations try to persuade the 过向客户提供对客户更具吸引力
same customers to buy their goods or 的东西来说服相同的客户优先于
services in preference to those of 竞争对手购买他们的商品或服务。
their rivals, by offering them
something with greater appeal to
Marketing and competition
• Marketing helps to make the • 营销有助于使企业的产品或服务
products or services of a business 对客户更具吸引力。
more attractive to customers.
• 营销还可以用来更多地了解顾客
• Marketing can also be used to learn 的喜好,以便产品能够更好地满
more about customer preferences, so 足顾客的需求。
that products can be adapted to meet
customers needs better.
• Marketing can also be used to find • 营销还可以用来了解更多关于客
out more about what customers will 户愿意为产品支付什么费用的信
be prepared to pay for a product. 息。
Consumer goods and industrial goods
• Methods of marketing products are • 消费品和工业品的产品营销方法
different between consumer goods 不同。
and industrial goods.
• 企业对企业( B2B )营销是一个
• Business-to-business (B2B) 企业向其他企业进行的营销,并
marketing is marketing by a business 且
to other businesses, and
• business-to-consumer (B2C)
• 企业对消费者( B2C )营销是企
marketing is marketing by businesses 业向消费者进行的营销。
to consumers.
International marketing
• International marketing is referring to • There are also many more potential
global business, things means that customers, but consumer tastes
business operate on global level and often vary between different
they are present almost everywhere countries and regions of the world.
in the world. Because of this adaptation is

