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“ P E O P L E A R E C A PA B L E , AT A N Y


W H AT T H E Y D R E A M O F ”
– PA U L O C O E L H O

Yesenia Salazar
November 12th, 2023
OGL 482
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
As an aspiring leader, big sister, and a loving
friend to all, we are about to embark on a thematic
analysis to further our understanding of Yesenia’s
journey. This thematic analysis will unveil the
skills & traits along with her personality to help
cultivate her story, as well as provide insight on
how each of these artifacts have shaped her
leadership mentality. The underlying themes of
Yesenia’s professional and personal growth are
INTRODUCTION reinforced by these several assessments, which
also highlight her accomplishments from the past
and her aspirations for the future as a 2023
graduate of ASU's Organizational Leadership
The following sources highlight some
of the assignments that led to key
findings in completion of my thematic
analysis. Some of these sources range
from self-assessments to personal
journal entries to captivate who I am
from what I have learned along my
journey that has tremendously
contributed to my personality in
connection with who I am as a leader.
Data Sources

3 Question’s by Kuder Assessments Motivation & Career Holland Personality Cultural Self- HumanMetrics Jung Kolb Learning Style
Michael Himes (Kud)- 3 Different Anchors Assessment Traits (Hpt)- this Dimesnsions Self- Typology Test Self-Assessment
(3Q’s)- This is a Career Assessments (Mca)- A series of assessment is Assessment (Csd)- A (Jung)- This self- (Kolb)- It is a
Yellowdig Discussion that include: Career questions used to determined by the self-assessment used assessment allowed practical self-
Board entry that calls Interests, Skills develop sufficient multiple-choice list to examine behavioral me to enrapture my assessment
upon three specific Confidence & Super’s insight to be able to from the that shows implications true personality while instrument that can
questions to help Work Values make intelligent and your social, associated with your comparing my help us gain deeper
reflect on reasoning Inventory appropriate career conventional, own cultural perceptive results to insight into our own
making life choices choices investigative, artistic, orientation., as well the perception of my preferred approach to
realistic, as assess the friends, colleagues, learning – as well as
conventional, and dominant and family. how others may think
enterprising characteristics of your and process learning-
personality personality and how related information
dimensions personality influences differently
Data Sources (continued)

Inspiration: Book Project Autobiographical Personal Interviews With Significant Personal Journal Entry: Personal Reflection Entry:
(Ibp)- This assignment Leadership Narrative (Pln)- Others (Iwso)- The purpose of “Self-Transformation” (Pje)- “My Purpose” (Pre)- A short
consisted of choosing a book This narrative is a reflection this assignment was to gain A personal journal entry from personal narrative reflection on
that drew upon my inspiration and synthesis of key aspects of additional insight into January 4th, 2022 reflecting on how I envision reaching my
for leadership through my my life that contributed to my leadership best practices by my projected self- purpose in life.
connection through the evolving leadership philosophy exploring my interviewee’s transformation.
narrative. perspectives on leadership and
lessons learned.
Leadership Development Plan
(Ldp)- This assignment
consisted of multiple layers:
formulating a purpose/mission
statement, developing SMART
goals, and implementing
aspirations & Big Moves
My 10 themes

As my journey of pursuing my Organizational leadership degree

is coming to the end, I have truly embarked on a journey of self-
discovery. Though it is merely an end to a chapter, I am still left
in awe of not knowing that this is where it was going to take me.
I am truly grateful to have learned all that I have because it has
prepared me for what’s in store as I continue down my path. The
ten themes that I will share with you, will illustrate what has
been of importance on my journey and will be forever embedded
in my approach as a leader, big sister, and loving friend.
“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your
treasure.” -Paulo Coelho
Theme 1: Authenticity
Exploring how my understanding of myself impacts my
leadership style and approach to decision-making. At the
beginning of my journey, I knew that this theme was an area
that I personally wanted to focus on. It is crucial to develop this
skill, as individuals who have this within them are ahead in
understanding their higher purpose.
Theme 1: Authenticity
• What Brings me Joy? -Being who I am, being surrounded by those I love, and accepting that things happen for me, not to
me. (3Q’s)
• What does the world need me to do? Continue to remain authentic to myself and there I’ll find who I am meant to be. (3Q’s)
• “I am truly amazed and inspired by the nurture that the universe has provided me in all of this.” (Pln)
• I think this all started a long time ago for you and has been a long time in the making. You honestly found this when you
were able to figure out who you were as a person, and what your purpose in this world is. (Iwso)
• I respect everything about you, and that is why our friendship is so unique. We have shown vulnerability through so many
authentic moments together, revealing the true intentions behind the value and meaning of our friendship. (Iwso)
• Contradictive: I have struggled with finding my way of living my life according to me, and only me. I would love to explore more of the
individualism within me as I continue navigating through life. (Csd)
• Reflection: Embracing authenticity has been a powerful aspect of my personal development journey. Authenticity has allowed me to be true
to myself and build genuine connections with others. Authenticity serves as a guide for my leadership style and drives my desire to make a
positive impact.
T H E M E 2 : C R E AT I N G E M PAT H Y

