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Planning and Development

Lecture 3
The Real Estate Training Institute
Pre-Licensing Course for Salesmen
July 2023

Facilitator: Sean Hylton

From Lectures 1 and 2
• Town and County Planning Act
• Local Improvements Act
From Lectures 1 and 2
• Define Planning
• Describe the Planning Process
• Explain the role of government in the planning process
• Discuss the importance of planning to the economic development of
• Activity
What is Planning?
What is Planning?
• There is no single, universally accepted definition of Planning.
• An ambiguous and contested term.
- “Planning is an extremely ambiguous and difficult word to define” Hall,
- Experts have cautioned that there were dangers in attempting to
‘compress so comprehensive a subject into one short sentence’(Brown and
Sherrard,1951 cited in Maginn and Thompson, 2012).
- “Planning means different things at different times and in different places”
(Gleeson and Low, 2000, p. 12 cited in Maginn and Thompson, 2012)
• Note: Planning is not defined in the Town and Country Planning Act.
What is Planning?

The following terms are often used to refer to Planning:

 Urban and Regional Planning,

 Land Use Planning,
 Town and Country Planning
 Physical Planning
 City Planning
What is Planning
• Town Planning is “the art and science of ordering the use of land and siting of
buildings and communication routes so as to secure maximum practicable degree of
economy, convenience and beauty”.(Lewis, 1969)
• “Urban planning encompasses the preparation of plans for and the regulation and
management of towns, cities, and metropolitan regions…Urban planning is concerned
with the social, economic, and environmental consequences of delineating spatial
boundaries and influencing spatial distributions of resources”. (Huxley et al, 2020)
• “Planning is a world-wide effort to systematically plan for the future in a way that will
mean better lives and a better planet for our children and grandchildren”. (University
of Iowa, 2023)
• Urban and Regional Planning is Jamaica is narrow in scope and concerns only with
land use allocations. McHardy, 2002
What is Planning

• Common element in definitions is that

planning is forward looking; it seeks to
determine future actions(Caves and Collingworth, 2009)

• Seems to have temporal, social, spatial and

scalar dimensions.
Planning in Jamaica
• “Urban and Regional Planning in Jamaica is referred to as ‘land use
planning’ or ‘physical planning’ meaning that it is only concerned with
the planning of an area’s physical structure in an effort to regulate a
town’s development” (McHardy, P 2002. p.23)
• “Issues such as national urbanization policies, urban management,
public participation etc., are not an integral part of the town planning
debate, hence they have not been influential in shaping the policy
agenda and remain outside of any form of statutory provision”
(McHardy, P 2002. p.23)
Planning in Jamaica
• It can be argued that planning matters more today than at any
other time in Jamaica’s History.
• It is of vital importance that we balance the demand for
growth and development of land with the need to preserve
the environment and foster social advancement in order to
cope effectively with the effects of sustainability issues (e.g.,
climate change).
• Development as defined in the TPCA
• Economic Growth
• Sustainable Development (also an ambiguous and contested term)
- United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, 1972, and
- the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro,
• the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
• the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
• the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
• Famously defined as

"Development that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“

Brundtland Commission (1987), Our Common Future, Oxford

University Press
Sustainability Issues
The Planning Process
Involves the preparation and implementation of plans.
• Identify/define the issue or concern
• Define the objectives
• Data collection and analysis
• Forecasting
• Design
• Priorities
• Implement
• Review, monitor, evaluate
Role of Key Stakeholders in the Planning
Government Private Sector
• Policies • Development proposals
• Plans
• Laws
• Provision of Infrastructure
• Provision of essential services
• Foster citizen participation
Importance of planning to the economic
development of Jamaica
• Tourism
• Agriculture
• Livelihood
• Climate Change Adaptation
Planning and Development Issues

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