2.2 Marketing Data

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Business AS Unit 2

2.2 Marketing Data

2.2 Marketing data
• This section will develop your knowledge and understanding of:
Marketing research

Influences on choosing a form of marketing research

Interpretation of marketing data.

The value of primary and secondary
marketing research
• What is marketing research?
• Marketing research is research
into aspects of marketing to
obtain information that will be
used to make a marketing
decision or prepare marketing
Primary and secondary marketing
• Primary market research involves • 一级市场研究涉及直接从来源获
obtaining information directly from 取信息。 这可以通过直接与客户
its source. This can be done by 交谈来完成。 做到这一点的方法
directly talking to customers. 是面对面、电话调查或使用数字
Methods to do this are face to face, 媒体。
phone survey or using digital media.
• Secondary market research involves
• 二级市场研究涉及从第三方完成
obtaining information from other 的其他来源获取信息。 例如政府
sources that have been done by 3rd 统计数据、大学研究等。
party. Examples government
statistics, university research and
Qualitative and quantitative data
• Marketing data is either qualitative or
• 定性数据是关于某事物的质量或感
• Qualitative data is data about the 知质量的数据:它通常以意见或判
quality or perceived quality of 断的形式表达。
something: it is usually expressed
in forms of opinions or judgment. • 定量数据是数字形式的数据。
• Quantitative data is data in 例子:您每月购买某种产品多
numerical form. Example: 少次?
• How many times do you buy a
certain product each month?
Market mapping
• Market mapping uses a diagram • 市场映射使用图表或图表根据价
or chart to “map" products in 格和质量等两个特征来“映射”
particular market according to two 特定市场的产品。
characteristics, such as price and
Market mapping
• Market maps can be used to look for • 市场地图可用于通过查看其他产
gaps in the market by looking at 品特征来寻找市场差距,例如:
other product characteristics, such as:
• 必需品 / 奢侈品简单 / 复杂低技
• Necessity/luxury item 术 / 高科技。
• Simple/complex
• Low-tech/high-tech.
Sales forecasts
• An important reason for obtaining • 获取营销研究数据的一个重要原因
marketing research data is to prepare 是准备未来一段时间(例如明年)
a sales forecast for a future period, 的销售预测。 预测销售总是很难预
such as the next year. Forecast sales 测,而且并不总是 100% 准确
are always difficult to predict and
they are not always 100% accurate.
• When preparing for “master budget”
• 在准备下一个财政年度的“总预
for next financial year, sale forecast is 算”时,销售预测通常是规划的起
usually the starting point for 点
Sale forecast
• Manufacturing company plans for • 制造公司的产品数量计划将取决于
quantities for product will depend on 产品的预期销售需求。 如果需求增
expected sales demand for the 长,公司可以决定如何增加产量。
product. If demand grows company
can make a decision how to increase
• Forecast of sales growth might • 对销售增长的预测可能会引发有关
trigger decision about investing to 投资以提高运营能力的决策。
increase operational capacity.
The accuracy of sales forecasting
• One approach to sales forecasting is • 销售预测的一种方法是使用有关销
to use historical data about sales 售需求的历史数据并对数据应用定
demand and apply a 量 / 数学技术,以便准备未来的销
quantitative/mathematical technique 售预测。
to the data in order to prepare a sales
forecast for the future.
• 销售预测的另一种方法是从观点可
• Another approach to sales 见。
forecasting is to obtain opinions
nonjudgements from people whose
• 最后一种方法是采样
views might be reliable. • Sampling  采样
• Last approach is sampling
The purpose of sampling in marketing
• Data is gathered from a sample of • 数据是从客户或潜在客户样本中
customers or potential customers, 收集的,并且假设从样本中获得
and it is assumed that the data 的数据将代表整个客户和潜在客
obtained from the sample will be 户群体。
representative of the entire
population of customers and
potential customers.
Random sampling
• Random sampling is a method of • 随机抽样是一种从“总体”中随机
sampling in which the sample is 选择样本的抽样方法,使总体中的
selected at random from the 每个人都有平等的被选择的机会。
“population", so that everyone in the
population has an equal chance of
• In order to have random sample, it is • 为了获得随机样本,需要准备抽样
necessary to prepare sampling frame. 框。
• Sampling frame is a list of everyone • 抽样框是从中抽取样本的总体中每
in the population. 个人的列表。
Stratified sampling
• Stratified sampling will result in a • Two or more different categories or
sample that is more representative of strata are identified within the
the population as a whole when the population a whole
population is divided into different •
types of people. A sampling frame is prepared for
each of them individually
• With stratified sampling: • A random sample is taken from each
of the strata
• The size of the sample for each of the
strata should reflect the proportion of
the total population that each of
them represents.
Quota sampling
• Quota sampling is non-random stratified • 配额抽样是非随机分层抽样。
sampling. • 整个人口被分为不同的阶层。
• The entire population is divided into
• An estimate is made of the proportion of
• 对属于每个阶层的总人口比例进行了
the total population belonging to each of 估计。
the strata.
• When the total sample size is decided, a
sample is obtained from each of the
strata, and the sample size for each is • 当总样本量确定后,从每一层中抽取
decided according to the proportion of 一个样本,并根据其所代表的总人口
the total population that it represents. 的比例确定每一层的样本量。 样本不
Samples cannot be selected randomly. 能随机选取。
The value of sampling
• Sample results are often reasonably • 样本结果通常能够合理地代表整个
representative of the population as a 人群,并帮助企业提高对市场的了
whole, and help businesses to 解。
improve their knowledge of their