This theme has allowed me to investigate how

my ability to understand and relate to others
influences my leadership approach.
Theme 2: Creating Empathy

I feel that the social category

Already having a sense of
aspect is what brings that drive to
empathy for humanity, this only
want to instill confidence in
reminded me how valuable Compassion & Empathy: Being
others to develop the tools to
listening and attempting to Kind to others, you never know
navigate through situations by
understand others, correlates to what one is going through. (Ldp)
leading with empathy and the will
the self-awareness I am bringing
to want to help others succeed.
to others.

My secondary anchor falling in My final “big move” is

Reflection: Empathy is a
the category of- “Emotional something that I have learned in
powerful source that illustrates
competence includes the capacity the last few years, as I digest and
the warmth in being kind and
to remain energized and reflect on the events in my life.
understanding, after having been
proactive, without excessive Life is short, and I would hope it
through a lot from a young age.
anxiety or guilt, during periods of to be filled with love and
This is starting to become a
high stress, emotional and kindness for myself and others.
super-power for me as a leader.
interpersonal crises.” (Kud) (Ldp)

This theme has allowed me to examine how my inclination towards teamwork

and fostering a collaborative environment contributes to my leadership style.
Theme 3: Collaboration

• “I would take this information to be more resourceful in coming up with ways to use the
modeled behavior to influence positive social dynamics. With that being said, we can try to
understand the challenges of the present and future.” (Csd)
• “As a leader, you can create an environment that encourages open communication and fosters
trust among team members.” (Ibp)
• “This allows you and your team to adapt to challenges, improve processes, and achieve
collective success.” (Ibp)
• My Primary Career anchor fell in the category of Sense of Service/dedication to others-People
with a service anchor are characterized as being principally motivated by dedicating their work
and sometimes their lives in the service of others (Mca)
• I try to find the best of both worlds that leads to more compromise rather than having any
conflicts arise. (Jung)
• Contradictive: Prior to this, I would describe myself as one of the worst procrastinators as I
was unmotivated to really learn. (Kolb)
• Reflection: Looking back, I was always intimidated by collaborating in group work and even
co-shifting with fellow supervisors. Now it is same to say that I lean towards collaboration to
help achieve goals without feeling I have all the weight on my shoulders.

Reflecting on the importance of moral and

ethical principles in my leadership approach,
and how it affects my decision-making process.
Theme 4: Integrity

By aligning individual passions Answer from an Interview:

with organizational goals, When I reflect on your
I hold on to the fact that
fostering trust and intuition, personality, communication style,
everything happens for a reason.
embracing the journey, and and frequent behavior, I see the
It has truly shaped me into who I
inspiring others, you can make a honesty in it all. You bring out
am and how I carry myself as a
meaningful impact as a leader the best in others no matter the
leader. (Pln)
and contribute to the success of situation or circumstances life has
The statement that stood out the your future career. (Ibp) thrown at you. (Iwso)
most was, "They want to both Reflection: Integrity has been a
help and to be liked and admired guiding principle throughout my
by other people, on both an Guiding Values: (Ldp) Leading journey. I have found that leading
individual and a humanitarian with Integrity: Practice what you with Integrity not only benefits
level." I have never read a preach. Honesty: it’s the best me personally, but also creates a
statement that perfectly described policy. positive ripple effect in my
who I am and what I stand for as relationships and the broader
a member of a diverse world.” community.