Global business opens up new
markets for companies, but it also
creates new challenges.
• In a global market, companies have
more competitors and must compete
with them to promote and sell their
Marketing objectives
• Marketing activity by a business (and
by not-for-profit organizations too)
must have one or more objectives.
Marketing objectives area statement
of what marketing activity is trying to
achieve, and the success or failure of
marketing can be judged according to
whether the objectives have been
Sales volume and sales value
• Sales volume: Sales can be measured by • 销量:销量可以通过销售单位的
volume of units sold (sales volume), such 数量(销量)来衡量,例如汽油
as the quantities of petrol (gasoline),
kilowatt hours of electricity or number of (汽油)的数量、千瓦时的电力
new cars. 或新车的数量。
• To set a sales objective in units, however, • 然而,要以单位设定销售目标,
the product or service must be a 产品或服务必须是标准项目,以
standard item, so that every unit sold is 便销售的每个单位或多或少与所
more or less similar to all other units.
• Important words:
• Volume  量
• Value  价值
Sales volume and sales value
• Sales value: It is more usual to • 销售价值:更常见的是用价值来
measure sales by value (sales revenue 衡量销售额(所赚取的销售收入
earned is also known as sales value). 也称为销售价值)。这是销售总
This is the total revenue from sales, 收入,或特定产品的销售总收入。
or total revenue from sales of a
particular product. • 一些公司可能有其他业务目标,
• Some companies can have other
business objectives like growing their 他们可能希望增加销售增长。这
business ,in this case they might want 可以测量为:
to increase their sales growth. This
can be measured as:
Market share
• Another marketing objective may be • 另一个营销目标可能是企业维持
for a business to maintain or increase 或增加其市场份额。
its market share.
• A possible problem with setting
market share as an objective is that • 将市场份额设定为目标可能存在
the total size of a market is often 的问题是,市场的总规模通常难
difficult to measure or estimate 以准确衡量或估计
Customer retention and repeat sales
• In some markets, a marketing • 在某些市场中,营销目标可能是
objective may be to achieve a certain 实现一定的客户保留率。
customer retention rate.
• 类似的营销目标可能是实现一定
• A similar marketing objective may be 水平的客户重复销售
to achieve a certain level of repeat
sales by customers.
• Important words :
• Retention  保留
• Repeat  重复
Sales per
Value of and influences on marketing
plans and budgets
• Marketing should be planned. There
are several reasons why plans are
valuable in business.
• Good planning should give business • 良好的规划应该让业务经理了解
managers an understanding of what 哪些成就是现实可能的。
achievements are realistically
• Plans set a time frame for
• 计划设定了取得成就的时间框架。
achievements. Plans are a statement 计划不仅是对组织试图实现的目
not only of what the organization is 标的声明,而且是对何时实现的
trying to achieve, but also when. 声明
Marketing objectives, strategy and tactics
• In this section we are going to learn about how
marketing objectives are divided • 营销目标分为广泛目标和长期目标。业
between broad and long term
objectives. Business planning hierarchy 术。
of plans is :Objectives, strategies and
• Broad objectives are generally long • 广泛的目标通常是长期的和一般性
term and general in nature. 的。
• Examples • 例子
• Double sales in 5 years • 5 年内销量翻倍
• Increase its market share to over 40% • 5 年内将市场份额提高到 40% 以上。
within 5 years.
Marketing objectives, strategy and tactics
• Marketing strategies are plans for achieving • 营销策略是实现广泛营销目标的
the broad marketing objectives. Strategies
may have a short-term time frame, but
strategic planning generally covers a period 架,但战略规划通常涵盖几年的
of several years, and so may be described as 时间,因此可以被描述为中期规
medium-term planning. Example of 划。公司为增加市场份额或销售
strategies that a company might adopt to 额可能采取的策略示例:
achieve increase market share or sales:
• Expand internationally, and sell the
• 拓展国际化,将公司产品销往更
company's products in more countries 多国家
• Innovate and develop new products that • 创新和开发利用数字技术、机器
make use of digital technology, robotics or 人或人工智能的新产品。
artificial intelligence.
Marketing objectives, strategy and tactics
• Tactical plans are detailed plans for • 战术计划是实现战略目标的详细
achieving strategic objectives. They 计划。它们是旨在实现已设定的
are short-term plans of actions that 营销目标的短期行动计划。
are intended to achieve the
marketing objectives that have been
• Example :
• 例子 :
• Promotion, advertising, direct selling
etc.. • 促销、广告、直销等。
Marketing budget
• A budget plan is a plan, usually
expressed in financial terms.
• A marketing budget is a financial plan
for marketing in the next financial • 营销预算是下一个财政年度营销
year, stating how much should be (or 的财务计划,说明应该(或可
can be) spent on marketing activities. 以)在营销活动上花费多少
• Marketing budged would be spend • 营销预算将用于不同的营销,如
for different marketing like selling 销售活动、电视广告等……
activities, TV advertisement ,etc…
Marketing budged
• Different purpose of marketing budget:
• Marketing budged needs to fit in with • 营销预算需要与生产、物流、会
other budgets in the business like 计和财务等业务中的其他预算相
production, logistic, accounting and 适应。
• Marketing budget enables business
to co-ordinate its planned marketing • 营销预算使企业能够将其计划的
activities with the budget activities 营销活动与其他职能部门(例如
from other functions, such as 生产、采购和招聘)的预算活动
production, procurement and
recruitment .
External and internal influences on
marketing planning, objectives and decisions
• If we remember what we learned before
is that resources are limited or scarce.
• Business have limited amount of
• 企业必须花费的预算和可用资
budged and money available they have 金或执行任务的人员有限。因
to spend or people to carry out tasks. 此,他们必须限制:
Because of this they will have to limit :
• The amount of money available for
spending on activities such as • 可用于广告和促销等活动的资
advertising and sales promotions. 金金额。
• The availability of marketing managers
with the knowledge and experience to
• 拥有知识和经验的营销经理可
make sound marketing decisions 以做出正确的营销决策
• With the increase in technology • 随着技术业务的增加,有限的资
business limited resources are not as 源不再像以前那样是大问题。
big problem as before.
• Digital marketing communication can
be : • 数字营销传播可以是:
• Instant
• Directed at particular or individual • 立即的
• 针对特定或个人群体。
• Relatively inexpensive.
• 相对便宜的。
Social media marketing
• Social media platforms can help • 社交媒体平台可以帮助企业比以往
business reach out more and more 更快地接触到越来越多的客户。社
customers faster thane ever. Social 交媒体平台如
media platforms are such as TikTok, TikTok 、 Facebook 、 BiliBili 等…
Facebook, BiliBili etc… …
Dynamic pricing
• Dynamic pricing is real time pricing, • 动态定价是实时定价,产品或服
where price of products or services goes 务的价格每天都会上涨或下跌。
up or down every day.
Example of dynamic pricing is airlines 动态定价的示例是每天更改机票
who change their tickets prices everyday. 价格的航空公司
E-commerce and M-commerce
• E-commerce is online selling using • 电子商务是利用网站链接进行在
websites links or any business 线销售或通过电子网络进行的任
conducted over electronic network. 何业务。

• M-commerce is (mobile commerce) • 移动商务(移动商务)涉及使

involves marketing products using
wireless hand held devices such as
mobile phones. 产品。
Ethical influences on marketing
• Ethics in business relate to the way a
business treats its suppliers and
customers, the concerns that it shows
for people in society, communities
and the natural environment.
• Example of ethical business
• A company that produces eyewear • Ethical marketing might even be defined as
might donate products to generating customer interest or building
disadvantaged children around the customer relationship by including social
world who have problems with vision and environmental considerations in their
products and promotions.

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