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Crafting a new reality.

Auki Labs makes products that allow people to

create, own, inhabit and interact with virtual worlds and
objects anchored in reality.

Our decentralized peer-to-peer positioning system will give

every cubic millimeter an address, replace the GPS system,
and enable a persistent AR metaverse.

We are on a mission to help every person and device find

their place in the world. Literally.
FOREWORD: Selling virtual real estate in AR today is akin to selling We believe that AR must become social, persistent and
real estate on Mars - so be sure to ask yourself what precisely positioned to live up to its name, so that
THE METAVERSE BLACKPAPER skills they have in rocketry. people can truly augment the reality we inhabit
There is much hype about the coming metaverse, and This is not another whitepaper. This is a pragmatic
our impending migration to the digital domain. look at where we are today, why augmented reality has In this document we will try to outline our vision for
failed to live up to expectations, and the long journey how to achieve this future, and tell you why we
I grew up on the internet, and on a literary diet of hard ahead. believe we’ve got the wherewithal to take us there.
science fiction and cyberpunk, so I am no stranger to
the idea. Technology is starting to catch up with our I don’t believe we will abandon the physical world to We’ll explore what’s wrong with augmented reality
dreams, but there is much work to be done before we go live out our lives behind heavy VR headsets, today, what it could be like tomorrow, and what will
collectively take the plunge. without physical connections to each other. need to be built for us to get there.

Countless copy-paste whitepapers wax poetic about a When the metaverse comes, it will be in the shape of a You’ll get to familiarize yourself with our team, and
future that is very easy to imagine, but exceedingly persistent augmented reality layer on top of the world our roadmap, and hopefully see that we’re not like the
difficult to build. Some projects have raised tens of where we are free to create and inhabit all the castles myriad of other projects that clutter this space.
millions of dollars to build things that are ultimately of the imagination.
impossible without revolutionary changes to If you’re interested in learning more about the future
underlying protocols that few even examine. People have a fundamental desire to annotate the of the metaverse, persistent AR and spatial computing,
world and add meaning and depth to objects, to share then you’ve come to the right place.
Although we can all envision a future where people information, and to enhance their everyday experience
can own virtual real estate in a persistent augmented using technology. Welcome to the metaverse blackpaper. We look
reality layer on top of the world, the reality is that the forward to sharing our thoughts with you.
state of the art can’t even produce reliable shared But reality is something we inhabit together, and our
experiences. intersubjective experiences is what makes the world -Nils Pihl, CEO
feel both meaningful and real.
*Pokemon GO by Niantic Studios.
All rights belong to the respective owners.


*Pokemon GO by Niantic Studios.
What’s wrong
WITHAR? All rights belong to the respective owners.


It is prohibitively difficult to share an AR experience with other participants.

The current state-of-the-art method of collaborative depth map/digital twin
calibration takes 20-60 seconds, creating a large barrier to entry for joiners.

As a result of the fuzziness of the depth maps, participants can only place
the AR world with a relative precision of several centimeters.

The leading provider of shared AR experiences only supports a maximum of
8 participants.
*Conceptual rendering.
All rights belong to the respective owners.

Objects in virtual worlds can only be interacted with through digital
interfaces. You are not embodied in the virtual world. Lacking gesture and
body tracking means the world does not interact with you.

Experiences in AR are not interoperable, meaning you always have to
choose which narrow augmentation of the world you wish to apply.


From slow calibration, to indirect and inefficient interfaces, to lacking
intersubjectivity – augmented reality quickly goes from exhilarating to

AR is
social nor Embodiment
*Conceptual rendering by Artur Sadlos.
All rights belong to the respective owners.

*Conceptual rendering.
All rights belong to their respective owners.

Humanity has one foot in the doorway. Even with all its limitations,
augmented reality has captured our imagination. In this handheld era, AR is
accessed through a digital looking glass offering us a narrow window into
the augmented realm. We are limited in our ability to interact with both the
real and the virtual, having only one hand free for either.

In the handheld era of augmented reality, we are on the outside looking in,
seeing the world through a narrow peephole with one hand always tied
behind our back.

Our handheld devices have only a rough sense of their position in either
world, and shared AR experiences are warped by the dissonant perception of
each participant.

