Diabetes Mellitus The 'Silent Killer' of Mankind

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Diabetes mellitus the

'Silent Killer' of
Dr.Fares Al-khraish

▪ Introduction
▪ Epidemiology
▪ Signs and symptoms
▪ Diabetes complications
▪ Prevention.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too
high. It can happen when your body doesn't produce enough insulin or
the insulin it produces isn't effective. Or, when your body can't
produce any insulin at all.

Types of diabetes:
There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type
2. When you’ve got type 1 diabetes, you can’t make any
insulin at all.
If you’ve got type 2 diabetes, it’s a bit different.
The insulin you make either can’t work effectively, or
you can’t produce enough of it. They’re different
conditions, but they’re both serious.
What causes diabetes?
• What all types of diabetes have in common is that they cause people to have

too much glucose (sugar) in their blood.

• We get glucose when our bodies break down the carbohydrates that we eat

or drink. And that glucose is released into our blood.

• We also need a hormone called insulin. It’s made by our pancreas, and it’s

insulin that allows the glucose in our blood to enter our cells and fuel our
Epidemiology: Diabetes stats in Jordan

▪ Diabetes Rate in Jordan is 15.4%, which is ranked #23 in the


▪ Prevalence of Obesity is 35.5%, which is ranked #11 in the


▪ Health Score is 72.9, which is ranked #78 in the world.

Diabetes complications
How can I lower my chances of developing type 2 diabetes?
• There are some factors that put you at increased risk of type 2 diabetes that you can’t
change, such as your age and ethnicity or medical history. But the main things you can
do to lower your chance of developing type 2 diabetes is to eat more healthily, lose
weight if needed so you have a healthy weight and healthy waist size and to move more.

What are four ways to prevent type 2 diabetes?

• Eating well.
• Moving more.
• Losing weight if you are living with obesity or overweight or have an unhealthy waist
• Stopping smoking.

Healthy waist size in women is less than 80 cm (31.5 inches) , in men is 94 cm (37 inches)
or for South Asian men, it’s less than 90 cm (35 inches).
• Moving more, spending less time sitting down and more time being active is key to
preventing type 2 diabetes.
• How much activity?

• Adults should be active at moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes per week.

You may find it easier to break this down to 30 minutes, five days a week. For

vigorous activity, the recommendation is at least 75 minutes per week. This could

be broken down to 15 minutes, five days per week if it helps.

• Moderate activity means your breathing is increased, but you're still able to talk.

• Vigorous activity means your breathing is fast and you have difficulty talking.

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