• Data obtained from sampling is

• 从抽样中获得的数据可能比没有数
probably better than having no data 据要好。
at all.
Correlation( 相关性 )
• Correlation analysis is a statistical • 相关分析是一种统计技术,用于衡
technique that is used to measure the 量两个变量之间关系的强度以及变
strength of the relationship between 化如何影响一个变量相对于另一个
two variables and how changes affect 变量的值。
value of one variable in relation with
Lines of best fit
• It might be assumed that there is a • There is a statistical technique for
linear relationship between the doing this, called linear regression
variables in each case, and that we analysis.
can draw a “line of best fit" through
the data.
Correlation coefficient
• Correlation is not just positive or
negative, but it is also either weak or
Confidence levels
• A confidence level is measured as a • 置信水平以概率来衡量,是某件
probability and is the probability(or 事将发生或不会发生的概率(或
an estimate of the probability) that 概率的估计)。
something will happen, or will not
• Confidence levels are measured in % • 置信度以百分比来衡量,因此示
so example would be: 例如下:
• Business is 85% confidante that they • 企业 85% 的红颜知己表示他们
will achieve a specific number of sales 会实现特定数量的销售。
based on sampling research.
Confidence levels
• The higher confident level the better, • 信心水平越高越好,现在当企业选
now when business do select 择信心水平时,他们应该是客观且
confident levels they should be 无偏见的。
objective and non bias.
• If confidence level is low this means
business is not sure in their market
• 如果置信度较低,则意味着企业对
research. 其市场研究并不确定。
Big data and mining
• Marketing researchers are able to • 营销研究人员能够收集有关个人及
gather vast amounts of data about 其购买习惯的大量数据,并分析这
individuals and their buying habits, 些数据以准备有针对性的个性化营
and analyze this data to prepare 销
targeted personalized marketing.
• For example a streaming service of
videos and movies can gather a lot of
• 例如,视频和电影的流媒体服务可
marketing research based on people 以根据人们的喜好和他们观看的内
preferences and what they watch and 容收集大量营销研究,然后将这些
then sell that information to another 信息出售给另一个类似的平台,这
similar platforms that can advertise 些平台可以为自己的观看平台做广
their own platforms for watching. 告。
Big data
• Big data is accumulated over time by • 大数据是组织随着时间的推移积累
organizations. 的。

• Data mining techniques mean that • 数据挖掘技术意味着可以通过多种

big data can be analyzed in many 不同的方式对大数据进行分析,以
different ways, to obtain insights 获得以前未被识别或理解的有关客
about customers or consumers that 户或消费者的见解。
have not previously been recognized
or understood.

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