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Principles of Management

Lesson 1-Introduction
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this session, you will be able to
• Understand what principles of Management is
• Understand the P-O-L-C Framework in
• Know the different types of organisations
• Etc
Overview of principles of
PM is often discussed or learned using a
framework called P-O-L-C, which stands for
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Three main themes dominate the study of

this subject. These are:
1. Active Management
2. Strategic Thinking
3. Entrepreneurial thinking
Definition - Management
• A set of activities directed at an
organisation’s resources with the aim of
achieving organisational goals in an efficient
and effective manner (Griffen, 2002).

• “ Management is the process of utilizing

scarce resources in an effective and efficient
manner to achieve desired goals in a
dynamic environment”
What then is a goal?
• A target
• An end that management desires to
reach. (Bateman & Snell, 2002)
• Altruistic
• Economic
• Survival
• Profitability
• Growth
• Specific performance targets outcomes and

– measurable
– time bound
•What is an organization?

•Do we need Organizations?

What is an Organisation?
• Two or more persons engaged in a
systematic effort to produce products and

• A collection of two or more people who

work together to achieve a common goal
What is an Organisation?

• a group of individuals who agree to share

their effort in the realisation of common
Organisation types
• Not-for profit
• Profit making
• Formal
• Informal
• Small
• Large
Characteristics of organisations
• Made up of people
• Managers
• Common goal
• Substitution of personnel
• Structure
• Rules and regulations
Why study management?
• Universality of Management
-The reality that management is needed
• in all types and sizes of organizations
• at all organizational levels
• in all organizational areas
• in all organizations, regardless of location
Management Process
• Planning – the process of setting goals
and deciding how best to achieve them.
• Process of setting performance objectives
and determining what actions should be
taken to accomplish them (Schermerhorn,
–Eg. To increase sales by 20% next year

• What actions to take:

–Understanding customers so that good

and quality products can be produced.
• The process of allocating and arranging
resources so that plans can be carried out

• Basically one has to arrange and

structure work to accomplish the
organisation’s goals
Putting it into action
• Determine what tasks are to be done
• How jobs will be grouped
• Staffing jobs with individuals who can
successfully carry out plans
• Providing the needed resources,
• Giving personnels what to do etc
• The process of influencing others to engage in
the work behaviour necessary to reach
organisational goals.
It includes:

– communicating with others

– Providing direction
– Motivating members to put forth substantial
• The management function of monitoring
progress so that actual performance
conforms to expected goals and making
needed changes.

• The process of measuring performance

and taking action to ensure desired
It involves:

a.Measuring work performance

b.Comparing results to goals
c. Taking corrective action as needed
Managerial performance
• main purpose of management:
– performance
– Doing the right things.

– Doing things right
Learning Summary
What is Next?
Reading List /Required Text (As
•Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2016). Principles of management. Pearson
•Certo, S. C., & Certo, S. T. (2015). Modern Management: Concepts and
Skills. Prentice Hall.
•Hitt, M. A., Black, Stewart, Porter, Lyman W. (2014) Management:
Pearson New International Edition, 3/E, Pearson
•Any other relevant management textbook
•University of Minnesota: Open Textbook Library - Principles of
•Principles of Management by Charles W. L. Hill, Steven McShane
•Taylor, Frederick Winslow (1911), The Principles of Scientific
Management, New York, NY, USA and London
Dr. Saviour Ayertey Nubuor

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