Analyzing the process of setting specific,

measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound goals and the impact it has had on my
personal development.
Theme 5: Goal Setting

• What I want to envision for the future for myself is: Coming to be my full authentic self, focusing
on my overall well-being, excelling in school & all other aspects of my life, and most importantly,
continuing to live life according to me & only me. (Pje)
• Things I want to do for myself: Keep up with my schoolwork/get ahead/NO procrastination. (Pje)
• Spread love & kindness: My final “big move” is something that I have learned in the last few
years, as I digest and reflect on the events in my life. Life is short, and I would hope it to be filled
with love and kindness for myself and others. (Ldp)
• "The Alchemist" emphasizes the importance of pursuing one's personal legend--the unique purpose
or goal that each individual holds. This lesson resonates with many as it encourages individuals to
listen to their hearts, follow their passions, and overcome obstacles in the pursuit of their dreams.
• In a leadership context, this lesson reminds me of the importance of creating a work environment
that allows individuals to find and align with their own personal passions and goals. (Ibp)
• Contradictive: I have yet to conquer my goal of not procrastinating or getting ahead.
• Reflection: I enjoy being able to look back at the goals I have set vs. what I have met and have not.
I enjoy the intentions behind goal-setting and know I can work better to achieve my own
T H E M E 6 : FA C I N G F E A R S A N D

Analyzing instances where fear or challenges were confronted and overcome. As

well as examining the personal development that resulted from those experiences.
Theme 6: Facing Fears
and Challenges
• As of late, I have found myself in moments consciously reflecting on how I feel
when it comes to processing emotional situations now with a leadership mentality,
compared to before when I had not yet tapped into my truest potential as a leader.
In a leadership context, this lesson reminds me of the importance of creating a
work environment that allows individuals to find and align with their own
personal passions and goals. (Pln)

• What I have come to realize throughout all these flashbacks and resurfacing of
hard times and crucial moments, is despite how tragic it seemed at the time, it
brought me to be the strong and independent young woman I am today. (Pln)

• “You overcame a lot. And you will have to overcome a lot. Don’t get discouraged
by the very essence of your journey. EMBRACE everything as inevitable for your
own higher good.” (Pje)

• ”Try to learn to forgive and forget in order to avoid the depression that stems from
over-thinking.” (pje)

• Overall, "The Alchemist" is a profoundly inspiring and uplifting book that

encourages readers to pursue their dreams and listen to the whispers of their
hearts. (Ibp)

• Reflection: The Fears and challenges I have faced have been equally as important
as any part of my journey. Life wouldn’t throw these at me if I were not truly
ready to face the music.

This theme has allowed me to explore experiences that have tested my resilience and adaptability.
Examining these qualities has fostered my personal growth and my ability to handle challenges.
Theme 7: Resilience and Adaptability
• Q: Looking at my patterns from my early life story, what people, events and experiences have had the
greatest impact on me and my life?

A:Your dad, without a doubt because you embody the essence of being his daughter. But at the same, time
you are your mother’s daughter, and yet beautifully combined to be the person you are today. At the end of
the day, you parents were each other, and you are them. Going from childhood to adulthood with and
without your father is what has impacted your life, only for you to be driven with inspiration coming out of
that. It’s impactful to have the opportunity to understand the nature of how this came about. (Iwso)
• It reminds leaders to appreciate the journey, celebrate milestones, and learn from both successes and failures
along the way. (Ibp)
• I would want to grow in other areas of learning styles and gain more insights to the nature of dynamics that
structure learning opportunities to my learning style. (Kolb)
• My parents weren't together as a couple for a majority of my life and teamed up to co-parent. Due to this, I was
able to experience different social settings and was exposed to different types of lifestyles. Little did I know this
would shape my views as I explore my belief systems, more specifically my thoughts on my own
individualism-collectivism. (Csd)
• Reflection: Resilience has been a key word when I have conversed with peers and colleagues upon my personal
development and narrative as a leader. I have always been one to go with the flow.

Considering how my ability to create and

communicate a compelling vision influences
my leadership effectiveness.
Theme 8: Vision
• My purpose is to live the journey as the alchemist I was always meant to be. (Pre)
• I think that the constant that this narrative revolves around, is simply because there is no one like the person
I am-someone to adapt an effortless and magical flow, developing a mastery in remaining fluid between the
light and darkness the world can bring to consume our lives and impact our mindsets. (Pre)
• Q: Can I articulate my own visions and aspirations? Do you know what’s most important to me? A:
Yes, you can definitely articulate your visions and aspirations. You are detailed and organized
about how you want to go about things and how they should come together. It’s always the
principle, reasoning, and intention behind how the actions and behaviors that are most important
to you. (Iwso)
• I want to show that achieving your dreams is by far the most aspiring and is nothing short of
impossible. (Pje)
• There is nothing in my path that is going to tear me down. I WILL RISE. I will be who it is that
aspires me to be 100% authentic—And I cannot wait. (Pje)
• Reflection: I am in awe of how these visions were articulated and have remained to be true. I am
immensely proud of the vision I set out to create.

