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Turning Heavy and Stuck

Abdulla Al-Haddad
Ali AlMalki
Abdulaziz Khashabi

Table of contents

01 Problem 03 Assembly 05 Demonstration

The problem we How we Demonstrating the
faced and solution assembled the project

02 Steps 04 Testing 06 Conclusion

Step by step Testing the Thank you for
explanation solution listening
Problem: Turning Heavy and
Stuck Doorknobs
Sometimes, doorknobs can be heavy or difficult to turn, making it
challenging for people with limited hand strength or mobility issues
to open doors easily. In these situations, a normal-sized artificial
hand that can provide extra strength and assistance in turning
stubborn doorknobs would be extremely helpful.
Real life story
Abdulaziz is a young man who has always been fascinated by technology. He loves to tinker with
gadgets and try new things.

One day, he was walking home from school when he came across a strange-looking hand lying on
the ground. It was made of metal and plastic, and it had wires and tubes running all over it.

Abdulaziz was curious about the hand, so he picked it up and examined it. He couldn't figure out
how it worked, but he was intrigued by it nonetheless. He decided to take it home with him.

When Abdulaziz got home, he showed the hand to his parents. They were just as puzzled as he was,
but they agreed to let him keep it. Abdulaziz spent hours trying to figure out how the hand
worked, but he had no luck.

One day, Abdulaziz was trying to open a door when his hand broke.
1. Design
2. Tinkercad testing
3. 3d print
4. Assemble
5. Flix sensor
6. Connecting
1.Gather Materials: Collect DC motors, wires, flex sensor, and a framework.
2. Construct Framework: Build a longer framework for the artificial hand.
3. Mount DC Motors: Attach DC motors to the framework securely.
4. Wire and Solder: Connect wires to motors and solder them for electrical connections.
5. Integrate Flex Sensor: Install the flex sensor for motion detection.
6. Programming: Develop control logic to interpret flex sensor data and control motors.
7. Testing: Test the hand on doorknobs, make adjustments for optimal performance.
8. Safety Check: Ensure safe operation without exerting excessive force.

The artificial hand successfully tackled doorknob issues by gripping and turning various types of
doorknobs using DC motors.

Its flex sensor provided precise control, making it user-friendly for those with limited hand
strength or mobility issues.

The safety check confirmed it operated without excessive force, preventing potential damage or

Users found the solution effective and easy to open doors.

Durability testing confirmed the hand's durability, making it a reliable solution for improving
accessibility to doorknobs.
Real life story 2
He was in a lot of pain, and he knew that he needed to get to the hospital. But he also knew that he
couldn't leave the house without his hand. So, he decided to try using the robotic hand that he
had found.

To his surprise, the robotic hand worked perfectly. It was even better than his real hand. He was able
to open the door and get to the hospital without any problems.

After that day, Abdulaziz never used his real hand again. He found that the robotic hand was much
stronger and more versatile. He could use it to do things that he never could have done with his
real hand, such as lifting heavy objects and playing the piano.

Abdulaziz's life was much easier with the robotic hand. He was able to do more things and be more
independent. He was also grateful for the opportunity to learn about robotics and how to use
technology to improve his life.
The doorknob accessibility solution has proven effective in addressing hand strength and
mobility issues.

The artificial hand, equipped with a flex sensor and DC motors, can grip and turn various
doorknobs, even heavy ones.

The flex sensor provides precise control, ensuring a safe and user-friendly experience.

The project has received positive feedback and testimonials, making daily tasks more

The company is committed to further refining and developing the solution, exploring
potential enhancements, and expanding applications to improve the quality of life for
individuals with mobility challenges.

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