And yet we dream. The market is already estimated to have grown to well
over 20 billion dollars annually.
*AR goggles by MAD Gaze.
All rights belong to their respective owners.

We have opened the doors of perception and planted both feet firmly on the
other side. With both hands free to interact with the real world, the barrier to
entering virtual worlds is drastically lowered.

Primitive gesture tracking and simple single user applications gradually give
way to more immersive and interactive experiences that can be shared with

Networks of devices and people orient themselves in the virtual world

together, and parts of the virtual world are starting to become persistently
anchored in the real world.

As people spend more time in the augmented world, we start adding the
virtual to our identity. Increasingly, how we are seen in these semi-virtual
worlds becomes a reflection of how we see and express ourselves.

The market for AR is estimated to reach 340 billion USD by the year 2028.

*Conceptual rendering of augmented reality. All

rights belong to their respective owners.
*AR lens concept by mojo vision.
All rights belong to the respective owners.

We spend more time in the augmented world than we do in the information
sparse desert we once called reality.
Objects in the world are much more than tactile and visual in the integrated
era of augmented reality. Depths of information and human emotion is
projected onto the canvas of the augmented world.
Many layers of virtual worlds are firmly anchored and persistent, and people
choose which layer of the world they wish to inhabit. Vast worlds of virtual
real estate are bought and sold, creating a market bigger than that for
physical space.

Our own identity and how we view those around us is inextricably linked
with the personas we have crafted for ourselves. We have reshaped our
civilization and have collectively embarked on a journey towards a new
destiny for our species.

The word “market” no longer meaningfully captures the immense impact

that augmented reality has on humanity.

*Conceptual rendering of augmented reality. All

rights belong to their respective owners.
*Interactive advertising in Blade Runner 2049.
All rights belong to their respective owners.


The wearable era starts ushering in the end of physical displays. Persistent
and precise augmented reality makes the digital display redundant, and
allows for all content to be personalized.

By the dawn of the integrated era the notion of physical displays is already
becoming anachronistic and quaint. Computers are sold without displays,
and no one has owned a television set for years.

The rendering rights for physical spaces can be bought and sold, creating a
potential trillion dollar market. Rendering in the augmented world is
regulated and monitored.

Personalized ads can appear virtually in physical spaces, generating new
revenue opportunities for business owners. Impressions can finally be
tracked in the physical world, and every advertising opportunity is
*Concept rendering of a vertical city.
All rights belong to their respective owners.

As our cities grow bigger, they reach up towards the heavens and deep
underground. Two-dimensional maps and representations of the physical
world no longer make sense. Human settlements are measured
volumetrically rather than by area.

The GPS system is relegated to an obscure backup protocol, inaccessible

within the towering urban landscapes. Location needs to be expressed as a
position in space.

Vast fleets of automated vehicles and delivery drones navigate these

complex and crowded three-dimensional environments at incredible speeds.
Human pilots are the exception rather than the rule.

The positioning and mapping protocol of the future is peer-to-peer,

collaborative, terrestrial and fast.
*Concept rendering by Alex Feliksovich
All rights belong to their respective owners.


Before any of these visions of the future can materialize, there is a massive
problem that needs to be tackled: spatial computing.

The foundational problem at the heart of the future AR metaverse is that

electronic devices only have a vague sense of their literal place in the world,
making them unable to reach a consensus about how to navigate or even
render the metaverse.

For a persistent AR layer to be constructed on top of the world, one must

first solve the problem of positioning. There’s no way around it. GPS will
never suffice, as it needs line of sight and won’t work in dense urban
environments or indoors. The nature of WiFi or Bluetooth frequencies
means that triangulation can never reach the required accuracy.

Devices must know their exact 3D coordinate, not just a rough

approximation of their longitude and latitude, to be able to enter the

To build the AR metaverse, you must first replace the GPS and solve the
problem of spatial computing.

*Conceptual rendering of augmented reality. All

rights belong to their respective owners.
*Concept rendering by Getty.
All rights belong to the respective owners.


*GPS satellite by Gary Cope.
All rights belong to their respective owners.


In a desperate arms race to solve the trillion dollar spatial computing
problem, everyone from Apple, Google and Microsoft to Snap, Niantic and
Meta are embracing the digital twin approach to device positioning.