Reflecting on my commitment to empowering

others, delegating responsibilities, and fostering
a sense of autonomy within my team.
Theme 9: Empowerment
• When leaders empower employees to pursue their personal legends within the organization, it can cultivate a sense of purpose,
motivation, and ultimately, drive the collective success of the organization. (Ibp)
• Q: What did you learn about effective leadership, or how did the interview process affect your own evolving
leadership philosophy?
A: I learned what it takes and means to be effective regarding leadership. The interview process made me smile within
knowing that I make an impact on those around me. I always try to convince myself that I am just like everyone else, when
even I know that’s not at all true. I guess it just allows me to feel empowered and inspired to do the same for others.
Sometimes I stress out on the little things and often forget what I am capable of in those moments. (Iwso)
• Q: How do I go about and empowering other people to step up and lead?
A:I feel that this is just a natural quality you obtain as a human being, and you go out of your way to point that out in others
as well. You merely only must be yourself to empower those around you. (Iwso)
• ”I am slowly growing & I love who I am becoming” (Empowering quote from a Pje)
• Reflection: Empowerment has saved me throughout various moments in my life where I sat and questioned the path
I was on. Today I empower others to push through and see the universe is working in their favor.
T H E M E 1 0 : S E L F - C O M PA S S I O N

Analyzing the practice of self-compassion, being kind to oneself, and how it has
influenced personal growth and the ability to navigate setbacks and failures.
Do more of what makes me happy!
 My second “big move” consists of realigning what it is I like to do
that makes me happy. For quite some time, I did everything that
everyone else wanted me to do, rather than doing what I love. I
hope to engage in lost activities that I once had a passion for, like
dancing Ballet Folklorico. (Ldp)

• ”Even if at times I may feel defeated, I must trust that everything

happens for a reason even if at that moment I don’t know the reason.”

• “I am genuinely always in awe of the beauty in my struggles, and I

consistently thank the universe every day for bringing me here.” (Pre)

Theme 10: Self-

• “Expressing the thoughts that I have as I am typing is like letting the
voice in my head think of itself as a sitcom voice-over actor.” (Pre)

• “I have grown into the leader I am today, because of how these specific

Compassion events shaped my mindset forever. I have never been prouder of who I
am as I am a young, hard-working, humble, grateful, genuine, and self-
made woman. I wouldn’t be here today without having been
academically disqualified, tragically affected by death, and being healed
through the culture and mission and values of my employer. Getting to
this point was not easy, but it was never meant to be easy. I know that I
was always meant to be a leader, and I am so excited to experience the
passion of evolving my leadership style so that I can influence the
world and guide them as I have been guided this far. Things will get
easier and brighter.” (Pln)

• Reflection: The ability to be this compassionate towards myself has

been the light at the end of tunnel. I am grateful to have come this far
because of the compassion I have been able to give myself and others.
Personal Vision and Mission Statement

Vision: Mission:
To awaken my true potential and embrace a life of To embark on a relentless pursuit of personal growth,
continuous personal growth and self-transformation. driven by self-reflection, introspection, and the
Through self-reflection, self-care, and authentic cultivation of a growth mindset. Through embracing
connections, I strive to create a positive ripple effect authenticity, resilience, and empathy, I aim to build
in the world, inspiring others to embark on their own strong, meaningful relationships and empower others to
tap into their own strengths and capabilities. By
personal development journeys and discover their
practicing self-care, setting clear intentions, I aspire to
inner greatness.
lead a purposeful life that inspires and uplifts those
Reflection: My vision statement was created by around me.
drawing upon the central themes that were Reflection: My mission statement allows me to take
highlighted in this thematic analysis. It articulates accountability after setting up my vision. I feel that I
everything I am so keen on in every aspect of my life. truly live my life through this mission that I have
embarked on.
Concluding thoughts

This thematic analysis highlights the significance of self-reflection, authenticity,

personal growth, and ethical leadership. By embracing these themes, we can
unleash our inner potential, build meaningful connections, and empower ourselves
and others to create positive change. May this analysis serve as a graceful reminder
to continually seek personal development, while embracing authenticity and
integrity through it all, to further inspire those around us to do the same. It was truly
an honor to be heading towards the finish line and race towards new beginnings.
Thank you for being apart of my journey.

“…when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes

better, too.”
–Paulo Coelho

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