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Research methodology

By: Mohamed Omar (Asst. Prof)

Course objectives
• Review literatures to identify research gaps;

• State research questions and objectives;

• Choose appropriate methods based on research questions;

• Develop research work plan and determine resource ;

• Address ethical issues relevant to the research undertaking.

• Identify researches to be dealt with research methods;

• Explain method of data generation and analysis;

• Discuss as to how study outcomes should be written

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1. Introduction

At the end of this session, student will be able to:

Define Research
Understand the different types of research
Understand the overall processes and steps of

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Derived from the old French word
cerchier, meaning to “seek or search”; “re” means “again” and
signifies replication of the search

 Research is a way of life dedicated to discovery

 Research is a quest for knowledge through systematic

inquiry that follows rigorous body of procedures and
 Research is the primary tool to develop a body of knowledge
in virtually all areas of science or disciplines or professions
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Research: Systematic collection, analysis

and interpretation of data and dissemination
of findings
To answer a certain question or discover new
knowledge (basic research)
Solve a problem (applied)

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Scientific research in virtually all fields of study shares
certain defining characteristics,
Testing hypotheses,
Careful observation and measurement,
 Systematic evaluation of data, and
 Drawing valid conclusions

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Characteristics of Research

 Demands clear statement of the problem

 Requires clear objectives and a plan

 Builds on existing data

 Data should be systematically collected and analyzed to

answer the research objectives

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Research must be
 Purposeful: what do you want to be able to contribute?
 Targeted: Who are the audiences?
 Credible: consider sources of information, method of
data collection, personnel involved…
 Timely: Is the information needed?

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What is Health Research?
 Is the process of obtaining systematic knowledge and
technology which can be used for the improvement of
the health of individuals, groups or community.
 It provides the basic information on the state of health
and diseases of the population;

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Why NUTRITION research needed?
• To maintain the professionalism by generating knowledge
through scientific studies
• To have autonomy in nutrition and have accountability
• To develop critical thinking, creativity , and problem solving
• To develop new technique of nutritional interventions and
evaluate the effectiveness
• To develop a scientific body of knowledge.
• To answer problem relating to health delivery and care and
improve nutritional knowledge

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Types of research

• Can be classified based on:

Methodological approach (nature of data)

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I. Depending on their purpose

1. Basic Research

 Basic research ( also called fundamental/pure)

 Usually considered to involve a search for knowledge

without a defined goal of utility or specific purpose

 Its primary objective is the advancement of knowledge

and the theoretical understanding of the relations among

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• A study accessing whether stress levels make people

more aggressive.
• A study looking to see if gender stereotypes lead to

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2. Applied Research
 Problem-oriented, and is directed towards the solution of
an existing problem
 Identify priority problems and to design interventions
and evaluate them.
 Is ultimately concerned with improving the health of
people and communities.
 By enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the health
 Through providing information (about priority problems,
program evaluation and best solutions) for decision making

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Example of Applied

• An investigation to identify the healing properties of

a specific herb.
• An investigation to identify the side effects of using a
particular drug..

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III. Quantitative Vs. qualitative research

Quantitative Qualitative

 Measured and expressed  Involves quality or kind

in terms of quantity  Helps to have insight in to
(numerical) problems or case
 How big, how much or how  ‘What is X, and how does X
often is ‘X’ phenomenon? vary and why?

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Quant. Vs. Qualitative
. Research

e th i v e
M t it a t Method:
an Qualitativ
Qu e

e.g. Human
e.g. Physical
Behavior, views,

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Research Methods Vs Research Methodology
Research methods:

 The practices and techniques used to collect, process, analyze

and interpret the data

 Research methods do constitute a part of the Research

Research Methodology:
 Wider than that of research methods
 A science of studying how research is done scientifically

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Steps in undertaking a research
I. Problem identification and definition
II. Review relevant literatures
III. Choose the appropriate study design
IV. Development of proposals
V. Obtain Ethical Clearance
VI. Issues about funding
VII. Data collection
VIII. Data analysis
IX. Interpreting results
X. Writing a report and Disseminate Findings
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Steps in undertaking…

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Steps in undertaking …

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Steps in undertaking …

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Steps in undertaking …

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Thank you!!!

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