Billions of dollars are already being deployed, and dozens of acquisitions

are being made, to try to recreate a 1:1 digital copy of the world that,
combined with computer vision, can help devices find their place in the

But is their approach sound? The strategy will take many years to
materialize, and is incredibly vulnerable to disruption. Read more.
*Conceptual rendering.
All rights belong to the respective owners.
*Concept by Geoffrey Vaudou.
All rights belong to the respective owners.


The digital twin has to be crowdsourced, but who owns the rights of 3D
scanned interiors of our homes and offices? How comfortable are we with
surveillance capitalists monetizing our most intimate spaces?

We are not being compensated by these large corporations for participating
in the crowdsourcing efforts of the digital twin.

A crowdsourced digital twin will be very difficult to stitch together, and any
imprecision in the stitching is inherited by the positioning. How does one
solve the chicken and egg problem of creating a precise map without precise


How will devices without cameras access this new positioning paradigm?
We do not believe a system that neglects IoT can truly win the spatial
computing arms race.
*Conceptual rendering by Ash Thorp.
All rights belong to the respective owners.

The Aukiverse is a foundational protocol for shared augmented reality Use of the Aukiverse protocol will be pay-as-you-go, making sure app
experiences, with advanced probabilistic consensus algorithms for developers and participants only pay for what is strictly necessary. We
positioning. Apps connected to the Aukiverse become interoperable with believe that traditional SaaS models are a relic of the Web2 era, and that the
each other, and participate in building up the neospatial P2P positioning Aukiverse protocol will operate more efficiently with a token model that
network that will ultimately replace the geospatial GPS system. allows people to control their expenses in a transparent and trustless fashion.

The goal of the Aukiverse is to create an Internet of AR, allowing developers The $AUKI token will be used to pay for infrastructure usage, calibration,
and participants to access a rich tapestry of augmented reality tools and content, and protocol maintenance, but can also be earned by assisting in the
experiences. operation and mapping of the Aukiverse.

By installing the Aukiverse SDK applications gain the ability to create We believe that consumers should be rewarded for their participation in the
ephemeral peer-to-peer sessions of shared AR and neospatial positioning. mapping of the Aukiverse and the creation of digital twins, so we’re creating
a map-to-earn program that will allow people to earn rewards for mapping
Connected applications arrive at a relative positioning consensus, rather than out the world, and validating previous measurements.
relying on the imprecise GPS signal. To do this, participants first establish a
network connection and then exchange real-time SLAM positioning data Consumers and businesses will be able to purchase and own Aukiverse
that is converted into a shared neospatial coordinate system. Lighthouse NFTs - physical calibration markers that serve as absolute
reference points that assist in calibration, and earn passive rewards whenever
To access the Aukiverse, the participant (or the app developer) must pay a these markers are used by a participating Aukiverse app.
miniscule entry fee in $AUKI tokens at the moment of entry and calibration.
The Lighthouse NFTs will be available for early adopters by the end of Q1.
The entry fee is distributed between the infrastructure provider, the
calibration provider, any 3rd party content providers, and the foundation
managing the protocol.

Reinventing augmented reality

The powerful Aukiverse SDK allows app developers to effortlessly create social augmented
reality experiences. By providing turnkey multiplayer networking, instant calibration, a low-
latency asset cloud, cross-app interoperability, embodiment, and new ways to monetize
content, the Aukiverse SDK is an essential tool that addresses all the current pain points of
creating augmented reality experiences.


Manna Hagall Ur Odal Fehu Dagaz

Positioning Networking Embodiment Interoperability Rewards Topology

Manna - Instant Calibration

Our patent pending instant calibration method gives

AR developers unprecedented ability to create social
experiences. Peer-to-peer positioning ensures
Mathr - Human,
ability, intelligence
relevant relative positioning without awkward or time
consuming preparations.

Hagall - Networking

Our bespoke distributed networking engine makes

developing spatial multiplayer experiences
effortless. Participants are automatically routed to
This live demo shows a prototype of the Matterless app, an interactive virtual pet experience,
Hagall - Hail, the most cost-efficient networking provider, who using the Aukiverse SDK to create a seamless social AR experience.
transformation earns tokens for hosting the networking service.

