CH-2. Classification of Micro-Organisms (Eukaryotic

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Classification of micro-organisms

Basic structures of cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
I. Prokaryotic
 It is derived from two Greece word
 Pro= primitive
 Karyon= nucleus
 Prokaryotic cells are more primitive, small and without organelles
 Are cells of lower life forms having nuclear materials /DNA/ which
is not enclosed by membrane.
 The nuclear material is distributed in mass through the cytoplasm.

 These types’ cells are called prokaryotic cells.
Example: Bacteria,
Mycoplasm etc

 Their genetic material is not organized in to chromosome.

 They divide by simple dividing system called binary fission.

Prokarotic cell…

II. Eukaryotic cells
 Eukaryotic cells are more advanced/p, larger/s, contain organelles
 All higher species: animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, cells of plants
and animals
 Our cells are of the eukaryotic type
 Eu = True
 Karyon = nucleus
 Eukaryotic cells generally indicates those cells of higher organisms
like animals and plants containing nucleus within a nuclear
 They have organelles with numerous discrete membranes.
 They divide /multiply/ by a process called mitosis.

Eukaryotic cell…

Basic structures of cells…
Tab.1.1Basic difference of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Characteristi Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Nucleus No Membrane bounded Present with Nuclear Membrane
Organelles No Membrane bounded Present
DNA structure Single closed loop Naked strand multiple chromosome with protein
with no protein
Chlorophyll When present dissolved in when present contained in chlolplast
Ribosome Smaller Larger
Cell walls Present Present some type
Reproduction usually by fission Mitosis
no evidence of mitosis. Examples. Fungi, protozoa, animals, human
Example: Bacteria, Rickettsiae,
Chlamydia. mycoplasm

Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell
(e.g. Animal) Gram + Flagellum

Rough endoplasmic Cell membrane Cell wall


Gram -

Cell (inner) membrane Outer membrane
Mitochondria 7
Difference between cell wall of +/- Ribosomes
Cell wall
Five Kingdom
 Monera

 Protista

 Fungi

 Plantae

 Animalia
Bacteria classification…
 Family: a group of related genera.
 Genus: a group of related species.
 Species: a group of related strains.
 Type: sets of strain within a species (e.g. biotypes, serotypes).
 Strain: one line or a single isolate of a particular species.
Bacteria classification…

Bacteria classification…

Fig. different bacterial arrangements

Bacteria classification…

Fig. different bacterial arrangements

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