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Intelligence By Objectives (I.B.

O) and
It’s Expression in The Find Engine -
Presented By: Marc Bar Or

E-Commerce, E-optimization
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
May 11th, 2007
Socrates is a Find Engine and it is the
generation of the
The Socrates is an expert system
which assists in solving common
problems in various fields, in all the
cases where solving the problem
depends on finding certain pieces of
Is a Search Find Engine that’s focused on
the desired results rather than

Find Engine
Consider The Following
• 5 Billion Searches are performed daily
• 19%-79% are unsuccessful appendix 1

• Businesses spend an estimated $750 B

on time workers seek information
necessary for them to do their jobs appendix 2

False and inaccurate searches cost Billions.

A better way to search must be found!

Find Engine
Why Settle For This:

Search results: Almost 400,000 – start digging

Find Engine
When You Can Have This:
Search results: 90 focused results organized in a
meaningful way

Find Engine
90 results organized in a
meaningful way

Find Engine
Problem: find voip gateway players

If we use Google, we can use one of the following queirs (and at least
additional 30 queries) to get the details on voip gateway players:

voip gateway players

voip gateway companies

voip gateway (providers OR suppliers)

voip gateway (dealers OR dealer)

voip gateway (manufacturers OR producers)

Which of them we will use ? Lets use two of them

Using Google to find voip gateway players

Search results over 1 million pages and who are the

? players
Using Google to find voip gateway players - another query:

Search results: over 1.5 million of un-focused web pages

Using Socrates we get 26 focused results with the profiles of real voip
gateway playes as was found in the 5 specialized information sources:
The Problems
1. Search engines are doing too good of a job
As a result they are increasing the hay-sack
instead of finding the needle

Find Engine
The Problems
2. Most users don’t know what and how to ask

Find Engine
The Problems
3. Search engine “ask” anyone anything …

Find Engine
The Problems
4. Search engines don’t “ask” everyone
Most users believe they can locate anything on the Net by using Google
Yahoo or In fact, search engines only index 10% of the entire

Moreover, the sections that are not indexed “the invisible web” are the
dynamic web pages that would most times include the most relevant and
.qualified content

Dynamic pages are created as a result of a query to a specialized data

base such as yellow pages and the SEC. These pages “disappear” from
the web when the user closes his browser

Find Engine
Ask a Silly Question, Get a Silly

does marc baror live on the moon ?

Ask a Silly Question, Get a Silly
Effective Search Requires a
Well Defined Process
• What to ask – accurate problem definition
• How to ask - convert the questions into appropriate
• Where to ask- locating the relevant specialized data
• Systematically search – thoroughly distribute the
queries to the relevant data bases

Existing search engines don’t

do any of these
Unfortunately, the big majority of users don’t
have the expertise to do the above process on
their own. The process is time consuming even
for the experienced users.
Find Engine
What makes Socrates Unique?
1. Intuitive on-the-fly query builder – Does not
exist in any other search engine

2. Aggregated access to non indexed/dynamic

web pages (the “invisible web”) such as yellow
pages and industry specific data bases

3. Artificial intelligence for query expansion

(extended/categorized query results)

focused on finding the desired

results rather than search
Find Engine
Embedded inside Socrates,
Socrates are the
knowledge and expertise of experts in
locating information and solving
information problems
The Socrates creates for us a list of
generic queries with several
combinations composed of synonyms of
the concept that we are looking for.
Since the Socrates searches for
information in specialized sources, it is
possible to conduct the search using 2-3
key words only, and sometimes even one
key word.
The Socrates allows us to perform a
search from a single place and in one
step in several extranets which specialize
in a specific subject.
The Socrates exclusively provides its
users with intuitive, optimal and
automatic planning of the search
required to solve a given problem.
Socrates positioning and differentiation

A problem that
requires a solution

operates Search
here Planning
All existing search
engines operate
Searching for the within this area
information using existing
search tools & engines

Successful solution of
the problem
1. Web based federated search engine
2. Automatic authentication system to specialized data bases
and information sources
3. Interface into all types of information sources (internet,
extranet, intranet)
4. Real time queries generator
5. Real time system for analyzing, processing and displaying
the result in a way most likely to solve the search problem
6. Exclusive practical execution of the IBO methodology
(Intelligence by Objectives)
7. Algorithm for creating targeted advertising with unlimited
keyword combinations

Find Engine
The Socrates menu i.e.: the pre-defined
problems, questions, queries and information
sources are determine by the *I.B.O.
* The I.B.O - Intelligence By Objectives
defines for an entity that would like to
achieve a
they should know (what to ask, how to
and where to search)
What are the required resources, and action
that should be taken
What are the problems & constraints that might
prevent the achievement of the above objective.
The Rationale behind the I.B.O. methodology

"Nice to have" versus "need to know" informatio

Today there is no distinction between

information which is "nice to have" and the
one which is "need to know".

Most searchers waste a lot of time on finding

information which is "nice to have", but has
marginal or negligible benefit to them.

The I.B.O Methodology helps us define the

information we really need to know.
The Rationale behind the I.B.O. methodology

Easy accessibility to abundance of

information via the Internet
The easy accessibility to the data via the
Internet makes us feel as if all the
information is at the tips of our fingers.

We flood ourselves with a lot of information

whose contribution to solving our specific
problem or attaining our specific goal is very
The IBO Methodology helps us pose the
right questions whose answers will provide
the information we really need for solving
our specific problem or attaining our
The Rationale behind the I.B.O. methodology

Inefficient and wasteful implementation of

the "Intelligence" concept
Today many organizations collect every
piece of information whether necessary
or not, presuming that it could be
needed in the future.
This methodology is economically most
The IBO retrieves only the information
(inside and outside the organization)
which is really needed for attaining a
specific goal or resolving a specific
Different comprehensions of
"information" between the IT and the
decision making people
The IT people deal with the information
in its "micro“ form, namely as bits,

Decision makers comprehend

information in its "macro" form, namely
as text, pictures, numbers etc...

These two comprehensions prevail in

parallel within the organization and
seldom meet.
IT people – “micro form”

IBO bridges

Decision makers – macro form

IBO bridges between these two
comprehensions of information and
enables IT and decision making people
understand and communicate with
each other.
"What can not be measured can not be

Today it is difficult to measure the direct

contribution (and cost) of most information
systems to attainment of specified goals.

The use of the IBO tools is derived

directly from the defined goals, thus it
is possible to promptly measure their
efficiency and their direct contribution
to the attainment of these goals.
Intelligence By Objectives
expression in the functional
search engine or The
Socrates derivates:
? Questions
For more details please contact:

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