Aukiverse - Live Demo

Three entirely different codebases (two mobile apps

and a web app) are calibrated into the same space, all
viewing the same art asset with synchronised

A third phone instantly calibrates into the space by

simply scanning a QR code on one of the other

The third phone is running a debug app that renders a

blank phone where each other phone is. This is not
done with computer vision, rather each phone is self-
reporting their position and orientation in the

The third phone spawns animated clocks into the

shared space, demonstrating the precision and
synchronization of the Aukiverse.

Odal - Interoperability

No matter which Aukiverse app your friends are

using, you can seamlessly invite into your world. Our
sophisticated asset store keeps assets in a low-latency
Odal - Heritage, cloud environment that makes it possible for all
estate, ancestry
Aukiverse apps to be interoperable.

Ur - Embodiment

Turnkey hand and body detection purpose-made for

rich AR interactions makes it easier than ever to
bring users into the virtual world. Embodiment in
The Aukiverse SDK allows you to interact with the world around you using your physical
Ur - Strength, the Aukiverse allows users to physically interact body. This pre-alpha footage of Ur demonstrates basic hand tracking.
physical power with objects, enriching the experience and

Fehu - Rewards

Our map-to-earn API allows app developers to

discover Aukiverse mapping tasks, so they can
mobilize their user base to earn tokens by doing
Fehu - Wealth,
prosperity, cattle
validating measurements or capturing 3D data for a
crowdsourced digital twin.

Dagaz - Topology

The Dagaz component captures and reconstructs

the environment for both ad hoc sharing and
persistent digital twins, allowing AR experiences to
Dagaz - Day, sunrise be more accurately positioned and more faithfully
and vividly rendered.
2022 Roadmap
Token Utility and Launch Fehu 1.0
AUKI can be used to pay for 3rd party Aukiverse apps
the service, and earned by can earn AUKI tokens by
providing support. doing mapping tasks.

Surveyor Beta Surveyor 1.0
App for creating, mapping and Earn AUKI rewards for
TECHNOLOGY managing Domains through the mapping and improving domain
placement of Lighthouses. topology.

Rightful Ruler 2.0 Topology Capture Beta WebXR SDK 1.0

Sports grade precision measurements The Dagaz module captures, Make web AR apps that
and AR live streaming tools for tabletop shares and persists bounded connect to the Aukiverse
gaming. planes within Domains without running native code.

Unity SDK 1.0 Unreal SDK 1.0 Environment Reconstruction 3rd Party Explorer
Closed beta (20 apps) of the Closed beta (20 apps) of the Polygonal depth mapping, Remotely explore Aukiverse
Auki SDK for Unity. Auki SDK for Unreal higher resolution topology. domains and spaces on web.

Jan 2022 Apr 2022 Jul 2022 Oct 2022 Jan 2023
We have assembled an absolutely world-class team of veteran operators and
engineers that have helped build some of the most incredibly advanced and
scalable systems out there.

Every single person on the Auki Labs team is an expert in their field, with a
long list of accomplishments to their name, and now we are joining forces to
tackle one of the biggest and most audaciously difficult engineering tasks of
this century.

THE TEAM We earned our battle scars building scalable and real-time systems at
companies like Apple, Daimler, Google, Microsoft, KaiOS, Tantan and
Lalamove, and we’ve built everything from robotics operating systems and
neural interfaces to real-time social apps with over 20 million active users
and advanced predictive analytics for Fortune 100 companies.

We’re a distributed team, true metaverse natives, recruiting only the top
talent from all over the world - and we are unified by the belief in our
mission: Helping every person and device find their place in the world.

Nils Pihl Ted Östrem Santeri Aramo

Founder & CEO Founder & CTO Founder & COO

Serial entrepreneur and recognized thought- A veteran of the highly competitive demo Forged in the furnace of international
leader in user engagement, Nils helped scene of the early 2000s, Ted is an expert in luxury commerce, Santeri is a disciplined
popularize memetics as a tool for DevOps and scalable systems. management professional with expertise in
understanding and driving behavior in the fashion, brand management and
digital era. He’s been an integral part of building merchandising.
everything from an OS for robotics to the
From Apple to the World Bank, he’s been real-time auto-scaling infrastructure the Santeri manages our international
enlisted by titans and startups alike to world’s 3rd largest dating app. operations, stakeholders and partnerships.
decode behavior and drive change.
Cyberpunk credentials: Cyberpunk credentials:
Cyberpunk credentials: Award-winning hacker that came to China Built a fully automated physical storage
Helped give a primate direct neural control on an Olympic athlete visa. startup, employing no staff.
of a computer game in 2009.
Holds a patent for using AI to detect human
Crafted successful propaganda campaign emotions.
for Weibo that helped propel them from
50m to 500m active users.
Dr. Steinberger Dariusz Tommy
Algorithms Unity SDK Unreal SDK

Internationally recognized expert in A veteran of the digital entertainment Experienced XR engineer with a background
cryptography and computational mathematics industry, Dariusz has made software and in biomedical computing. He leads the efforts
from Tsinghua University, John is working on games since the 90s. He leads the SDK of connecting the Unreal engine and
the magic that underpins our positioning creation efforts at Auki Labs. ecosystem to the Aukiverse.
Cyberpunk credentials: Wrote games in
Cyberpunk credentials: Authored and Assembly, and made his first augmented Cyberpunk credentials : Made a multiplayer
programmed automated digital tools for reality game already in 2012. anatomy teaching app from scratch to show
learning calculus. CT scans in VR.

Dr. Gao Matthieu Oskar

Computer Vision Backend Site Reliability

A leading computer vision researcher from Versatile fullstack engineer with expertise in Infrastructure and DevOps wizard that’s kept
the prestigious Jiaotong University in blockchain and DevOps. Matthieu is building the lights on, at scale, for massive companies
Shanghai, Zhongpai leads the computer the massively scalable services that will like Tantan and Lalamove. Oskar manages the
vision efforts at Auki Labs. handle shared positioning and interoperability uptime of the Aukiverse and its services.
in the AR metaverse.
Cyberpunk credentials: Uses psycho-visual Cyberpunk credentials: Founded and ran a
temporal manipulation to embed invisible QR Cyberpunk credentials: Hacked and successful eSports community for a decade.
codes in digital media. distributed games on a private server he built
himself when he was only 14.
Andy Agnes Curtis
Software Human Resources Cybersecurity

Passionate software engineer with expertise Experienced HR manager with expertise in Curtis is a senior infosec engineer with a
in virtual world creation, precise and shared international talent acquisition and degree in cybersecurity, formerly with
augmented reality, and the Unity game management, Agnes helps scale, cultivate and Optimizely and Microsoft, where he honed
engine, Andy is coding our in-house operate the remote workforce of Auki Labs. the skills to keep the Aukiverse protected and
applications. safe from attacks and exploitation.
Cyberpunk credentials: Helped assemble
Cyberpunk credentials: Wrote Rightful several world-class distributed engineering Cyberpunk credentials: From junior to
Ruler, the world’s first sports-grade AR teams. veteran at breakneck speed, Curtis emerged as
streaming tool for tabletop games. a leader on a team of 300.

Admir John Jose

Performance Physical Products Rendering Lead

With almost three decades of experience, Serial entrepreneur with two decades of Passionate computer graphics expert that has
intimately involved in each iteration of the experience in eCommerce, sourcing and been pushing the boundaries of AR since
web, Admir uses his deep understanding of production. John manages the production and 2006. José has done everything volumetric
computer science and networking to optimize distribution at scale of the physical products rendering for medical applications to
Aukiverse performance. that anchor the Aukiverse. Hollywood visual effects.

Cyberpunk credentials: A natural machine Cyberpunk credentials: Founded and built a Cyberpunk credentials: Building his 3rd
whisperer, Admir thrives at the deep level smart fermentation oven that allows for rendering engine from scratch. Made
where software meets hardware. distributed production of complex food. automated digital avatars before it was cool.

The future of augmented reality is not
speculative, but inevitable.

We need not ask ourselves if this

vision of humanity will come to pass,
but rather what part we will play in its

One day we will build and inhabit all

the castles of the imagination and
Auki Labs is on a mission to lay their
In the cyberdelic future artists will rule, because the
world will be made of art.

-Terence McKenna, 1991

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